Saturday, March 01, 2008

Hun Sen: Free Coffins For Anyone Who Dare To Protect Cambodia’s Borders

(Inspired by

Friday, February 29, 2008
Editorial by Khmerization
"Those who are not protecting one’s own lands and are allowing neighbouring countries to encroach on one’s own borders are called traitors, including the prime minister of a country. I am not calling Mr. Hun Sen a traitor here. I just call him a betrayer of the Cambodian nation."
I have been called “a retarded gorilla bastard” by Mr. Hun Sen’s supporters for writing critical editorials criticising him. With what I am going to say in the following editorial, I am bracing for more lynchings. But I am fortunate enough to have lived in a free country and, with the advance of internet technology, I am able to speak my mind freely without fears and without having to suffer the same fate as many Khmer journalists working inside Cambodia who have been murdered and physically harmed every year. It is with conviction that, when it comes to Cambodia’s national interests, I will not be silenced.

Coming back to the topic, I read with dismay about Prime Minister Hun Sen’s reactions to claims of border violations by our neighbours. It is sad to hear a prime minister of my country dismissing claims of border encroachments as “stupid lies”. It is also irresponsible and insulting of the prime minister of a country to declare that he will provide “free coffins” to those who wanted to protect and defend Cambodia’s own borders (click here to read the article).

Border problems and border encroachments by our neighbours is not a myth but are real. A responsible prime minister would have ordered an investigation on the grounds every time there is a claim of border encroachments. Most of the encroachments are not reported by armchair analysts writing from their office in New York or Sydney. Most encroachments were reported by villagers living in the encroached areas who have been robbed of their ancestral lands everyday by the Vietnamese and the Thai authorities.

Claims of encroachments in Phum Dong and Bavet in Svay Rieng have been in the public domain for years as well as in Takeo, Kandal, at O’Yadao in Rattanakiri and Kampong Cham. On the Thai side, encroachments occurred at Anlong Veng, O’Smach, O’Bei Choan and in the Dangrek Ranges region and probably at Preah Vihear temple too. These are encroachments which have been reported by the villagers living in the areas of the encroachments.

There are suggestions that Vietnam and the Vietnamese villagers have claimed that they have lost their lands as well- meaning that Cambodia or the Cambodian villagers had encroached on Vietnam’s borders, stolen their lands to be exact. These suggestions are baseless and absurd. Cambodia cannot even protect its current borders let alone trying to encroach on the borders of a powerful neighbours, especially Vietnam.

Those who are not protecting one’s own lands and are allowing neighbouring countries to encroach on one’s own borders are called traitors, including the prime minister of a country. I am not calling Mr. Hun Sen a traitor here. I just call him a betrayer of the Cambodian nation.

Supporters of Mr. Hun Sen, who refused to believe that border encroachments had occurred, believed that Mr. Hun Sen is a Khmer patriot who will do anything to protect Cambodia’s borders. The fact that Mr. Hun Sen is in denial and did not utter a word of protest means that there is no encroachments. Those who are in this category are trying to whitewash Mr. Hun Sen’s irresponsibility. And a responsible Prime Minister would not have dismissed claims of border encroachments as “stupid lies”. A responsible prime minister would not have tried to intimidate those who want to protect their borders by offering to provide them with “free coffins” if they dare to do so. Such irresponsible behaviours would only have come from “a betrayer of the Cambodian nation”.


Anonymous said...

Oh, Shut the fuck up, Ah Khmer-Yuon Gorilla Fucker.

Anonymous said...

motherfucher,,,,Ah 3:03..communist chen youn 'slave go to hell all ur family
from taiwanese khmer ok....

Anonymous said...

G'day Khmerization,

You're beauty, mate. I love every bit of your pieces. Keep it up with the good work. When the time has come, Moha Krousar Khmers will see the light at the end of the tunnel.


Anonymous said...

Ah hun sen & Cpp member must be shot ,when they step their feet on free world where near u live. Ah b/c Ah hun sen & Cpp is khmer's trator.....

Anonymous said...


This is awesome! This so creative! This is the work of a genius!

Anonymous said...

Blah, blah, blah ain't gonna turn no losers into winners.

Anonymous said...

More power to you Khmerization. Feel the need to speak up when oppressed and speak up for justice or what is right. For those who support Hun Sen and his actions, I wish you the same fate as he will in the next lifetime for you are also blind and destructive in your corrupted minds. Stupidity is contagious, therefore you should be eliminated in the name of what is smart, good and righteous. DOWN WITH HUN SEN AND VIETNAMESE ASSOCIATIONS!!!

Anonymous said...

4:40 PM, A waste of space, time and unproductive to society, do humanity a favor and go kill yourself. Obviously you have no heart. If not, at least get HIV. You need to feel some pain, for it'll only help you to see what's good for yourself. Again, go kill yourself. Please.

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen is aware of himself that at the end he will face denouncing from Cambodian peoples. So now he is trying to bark as much as possible to silence the people.

Or Hun Sen can achieve only one way to silence Cambodian peoples, by allowing Vietnam totally controls Cambodia. I think this idea should be good option for Hun Sen to deal with Cambodian border issue.

Saying about border issue, it is sensitive for Hun Sen because one day his power will be halted, and his life will be ended; but one thing left is his betrayal to millions of Cambodian citizens.

Anonymous said...

Oh shut the fuck up.

Talk, talk, talk. It has been over 200 years now, and nothing had changed or will changed for that matter. The entire world is sick and tire of hearing them, which is why they try to beg us to help them.

Go get a life, will ya?

Anonymous said...

The editorial is right to the point, that's why it irritates Hun Sen's supporters so much. Those who are in denial of border encroachments on Cambodia's borders please open your eyes and your heart. The poor Khmers living along the borders are crying for your help because their ancestral lands have been taken every year. If you support Hun Sen's denial of the border encroachments, then you are conniving with foreigners to steal Cambodia's lands. And that's sad.
To those who condemned Hun Sen's denial of border issues, you have done an honorable thing by helping to save the Cambodian nation. Good on you.

Anonymous said...

CPP's supporters and the ruling party will prevail during this political perfect storm, and as the upcoming general election looms, we have a very high degree of confidence that our Samdach will win the general election by a landslide victory.

As a supporter of MY SAMDACH, I am proudly say "fuck all of you retarded gorillas."

Sadach Hun Sen rules!
First Lady rules!
We're with you all the way!

And I say all of the retarded fucking gorillas go and fuck yourself.

Anonymous said...

អាក្បត់ជាតិ អគ្គមហាសេវាដៃចោរ ឈ្មោះ​ហ៊ុន សែន ជាខ្ញុំបំរើយួន កាត់ដីអោយយួន។ អា បណ្ឌិតភ្លេចរៀន ហ៊ុន សែន គឺជាអា អត់ខួរ ។ ឪអា ហ៊ុន សែន ឈ្មោះ ហ៊ុន នាង ជា អាប្រមឹក ដើរតែជល់មាន់។

ah Hun Sen massacred Khmer people on Sunday 30 march 1997

Anonymous said...

to 6:30 you have a THREESOME last night ??????? how good was your fucking first lady ????????? are you the best fucker or ah kwack is better than you ?????????? keep doing what you are doing .keep kissing their asses ,you will get your reward soon boy

Anonymous said...

6:30pm. How dare you call people who care about humanity and Cambodia’s rights as a nation as “stupid gorillas”? You just don’t realize that you are actually much more stupid than a gorilla don’t you? Do you know that your message has nothing to do with the border encroachment? Your message is pointless; it has nothing to do with this article.
Everyone in the right mind knows that Cambodia has been violated and abused by the stronger neighboring countries, Vietnam and Thailand. When will your stupid brain accepts the fact? I hope you will not set your foot on Cambodia’s soil when Hun Sen’s day is numbered.

Anonymous said...

Ah Khmer-Yuon Gorilla Fucker is begging the Commie Government to help them get their land back, hahaha, LOL, hahaha, ROFLMAO ....

He got no shame, pride, nor anything.
All he can do is blah, blah, blah, .... And the worst part of it all, he think we don't know where he is, hahaha, LOL, hahaha. That is the Dummiest Gorilla I seen ever.

Anonymous said...

Dear 6:51 and 6:56PM,
Good on you. The no-brain Hun Sen's supporters need to be taught a good lesson.
6:30PM, please speak with your right mind. Don't just repeat Hun Sen's preaching like a parrot. Your language can only come out of a mouth of a thug, like Hun Sen. Like leader, like follower (like father, like son).

Anonymous said...

Hey dude! what is so funny? are you stupid or something? I don't see anyone's begging for their land back.
What we are saying is that this stupid Prime Minister of Cambodia AKA ah kvack is not doing his job as to what a Prime Minister should be doing for his nation.

Anonymous said...

By the way, the 7:11PM messages was intended for the retard of 7:01PM

Anonymous said...

Thinking about it ! We see alot of idiotz leader nowaday.

For example; George Bush, Hun sen, Fidel Castro, North korea got one,
Chavez, Saddam hussein, Hanoi. MAN, the list goes on and on.

This is why the world is so mess UP! They all should just kill each other, and not the innocent people.

Anonymous said...

Ah Kwak Hun Sen! Ah Tai-haong!

Anonymous said...

As these retarded gorilla bastards have been consciously aware the fact that they have been called or labelled as “retarded gorilla bastards,” in fact, this term is appropriately quite suitable for them, inarguably. While , at one time, we contemplating and ascertaining whether or not to label these losers as “monkeys” or “zimpanzees,” however, as we had discussion among ourselves, immediately the answer suddenly became unequivocally clear to us, which we decisively made our decision to illustrate and depict the Saim Rainsy and the (pathetic) youth movement supporters as “retarded gorilla bastards.” Frequently, when the losing party supporters came across this term, they might have thought it is, perhaps, too astringent and too draconian of a term to utilize to label people. In addition, as we have frequently alluded by using such term during our contentiously repugnant and pugnacious comments and responses when counteracting these retarded gorillas’ negative comments about Samdach Hun Sen and the government, it is our believe that the term in which we incessantly used is fairly and plausibly acceptable when labeling these retarded bastards. As supporters of the ruling party, we’re unabashed to continue to use such term.

Based on the recent written article by one of the retarded gorillas, we’re quite baffled and obscured when this retarded gorilla has ineloquently mentioned that the freedom of speech and expression are suppressed by the Cambodian government; however, that being said, perhaps the reporters or writers -- including this bastard -- have abysmally had troubled in the past when following their journalistic codes … that is when the inevitability happens. Further, these retarded gorillas must not have any misapprehension that at anytime when the reporters or writers , again -- this bastard writer included -- have callously in severe violation of their journalist codes … therefore, there should be a repercussive action for their careless blunder. Therefore, if the retarded gorillas unabashedly vilified and lambasted the Cambodian government for oppressing or suppressing the freedom of speech or expression, remember to follow your journalistic work, because freedom of expression can be double-edged sword, and we highly suggest that you exercise your freedom cautiously.

With regard to border demarcation agreements between the two nations, Vietnam and Cambodia, we have mutually and cooperatively agreed to fairly demarcated the borders; in other words, this is a win-win situation for both nations. Suffice to say -- Vietnam is the closest friend we have -- of course, we all know that … and , the rest of the retarded gorilla bastards and I know that without the Vietnamese liberation, you and I won’t have the opportunity and privilege to write and freely express our freedom of speech.

Morphing from ungrateful crocodiles into the retarded gorillas is a significant milestone for the retarded gorillas. Further, our Samdach Hun Sen has made unambiguously and equivocally clear that if you’re insisted to audaciously challenge your ambition on the Khmer-Khrom issues, our Sadach Hun Sen will kindly and generously offer free caskets , although Samdach did not mention about free coffin nails, but I decided to step up to the plate and kindly offer free coffin nails, since our Samdach is willing to offer free caskets for the retarded gorillas. On the other hand, however, if we were those retarded gorillas, we would be grateful knowing that the funeral arrangement is partially covered.
At this point in time, we do not yet quite comprehend the border problems you are talking about here in this frivolous article. However, when dealing with border demarcation, we have to mutually agree with our neighboring friends to avert any strifeful conflagration. We do not have problems with border encroachments in the past or present day with our neighboring nations, since the border problems have mutually solved. Why are you retarded gorillas categorically being so pugnaciously cynical about our government, particularly when you’re not one of the border committees?

We believe you have your facts and myths confused. We do not think it is fair when you use the border issues as a pretext to vilify and lambaste the sitting prime minister and our government. However, when you’re unable to cogently convince us and the rest of the world by using of this frivolous article and other digital means to side with you -- plus, you’re using the philosophical and ideological differences to unabashedly called us robbers. Of course, you understand why we labelled you and the rest as “retard gorilla bastards.” Yes, you and the rest of the retarded gorilla bastards well deserved and suitable for this name. Therefore, we will continue to proudly call you this name when we encounter negative comments or response from the retarded gorillas.

Irrespective of voluminous claims of border encroachments as you have claimed, why don’t you tell your UN friends to tell these people stop squatting on others or government’s land. As for those overseas retarded gorillas, you know what will have happen (if you’re -- squatters) if you squat on the county, local, state or federal government land, of course, you know what will happen to your sorry asses (they -- the U.S. government -- will evict your sorry pathetic asses without showing an inch of mercy). In other words, they , the U.S. government, will throw your asses behind bars.

Moreover, as for land developments for jobs creation, in the third-world country, they would prefer to call us land-grabbing government, however, again, you overseas retarded gorilla bastards also understand that if the U.S. government comes in to take your land, this would be an “imminent domain,” although the U.S. does not like to use land-grabbing term, because it is too harsh of the word.

We and the vast majority of Cambodian people would think a responsible prime minister would do anything for the security of the nation, but as for these retarded gorillas, yet incessantly repudiate to accept responsibility, while bragging that they love Cambodia. We certainly understand that the Cambodian people value their security greatly, and without a doubt, the Cambodian people will listen to Samdach Hun Sen’s advice about offering free coffins. In fact, the overseas retarded gorilla bastards do not understand the security and situation in Cambodia, while they can freely bark from afar. As supporters of our Samdach, we’re categorically and unflinchingly underpinned his recent comment about offering free coffins. More importantly, these retarded gorilla bastards are ignorant, and therefore I would highly advise these retarded gorilla bastards to go right ahead and follow your ambition. Oh! Don’t forget what we told you! Remember that our Samdach will still offer free coffins -- and -- the least I can do, as a supporter of the ruling party, I will gladly offer you retarded gorilla’s free coffin nails.

LAST BUT NOT LEAST, we don’t think the fucking retarded gorilla bastards will never find strifeless peace with us, and therefore we tell them to GO AND FUCK THEMSELVES!

Anonymous said...

6:51 PM, 6:51 PM, 7:09 PM

Your'e fucking retarded gorilla bastards!

I think you guys should get together and make a trip to Khmer-Khrom, and see if you'll be the first ones to received free caskets from our Samdach. Oh! We will provide free coffin nails.

We better let you go finish picking those straberries in the fields. We'll talk later.

Anonymous said...

Again, the mob is talking. Khmerization usually writes pretty good pieces, although they are very much slanted and biased. Many a time gets the facts wrong too, which he did again here. Hun Sen offered the caskets to people who wanted to reclaim Kampuchea Krom by fighting. I would go along with him on that. The people who believe in a return of KK to the motherland are dreamers and live in the past.
As for border encroachments, if you are not there seeing it with your own eyes, and if you don't know where the actual border is, you'd probably be well advised to keep quiet. Irrefutable facts count. Facts that would stand up in an international court. Rumors and accusations without proof alone are just propaganda.
Khmerization doesn't live in Cambodia either, so he is an armchair analyst himself, isn't he?

Anonymous said...

7:09 PM

Hey, you fucking retarded gorilla bastard, have cleansed your brain cells yet?

We understand that you fucking retarding gorilla bastards have their brains fucked up.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like Ah Kwak supporter is furious. Good job 6:51, 7:09. This thug deserves it, when they conniving with their cronies and ignore the Khmer pain. Now they can feel the pain themselves, but this is only the beginning.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone here still interested in getting free coffins from our Samdach?

I don't think you should be bashful or afraid to come forward, we can arrange one for you at no cost; additionally, we will provide free coffin nails (in case your families or friends cannot afford).

Please do let us know if you decided to make a trip to Khmer-Khrom to discuss the aforementioned issues.

We already know these fucking retarded gorilla bastards can only bark from afar. Your species make us sick to our stomachs.

Anonymous said...

12:42 AM

What pain are you talking about?

You don't know what pain is,unless you experience it!

Been there, done that!

What a fucking retarded gorilla!

Anonymous said...

12:35 AM

None of you will ever get the facts straight, unless the bullet entered into the back of our forehead.

Any comments or responses that is or are against the Cambodian government, you'll get back the same weight.

Khmer Young said...


As I can notice, your justification is surely encouraging the thug continues their thuggish ruthlessness.

I don't mean your master Hun Sen is a thug, but through his public speech and behavior is lower than thug by itself. How much good in your brain to think as a true Cambodian citizen when you hear a leader insulted his own people with the threatening word "coffin" or "nail" or "dead"?

Your argument is never serving the interest of Cambodian nation, it is just a part of your job to gain some $$$ from your rich master (national plunder).

For the win-win strategy regardless of who is going to win in political game. Win-win strategy that we want to see are "Cambodian peoples in general must be fairly treated, and respected; they should not be lambasted by the thuggish words "dead & coffin & nail".

Your master including a bunch of your useless argument and supporters are likely thuggish by nature.


Anonymous said...

2:11 AM

If you need to reserve a coffin and nails, just let us know, we can arrange it for you.

Anonymous said...

Is anyone need to reserve for your free caskets. We'd be glad to take your reservation.

Anonymous said...

oh my god, how funny could it be! hahahahahaha!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I suggest to the writer and to the singer to leave it for one year and then sue to Hun Sen'wife for their lost of income. They can sue to her with one song for one million dollars of income of the song. They must try to live in overseas and sue with international court of trade for interfering their commercial development.

2:20 PM

Anonymous said...
It's a great privilege to know that someone who customarily cares about the Khmer cultural value and respect, and able to spearhead to bring about changes before the Cambodian people turn into a wild wild West zombies as those retarded gorillas overseas did.

Suffice to say, yes ... my First Lady -- you have my blessing (irrespective of what those retarded gorillas' negative comments)!

Again, thank you for stepping up to the plate!

2:48 PM

Anonymous said...
I don't agree with the monogamy law, but the law is the law.

As for songs, we need to keep a tight regulation on it; otherwise, it will get out of hand. Thus, I thank all officials for upholding our cultural value.

2:54 PM

Anonymous said...
Everyone, now it is a time for us to analyze and strike balance between maintaining of good tradition and culture and freedom of speech!

2:55 PM

Anonymous said...
2:54 PM

I could not agree more on this issue, since it is critically paramount and imperative to our cultural value and respect! Well, needless to say, at least in part ... first and foremost, you and I have seen eye to eye on this issue despite voluminious negative comments from those retarded gorillas (overseas).

Again, the First Lady have my blessing!

3:09 PM

Anonymous said...
Songs are reflecting the society. When those corrupted leaders and tycoons are committing like this, why you ban the songs?

It is not about the songs, it is about the law enforcement to those officials, leaders, and tycoons to use money to lure and busy virgin girls...

Khmer said "keung ko vai roteh".

3:26 PM

Anonymous said...
Yes 3:09, I am with you 100%. We must not allow any stupid gorillas to trash our tradition and heritage and replacing it with their Blue-Eyed tradition and heritage.

I don't know about you, but just the thought of it make me want to puke already; Euw....!

3:58 PM

Anonymous said...
3:26 PM

We understand your anger and frustration over the recent proposal by the First Lady; also, it is not anomalously peculiar for you to express you frustration over what the First Lady had proposed.

Moreover, you and the rest of those retarded gorillas need to be level headed when comes to Cambodian culture -- we do not want our culture to be polluted with the Western lyrics and allow ourselves to succumb to a wild wild West, which is customarily unacceptable, and therefore we will not tolerate such unprecedented behavior to perpetuate in our culture. That said, we believe we have unequivocally made it clear to facilitate your obscured understanding to avert any misapprehension over the proposed ban.

4:05 PM

Anonymous said...
Yep, and I second that.

4:33 PM

Anonymous said...
Why are these retarded gorillas incessantly persisting raising Cain over the proposed ban by the First Lady?

We cannot afford to have our culture to become a wild wild West!

4:39 PM

Anonymous said...
"Love Another's Husband" kiss my ass bull shit. What a desperate society. Why not "Love Someone's Wife". I'm living in USA where divorce rate is 50%. I'm still think it is a stinky freedom of speech. Waking up sexmeniac.

5:33 PM

Anonymous said...
I agree with 3:26pm and 5:33pm. Do you (who support First Lady's) believe that by banning these songs would make women in Cambodian society gain more respect and make our culture more prosperous? Hell wrong!! these songs have nothing to do with jeopardying our culture. These songs are not there to promote adultery or to destroy our culture and tradition. I hope you're all educated enough to understand the key message of the writers. They are just songs that tell stories in the society. SO USE YOUR BRAIN.!!

7:27 PM

Anonymous said...
Mee Bun Rany (Hun Sen's wife) is ah Hok Lundy's mistress:

8:56 PM

Anonymous said...
Mee Bun Rany is 2nd wife of ah Hun Sen in 1980

Hun Maneth is son of the 1st husband of Mee Bun Rany

9:00 PM

Anonymous said...
I argue this matter, if she is the first lady. She should have not killed Pisith. Whatever her name is. They should have this law like USA, since any person committed any fouls or crimes, that individual should not be elected to represent any Cambodian. We should find a clean person to be elected.

9:09 PM

Anonymous said...
Hold your horse "in sea" gorilla?

9:30 PM

Anonymous said...
Well, well, let's see who wants to preserve the Khmer culture here :) Hun Sen? Bun Rany? Other big shots? Does any Khmer in Cambodia (in the sea gorilla) see all of those karaoke bars, massage parlors, or stand on the side of the road Khmer women and girls selling themselve? Since there are so many, I suppose all the big shots' eye got blinded??? :D

9:42 PM

Anonymous said...
Now it's time for these retarded gorillas to go to their cockroach-infested ghetto neighborhood to refresh their minds as to why the First Lady has proposed the ban on these songs -- thus the Cambodian culture does not become a wild wild West.

I applaud the First Lady's call! Yes, it was a good call!

10:16 PM

Anonymous said...
I had never forgotten what was happen in Cambodia between 1980-83. Normal People will be punished if they tried to hear the music from our legend (Sin Sisamouth, Ross Sereysothea and ....) and esp. VOA. But the politician in Phnom Penh can hear this without punishment. Now, somemusic will be ban once again because of its durty text. What´s up? music is the music why it must be to ban? Where is the freedom of speech?

1:09 AM

Anonymous said...
History lessons should be learn and understand well. "Prohibition" wasn't working for even a country whose citizen are better educated and more tolerance than cambodia.

This seemed to reverberate the teaching in cambodia "do what I said and not what I do".

It is very hypocrit for the people in power to coerse somebody else do good while themselves commit adulteration, stealing, cheating, corrupting etc etc...

This ban should also include jail term or execution of officials who commit the act. Then that would be fair.

1:38 AM

Anonymous said...
What is this bithch has to say ,if she wasn't finished 12th Grade in her language ,sometimes the power greed like this family Cambodian people have to stand up for,because Cambodian ppl need to grow ,not letting this bitch and son of the bitch blinded lead this country step down the inorent and blind people let the Cambodian intelligences run the show.

1:51 AM

Anonymous said...
God damn it! The retarded gorillas are swift in vilifying and lambasting the First Lady by utilizing these frivolous and extraneous details (no factual details) and lies to prevaricate in an effort to derail the First Lady's proposal. However, what the First Lady is doing is for the benefit of all Khmer people before we further degrade and pollute our culture with these unacceptable lyrics and titles.

2:13 AM

Anonymous said...
There are a lot of idiot in this forum.
We must separate commercialisation to politic and to culture. The writer and the singer deserve their freedom to earn their dollars to reach their potential comparable to other professional. It is the job the ministry of culture to ensure Cambodian culture is very well maintain by not intefering to commercialisation. This commercialisation is one important part to bring revenue into Cambodia as well as those of sweatshop clothing industries. It is a problem of ignorance that why Cambodian cannot produce ab artist of high profile like Micheal Jackson, Donna etc. and etc.. If you want Cambodian singer stars to live up to their potential, you must not intefer their business and mind your own business. Bun Nary is a narrow brain fish.

2:35 AM

Anonymous said...
There are a lot of idiot in this forum.

2:35 AM

And ... you're one of them, but you're more retarded!

3:03 AM

Anonymous said...
may i say it's not a good idea for a promenint figure person to say what freedom is or isn't. let the lawmakers decide with making the law, etc. would be a good idea for such persons to steer away from being labeled a dictator and family.

3:41 AM

Anonymous said...
I think she has a duty to do as the first lady of Cambodia and perhaps a role model for many Cambodian women on the cultural and social issue. She has tried to uphold Khmer culture although sometimes she ends up in hot water.

But for her husband, in the capacity as prime minister of Cambodia, he has shown nothing but shame and embaresement each time he open his foul mouth. He is certainly the role model for evil of Cambodia. Cambodians are being depriving from everything under his administration.

3:59 AM

Anonymous said...
They should reveal the song writers' name because they, too, has a role in shaping our culture and should be held responsible.

4:07 AM

Anonymous said...
thanks for clarifying my misunderstanding (3:59am and 4:07am). it makes sense, too when you guys stated this.

4:24 AM

Anonymous said...
9:09 PM

Using frivolous evidence and other undocumented details as a pretext to vilify and defame the character of the First Lady is a serious crime -- under defamation law -- in the Kingdom of Cambodia.

5:40 AM

Anonymous said...
Wow ... what happen to freedom of expression and speech?

One thing Bun Rany Hun Sen needs to not worry about are these songs, she needs to worry about keeping a leash on her husband and the same goes for the rest of these ugly chumtiews.

I can't believe they worry about this stuff and not worry about important things that are affecting Cambodia, like land grabbing, corruption, development but worry about songs. These ugly first wives club are wasting their time and interfering with trivial stuff. How is that preserving culture, by banning? Banning things and just retaining old fashion values is not a key thing to preserve culture.

Bun Rany Hun Sen needs to go to Starbucks and order a Grande Latte or something ... WAKE UP AND SMELL THE COFFEE!

5:59 AM

Anonymous said...
For the guys living in the state. Don't compare western mind with asian mind. In asian society we need strong discipline and to be leaded firmly. The asian people are not yet mature to live in total democracy. Look the asian countries who succeed: Singapore, Japan, Korea. They succeed because strong and police state control from the government. E.g. In Singapore, a kind a dictactorship, however, one of the most successful asian countries. Don't pretend to bring democracy to people who are not yet ready or educated to take it. Look what happen in Irak and Middle East... Can they adjust to democracy? NO ! WE NEED STRONG GOVERNMENT WITH STRONG MORAL VALUES. And this is the first step.
Please BRHS, continue on your way to chase immorality from our tradition. Many thanks

7:42 AM

Anonymous said...
Hello idiot 7:42AM,
By living in a suppressed society for too long, you have forgotten about freedom of the citizen of all sector to participate in all sector of the economy. In the present world, art is playing a most important role in bringing national revenue in biy dollars such as songs, musics, cinema etc.. and etc.. they are now even more powerfull then some of the country leader too. With some of these idiots metality, Cambodian cannot make anything to fly because they will always have ill thinking in their mind for eliminating Cambodian culture. They must open their big eye ( Pnek Ko ), to look at China where was once a close country from outside world, but now is one of the most westernised Nation on earth. Please clean up your brainwash deatth brain !!!

8:20 AM

Anonymous said...
Cambodian leaders should leave their hand out from Cambodian commercial world. They should concentrate in Public safety, drugs trafficking, education, public health, safety foods, safe drinking water and public servant salary and wage to be a liveable scale and stop interfering commercial community. It is tottaly conflicting of interest.

8:44 AM

Anonymous said...
08:20AM: You are the idiot!!!!
You live overseas and don't face daily situation here in Cambiodia.
These songs = arts? just have 500 usd in your pockets and these singers will open their legs to show their juicy artistic pussy.

Cinema? local production is to horror movies with flying head...

Karaoke sings are not cambodian culture. ESPECIALLY THOSE PROMOTE ADULTERY !!!!!

YES YOU ARE RIGHT: CHINA IS NOW ONE OF THE MOST WESTERNISED NATION ON EARTH. But who is in power? Not the communist: is it a dictatorship or democratic regime?
Once again asian countries need to be leaded by strong leaders and government.

Look back to Singapore, Korea and Japan.
And now also Vietnam and Thailand. They developed because of firm control state police of the leaders.

Asian people are not yet ready for democracy, because they lack of education. Just look the cambodian election results. People educated and living in the cities vote generally for SRP while the ignorant peasants in the countryside vote CPP (after having been provided 1 box of noddle and 1 bag of rice + 1 can of sardins by CPP usual...).

Democracy is a long process for the whole population to adhere, strengthen and support for the long terms. You cannot bring democracy to people like you bring a hamburger to a client. You can not even go to a drive-in and ask to have a democracy meal, pay, then go.

The people must deserve democracy. If they really want it, they must have global conscience. If they are too eager for it, they must fight for it. Cambodian people are ready for democracy? NO? Why? Otherwise we would have a revolution since a lot of abuse happen (lands, grabbling, gangster, etc...).

You want real democracy? Make a revolution like the Americans or the French, or more recently in Ukraine.... (orange revolution)...

However, are we ready? NO, cambodian people locally are too cowards because of general psy trauma caused by the khmer rouge. It will take time before cambodian people will reach a certain level of maturity that would allow them to wake up and fight for the freedom. For the moment, we are just monkeys who wait for bananas. Not the ones who plants the bananas.

Therefore, for the meanwhile, just praise the wife of our prime minsiter to take away all these fucking songs. Period.

8:49 AM

Anonymous said...
the 08:20 AM who think that karaoke songs are arts may think that a Mac Donald's hamburger is a gastronomic meal...
The cambodian actors and singers can not even survive with their songs and movies, because a lot of hacked copies in the countries.
The only way to make money is to show and move their bodies on TV so that businessmen and okhnas have a hard bone and call them for a fuck. Not surprising that they promote that kind of songs....
Anyway, fucking is also an art...

8:57 AM

Anonymous said...
China, Korea, Japan, Singapore, Vietnam, Thailand.
All succeed because of strong leadership.
Cambodia is taking the same way.
Viva Hun Sen! Please you and your wife are doing a good job. Continue that way.

8:59 AM

Anonymous said...
Hello Idiot 8:49AM,
Do you know that China has been suppressed by Communist Mao for 40 years. They have openned it up until 1989 under Deng Xiao Ping leadership. Who say China is a dictatorship regime? You must be an idiot. I have dinner with Ju Rong Ji ( former Prime Minister), Qiao Qi( former Leader of Parliament), Zhang Jemin ( Former President) and Hun Jin Tao ( Present Present President ), they are so approachable. They are not a strong man using massive bodyguards to extorched people monies. They are all intellectuals and their speeches are so pleasant. They are not like Hun Sen speaking like You kaung batspha OK. They care about people. They killed all corrupted officials and corrupted leaders. They killed all crooked businessmen who have cheeted other people. They have strenften their National pride and National value but their singer stars can sing and wear whatever they like OK.

9:48 AM

Anonymous said...
agreed that freedom of speech is not name-calling or slendering someone. and you go to court, the judge will tell you that it's wrong to use this kind of freedom of speech. when you get personal, the judge will overrule you for slendering. please be careful with your freedom of speech as you claim. have some respect for officials in gov't! like some people would claim that freedom of speech is expressed by burning the flag, that's not freedom of speech, that's unpatriotic and could land people in jail for disrespecting your country's law! thank you.

10:39 AM

Anonymous said...
9:48, there is a significant difference between Chinese and Khmer. You are not trying to turn us all to Chinese now are you.

I have been pro-China since day one, and I am sure China doesn't want us to be like them by any mean.

10:48 AM

Anonymous said...
Why policing creativity? That will never guarantee that horny and powerful men stop exploiting young girls. If you think those young girls are singing that to woo your old man, you must be insane! When they say they "want a piece of his heart," believe me it is not a piece of your old man's high-cholesteroled, hypertensioned heart - the romance and fantasy are for their young counterparts only. You old farts stop acting like Khmer Rouge. For that sheep who said look at Singapore, Vietnam for strong hand and prosperity, I said look at Europe and America, where freedom abounds and how powerful they are!

First they greed for power, and now they control people's mind because they are jealous. These b%$#es condoned acid attacks and paid killing instead of accepting the fact that their husbands are horny. Longlive freedom!

12:01 PM

Anonymous said...
Yeah, but that is how the west interpreted thing because they have low moral value. Here we see thing completely different.

12:13 PM

Anonymous said...
I can smell AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave communist government a thousand mile away! It is the same old Vietcong slave communist government is trying to impose their stupid outdated ideology on Cambodian people in what to eat, where to live, what to listen, what to do for a living...This is a classic behavior of the communist government which is to treat Cambodian people as little children who can’t even think for themselves!

Since AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave is so fucken rich and why can he tell Cambodian people to be rich like him because only rich people can behave in proper manner and have understanding of high culture concept!

1:33 PM

Anonymous said...
Hey, that is better than gringo telling us how to live our live.

1:38 PM

Anonymous said...
9:48 AM: Chinese care about their people? let me laugh....Deng Xiao pin and the rest? they killed the students at Tien An Men, no?
Agree that the actual chinese leadership are smart and know how to speak. But you may have dinner with them and did not see the misery of their people. To have the privilege to have dinner with them, you must be Sihanouk or one of the royal who failed into developing our countrry and that have a lot of mistresses. Then go to hell. By the meanwhile, long live to our good leader Hun Sen and his wife.

1:40 PM

Anonymous said...
Europe and America can afford to freedom, because they have the culture of democracy since thousands years since the Greek and the Republic of Plato for those who know. Asian countries used to be ran by kings and emperors just last century. What is worst is that Cambodian culture and tradition come from India famous for its cast system. India is said to be the biggest democracy in the world, but the cast system still strong... Cambodia is the same. To have democracy we need to have people educated and with IQ. Now it is not the majority, then long live the demopussy! and stop these fucking songs. period

1:44 PM

Anonymous said...
9:48: the actual chinese leadership are careful because if they don't they will face new revolution and lose power.
In Cambodia, we have democracy with the freedom to vote.
And until now they vote for CPP who lead the government.
The government use the police or army to kick their people.
However it is the people who vote for them. Then they deserve the stick for being stupid to vote for them.
Khmer people are masochist or idiots, otherwise, why would they vote for the same who kick and burn them?
You will see in election in July 2008. We deserve to be sticked as we vote for our suffering master

1:56 PM

Anonymous said...
... holy mackeral.. with all the money this bitch makes, have she ever heard of plastic surgery?.. even though the topic is music, but just seeing her face hurts my's like a sign.. ( oh punch me, poke me or Spit at me) hahahaha.. ugly bitch..

oh yeah, freedom of speech, just because your husband can't keep his penis in his pants doesn't mean no one else can..

1:57 PM

Anonymous said...
It's time to get these retarded gorillas back in the cage (where they belong)!

2:11 PM

Anonymous said...
Have you ever heard of Slumocracy, mate (2:11)?

That is the gorilla system.

3:08 PM

Anonymous said...

5:06 PM

Anonymous said...
I'd like to propose a forum-chat room creation for this website, thus allow us to articulate and convey our convictions and principles to these retarded gorillas.

If you're unable to do that, all of you retarded gorillas are not ready for prime time debate.

Again, if you think you can articulate your philosophical and edeological principles -- we dare you to create a forum-chat room ... we'll debate you. And, we say: bring it on!

5:15 PM

Anonymous said...
Well, why don't we use Yahoo messenger for that?

5:35 PM

Anonymous said...
5:35 PM

We would preferably like this site, since this is the place where the retarded gorillas hang out.

Again, if they up for the challenge ... we're ready!

7:43 PM

Anonymous said...
LOL, how does one challenge a paranoid retard, 7:43?

These people have more faith with drug dealer and gangster than they have with their parent.

Their education is mostly from Hollywood movies.


There is no gain to debate with them, and there is no lost not to debate with them.

8:09 PM

Anonymous said...
These retarded gorillas are fucking losers.

Let us know when you're ready.

9:42 PM

Anonymous said...
8:09 PM

You must be a female dog,or shall I call you a "bitch"?

Now, fuck off, bitch!

11:41 PM

Anonymous said...
I think you have too much freedom of speech and expression in your hands.

Using your text message and youtube are your privilege -- not your rights, so exercise your freedoms carefully. Freedom of speech and expression do have their limitations. Don't make us shut them down.

12:06 AM

Anonymous said...
I want to know what Bun Ranny takes on the issue of training Cambodian women to a housemaid with her understanding of Cambodian high culture! Does she even care at all when these Cambodian women are trained as housemaid to clean people toilet?

I need to hire a Cambodian housemaid to clean my toilet! Clean people toilet to have a good life and to have enough money to support their family? This is a new one which I haven't heard for a long time! Damn! It must be a Vietcong slave concept for a better life!

4:28 AM

Anonymous said...
It takes no brainier to know that this site is somewhat popular because the chat-room or any other arrangements for people to express their opinion and idea is suck!

People need to understand that many of the issues contain highly charge political emotion and only Cambodian people who had been through it can understand and appreciate what is happening in Cambodia today! To make things worst and there are some Vietcong agents patrolling this site as well with the aim to create some kind of conflict and division among Cambodian people which led to misunderstanding for outsider observers! For me I will use everything at my disposal to attack any Vietcong agents who want to pollute this site!

4:44 AM

Anonymous said...
4:44 AM

Hey, fuckhead! You're fucking retarded gorilla!

Sorry, shithead ... the internet is here to stay. The fucking gorillas did not invent the web, so shut the fuck up!

Oh! There's always two sides to any story.

Hey, if you want to express your freedom of speech or expression in a democratic country, you should not afraid of your opposing force.

Don't make me vomit!

We love our Sadach. We'll do anything with our power and discretion to shut you off.

5:44 AM

Anonymous said...
That's right. Gorilla is not fit for Cambodia.

6:18 AM

Anonymous said...
To 5:44AM

You are the fucken Vietcong agent pay by AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave government to be the opposing view in KI-Media and what else do you want?

You are a fucken liar to say that KI-Media posted only one side of the story! The fact that you are here arguing with me prove that KI-Media is fair about showing both side of the story and the opposing view!

(It is Bunn Ranny high culture to train Cambodian women as a housemaid to clean people toilet!)

You Animal Viet troller 2:48PM,3:09PM,3:58PM,4:05PM,4:39PM,7:27PM,10:16PM,2:13PM,2:35AM,5:40AM,2:11PM,5:15PM,7:43PM,9:42PM,5:44AM is from one same Viet troller. You must know that I am just like your shadow...I'll be everywhere you are here on KI-Media. I am in your face until you disappear from KI-Media. You animal Viet troller can no longer pretend to be khmer speaking for Khmer. I know who you are. I know how you write. You can no longer loiter, litter, or spam KI-Media...

Now, Go home Animal Viet troller!
Now, go home Animal Vietcong!

7:13 AM

Anonymous said...
Stop dreaming, 7:13. Where did you see KI post something positive about PM Hun Sen?

On the other hand, we rarely see anything negative about Sam Rainsy, have you seen any?

7:22 AM

Anonymous said...
7:13 AM

That's a good news for us all day!

Bring it on, shithead!

We certainly like to deal with the retarded gorilla like yourself.

Why don't you just go and fuck yourself to get rid of your frustration and anger?

What a fucking pathetic loser shit!

7:23 AM

Anonymous said...
These fucking retarded gorillas just don't get it!

As soon as words come out from their stinky mouths -- are always negative about the leadership in Cambodia.

Since we have never agreed to anything on any issues, we'll tell you again and again that you need to go and fuck yourself.

My First Lady, I'm sorry to have put you through this trials and tribulations with these retarded gorillas. These low-class retarded gorillas will never see eye to eye with the Kingdom of Cambodia.

7:29 AM

Anonymous said...
7:13 AM

Is there anything else you would like to add to it (your comment)?

Please allow me!

You have utterly forgotten to go and fuck yourself and the rest of your retarded gorilla fellas!

I'm certain that you just love me being around you to give you shit, aren't you? It really unpleasant, huh?!

It certainly feels good to know that we're dealing with an idiot retarded gorilla like you.

What a fucking pathetic idio!

7:36 AM

Anonymous said...
7:13 AM

Since we're every corner of their asses, they can certainly feel a major pain now. This is what it should be for these retarded gorillas.

God damn it! You have called our Sadach Hun Sen and government all sorts of names, and when we're launched a counter attack against you -- now, you're pissed. You need to understand what is fair and what is not. And this is a fair game, would you agree?

You're fucking pathetic loser!

7:44 AM

Anonymous said...
7:13 AM

What a fucking pathetic retarded gorilla.

7:45 AM

Anonymous said...
Congratulations, First Lady!

Thanks for what you've done for our culture. It means a lot to us and the rest of Cambodian people.

Again, thank you!

We're with you all the way!

8:45 AM

Anonymous said...
You Animal Viet troller 7:23AM,7:29AM,7:36AM,7:44AM,7:45AM,8:45AM is from one same Viet troller. You must know that I am just like your shadow...I'll be everywhere you are here on KI-Media. I am in your face until you disappear from KI-Media. You animal Viet troller can no longer pretend to be khmer speaking for Khmer. I know who you are. I know how you write. You can no longer loiter, litter, or spam KI-Media...

Now, Go home Animal Viet troller!
Now, go home Animal Vietcong!

10:58 AM

Anonymous said...
Yes, yes, we know, homy.

11:06 AM

Anonymous said...
To 7:22AM

Please don't kill the messenger! KI-Media is doing such a good job as messenger in bring the most up to date news which otherwise would have been suppressed by AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave government! And beside all these news accommodated with real pictures captured real event that is happening that show AH HUN SEN inhumane action toward Cambodian people such you should watch TVK which bullshitting how AH HUN SEN had done as land eviction, the poverty, the corruption, the oppression...and If you don't want real news than such a good job for Cambodian people 24 hours a day!

By the way in Cambodia all television programs are controlled by AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave government and the opposition is shut out completely and the fucken Radio program also controlled by AH HUN SEN and the opposition get about 1 to 2 hours of broadcast and that is it!

So tell me! Is this what you called a fair and justice society created by your leader AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave? If yes and you are the reincarnation of AH HUN SEN!

11:13 AM

Anonymous said...
From 11:13AM

The above writing is all fuck up due to unknown reason! A new one is posted at the bottom! Thank you!

To 7:22AM

Please don't kill the messenger! KI-Media is doing such a good job as messenger in bring the most up to date news which otherwise would have been suppressed by AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave government! And beside all these news accommodated with real pictures captured real event that is happening that show AH HUN SEN inhumane action toward Cambodian people such as land eviction, the poverty, the corruption, the oppression...and If you don't want real news than you should watch TVK AH HUN SEN government program which bullshitting how AH HUN SEN had done such a good job and passing out gift 24 hours a day to dirt poor Cambodian people!

By the way in Cambodia all television programs are controlled by AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave government and the opposition is shut out completely and the fucken Radio program also controlled by AH HUN SEN and the opposition allow to get about 1 to 2 hours of broadcast and that is it!

So tell me! Is this what you called a fair and justice society created by your leader AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave? If yes and you are the reincarnation of AH HUN SEN!

11:21 AM

Anonymous said...
Well, you got the internet, we got the TV.

I don't see anything unfair about that.

1:55 PM

Anonymous said...
To 1:55PM

I just hate it when you don't see anything unfair! The fact that I hate so much because I can't get on your TV but you can get on the internet and posted your comments and this so fucken unfair!

The opposition got only to internet! Oh well, sometime people will have to work with what they have and never give up in the face of adversity!

3:54 PM

Anonymous said...
Yeah, but you got lot of news media too. Just look at all the links posted on the right side of this blog.

Furthermore, I am only one of a few to talk on behalf of the hardworking people. I am not for any crook who abused power in our administration. Virtually no one else have time to common on internet. They are all busy and have deadline to meet. Even me, I also have other work too. I am just doing this on my break. Thus, it is not unfair in anyway. Now if you guy also got the TV, then that will be unfair for us because we don't have much internet or news media. Do you know what I mean?

4:24 PM

Anonymous said...
The way you talk like I got all the fucken time in the world! I may not have time but I create time to come here!

Stop trying to be funny okay!

4:27 PM

Anonymous said...
Oh stop jumping the conclusion, will ya? How the heck should I know what time you have or not have?

In any case, back to the topic, the government only got a couple TV and New media, and that is not nearly enough to promote anything about ourself to the oversea gorilla, and you know it. And for someone to suggest that they should have part of our TV and News Media too is just plain ridiculous, isn't that so?

5:30 PM

Anonymous said...
It does not matter where you are -- life is not always fair, so get use to it.

We give you freedom of expression, so use cautiously.

And stop blaming the Cambodian government.

Still, if you think life is not fair under Samdach Hun Sen, then be it ... go and fuck yourself, retarded bastard.

12:59 AM

Anonymous said...
I think you guys are too addicted to YouTube. Perhaps we need to propose a ban in the not-too-distant future if you abused your freedom of expression.

1:01 AM

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Oh Zip it! We know what the gorilla want and where they are going, but we are not stupid enough to go along with losers. So stop wasting your time, fools.

Gorilla thinks they can fool us, hahaha, LOL, hahaha, ROFLMAO, ....

Anonymous said...

shut the fuck up... moutherfucker 4:33am u r hun kwak 's dick's sucker...or Mee comarade bun rani's pussy's sucker

Anonymous said...

shut the fuck up... moutherfucker 4:33am u r hun kwak 's dick's sucker...or Mee comarade bun rani's pussy's sucker

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen should keep one coffin for himself coz someone will keep him during this upcoming July 2008 election. Who want to bet money? Hun Sen will be assassinated very soon from his own CPP members that are not happy with the current situation in Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

Well, if retarded gorilla get free coffin, I want on too. Fuck me!

Anonymous said...

All I can say to you Ah kwack and your so call fucking first lady's followers and ass kisser..... you are scum bag , the dirt of society ....

Anonymous said...

Yeah, but anyone can say anything they want, but that is not what they say here (in Cambodia).

Anonymous said...

Tell you the truth, Khmer Krom will be freed and getting independence soon. Jayo! Khmer Krom!

Anonymous said...

I would say maybe around the year 2020. Go! Khmer Krom go!

Anonymous said...

I would say maybe around the year 2020. Go! Khmer Krom go!

Anonymous said...

Why hun xen is so rude?

Anonymous said...

Why hun xen is so rude?

Anythingatall said...

If the government keep doing what they are doign right now cambodia keep losing land, meaning if we still have the same prime minister we keep losing land as well. So one solution is to change the prime minister in the next coming election.

Anonymous said...

Listen up, Gorilla Fuckers! the only place that you can ever rule is "Planet of the Ape". So get going! Waste no more time here.

Anonymous said...

Who is this guy with the words Gorilla Fuckers! Dude, get real. Is that all you know? Are you Cambodian or a traitor? Are you YOUN or what? Shut the F*** up! All Khmer will defeat you and you moron leader. So get lost!

Anonymous said...

That will be the day, Gorilla Fucker.

Anonymous said...

2:55 AM

Hey, you fucking retarded gorilla bastards. The rest of you should do yourselves a favor by going out and fuck yourselves.

All of you are fucking loser gorillas.

The ruling party and First Lady

Anonymous said...

These retarded gorillas make us sick ... now, I want to puke.

God damn, you're fucking retarded gorillas.

CPP Rules!

Anonymous said...

7:35 PM

The only time the retarded gorillas can win the election and rule the country is over my stinky corpse.

Every time when these retarded gorillas open their mouths, a lot of shit coming out with frivolous facts.

Don't worry, our Samdach will rule this country for another 200 years. And we want these retarded gorillas to get the fuck out of this country.

You people are making me sick!

Anonymous said...

Yep, and make that two.

Briefly, I tell you what the real problem among ourself is: first) we have intruders (Ah Khmer-Yuon, and oppositions) who brainwashed the gorilla with junks about our people. 2) More importantly, the gorilla failed to recognize that they are different from us and failed to respect our differences as most rational people on this planet will do, but what can we do? Gorilla will be stupid gorilla forever, and if they think we are stupid enough to follow them and destroyed ourself again and again, they are dreaming.

Anonymous said...

The gorillas have problem discerning between fact and fiction.


Anonymous said...

You can say that again!

Anonymous said...

Now, we 're talking about the real ape of the East. Go for it buddy! Chew everything!