Thursday, March 27, 2008

Hun Sen: Don’t accuse the opposition of instigating land disputes

Thursday, March 27, 2008
Translated from Khmer by Socheata

Prime minister Hun Sen warned about eliminating the National Authority for the Resolution of Land Disputes (NARLD) if this organization cannot resolve land disputes, and he also told the NARLD not to accuse the opposition party of instigating these land disputes. In a speech given at the closing meeting of the Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction, on Wednesday, Hun Sen reminded Sok An, the vice prime minister and NARLD president, not too be so sluggish in resolving these disputes. Hun Sen said that he is very fed up and don’t want to use some officials anymore because they lie too much. Hun Sen added: “For the same piece of lands, there are 2-3-4 title owners, therefore, the signing (of ownership papers by government officials) should stop and the accusation that the opposition party is instigating these issues (is not true), in fact you, the government officials, are the ones who instigated these cases. To tell you the truth, you are the ones who committed the mistakes, that’s why these issues occur.” Hun Sen also added: “In return, the opposition should not accuse the CPP of buying the defectors, this is not true, because if you are strong, no one would defect over, and for us (CPP), it’s the same way, if we are strong, they (opposition) would not protest against us, but we are at fault.”


Anonymous said...

Yep, we tell it like it is, or at least as we know it.

Anonymous said...

Oh! Hun Sen, shut the fuck up.

King Father.

Anonymous said...

Let's Vote and remove Hun Sen out!
Lol.. He's maybe out before the voting day if the keep ignoring about the recent inflation.

Ah Hun Sen Out!

Anonymous said...

What is cooking up? Hun Sen protecting SRP? How interesting.


Anonymous said...

It's the first time I heard Hun Sen side with the oppositions and blasted his officials. Now he realized that what the oppositions accused his officials of failures are true. He has also blasted Sok An, so it's a sign that Hun Sen and Sok An are on collision cause, sooner or later the crack will appear. It's also a sign that Hun Sen no longer trusted Sok An, who is his trusted chief advisor and mentor.

Anonymous said...

He try very hard to keep everyone together by bending backward and all, but there is a limit. If people still don't cooperate they will soon to get it.

Anonymous said...

Just speaking it is difficult. PM Hun Sen has said what he want, he has never care of anyone. The problem is that his measure works only a few days or weeks.
Sok An is his daughter's father-in-law. So people who think it is conflict between the two leaders, it is an idea but not the fact.

Anonymous said...

Nope, if Hun Sen didn't care for anyone, many of us won't be chatting here right now.

Anonymous said...

My beloved 8:09PM!

Ya entirely correct!
Without Samdech Hun SenVarman,
we Khmer all should be dead by killing each others. Therefore, the Cambodia is already gone from the world map, is that Right?

Anonymous said...

You all fuck up guys!

That the fucking trick, he can not hide any more so he play the game "of just find out" and make you fucking hop until you fall in to his trap!

Don't be stupid! THINK! THINK how this fucking PHD have done for 30 years?

Should he now appology to Dr. Yhas Gay?

Anonymous said...

You all fuck up guys!

That the fucking trick, he can not hide any more so he play the game "of just find out" and make you fucking hop until you fall in to his trap!

Don't be stupid! THINK! THINK how this fucking PHD have done for 30 years?

Should he now appology to Dr. Yhas Gay?

Anonymous said...

If hun Sen is wake up and he have some own brain should he reforme Justice system and the police forces?

Anonymous said...

Let's not get off track here. The main issue in Cambodia is jobs, jobs, jobs. The rest is just trivial.