Thursday, March 27, 2008

Economic police check price of goods

Thursday, March 27, 2008
Translated from Khmer by Socheata

The economic police descended on various markets in Phnom Penh, on Wednesday, to check the price of goods that are increasing in the past few days. The Koh Santepheap newspaper reported that the joint police force led by Lieutenant-Colonel Long Sreng, administrative director of the anti-economic crime police, descended on the O’Russei market first to ask rice sellers and meat sellers, then they went on to the Toan Samai cooking gas store located west of the Phsar Thmei market. After checking on the price of meat and gas on Wednesday morning, Long Sreng said that these goods indeed saw a price increase. Long Sreng said that the cause for the price increase of pork stems from the fact that pig farmers stop raising pigs because the price of pig feeds has increased so much that they no longer make any profit when they sell their pigs. The price of beef increased because the number of animals slaughtered is too small and there is not enough to supply the demand. Regarding the price of cooking gas, it stems from a rise in the price of gas on the world market, therefore some companies suspend their import for a while, because of this, the stock of gas was depleted and the price increased.


Anonymous said...

It is our sincere hope that we catch the responsible culprit for price fixing soon.

Anonymous said...

Here are good and concrete measures taken by the government that reply to the daily concerns of the population.

Anonymous said...

In the current economical context of increase of the basic products and of first necessities, the duty of a government is to assure the food security of the population especially the most modest one.

The fight against the speculation, against the constitution of the monopolies and lobbies that provoke the artificial increase of the prices is a just and effective measure.

I think also as the government must not overlook :

The measures of locking of the prices on certain essential basic products to daily life also can be used in a manner limited.

And To fight against the imported inflation, the restoration of the check of the changes, of the currency that must come back to the authorities hands, the check of the interest rate of the credits and the just revaluation of the national currency (riels) with the dollars which are responsible for an important party of the world-wide current inflation, are part of the regulation’ instruments and of anti-inflationist fights.

Anonymous said...

In the case of Gas, it is not enough just asking the merchands at the retail level, Lieutenant-Colonel Long Sreng should investigates the whole supply chain to see any anti-competitive practices.

Anonymous said...

You mean ash Ah sok konG and Bonary? Long Sreng have to call Heng Peov for advice AM