Thursday, March 27, 2008

UNDP recommends joint development of overlapping Thai-Cambodia oil fields [-Why does Cambodia have to share its resource with Thailand?]

PHNOM PENH, March 27 (Xinhua) -- An United Nations Development Program (UNDP) conference has suggested that a joint development area (JDA) is probably the best way to begin developing offshore oilfields claimed by both Thailand and Cambodia, local media reported Thursday.

Elinar Risa, former advisor to the Timor-Leste Minister of Natural Resources and Energy, said that JDAs, where neighboring countries agree to split income from overlapping oil and gas fields, are in most cases preferable to continued disputes, according to the Mekong Times newspaper.

JDAs can reduce political tensions and increase investor confidence, Risa said during the UNDP Fuelling Poverty Reduction with Oil and Gas Revenues Conference in Phnom Penh.

A JDA deal between Timor-Leste and Australia sees income from overlapping fields split 90/10 in favor of Timor-Leste.

A 27,000 square km offshore area, larger than the total area off all Cambodia's undisputed potential oil fields and thought by experts to hold rich hydrocarbon deposits, has been claimed by both Cambodia and Thailand.

Cambodian officials have argued that any income should be evenly split between the two countries but there is yet to be any binding agreement.


Anonymous said...

Yes, let's do it 50/50. No more dispute, we need the oil now, not 200 years from now.

Anonymous said...

Sounds acceptably plausible. I'm happy with that!

Anonymous said...

thai fuckers!! first ours gems now oil. Those fuckers are not buddhist!! Buddhist teaching doesnt please to these kind of things.keep your fucked motherfucking hand out of Cambodia. fuck fucking mother fuckers.

Anonymous said...

Well, if you know that is going to happen, you shouldn't have contaminated everyone monks with politic. Therefore, stop crying, will ya?

Anonymous said...

Don't bother to stop them; crying is their business!

Anonymous said...

My suggestion is 55% Cambodian & 45% Thailand. Nothing Less!!!

Anonymous said...

101% to Da Siem, since we Khmers don't know how to use money for da poor and miserable Khmers!

Anonymous said...

If Thailand believes the areas belong to them, why not try to take all profits? Share = they know it belongs to Cambodia, they just want money.

Anonymous said...

after you die

Anonymous said...

9:50, stop dreaming. The Thai do want 100% profit, but so do we, and that is why we are having a dispute.

Anonymous said...

12:16 that was very juvenile. At least 2:21 gave a more adult response to 9:50. Do you know how to act as an adult? It really disgusts me to see these kinds of responses to people’s opinions.

Anyways, everyone have a nice day.