Editorial by Khmerization
Originally posted at http://khmerization.blogspot.com
"One can only lie once. If one lied too many times over, then that person is no different to a prostitute who claimed to be a virgin. The person who made the claims will no longer be credible anymore."I welcome Prime Minister Hun Sen’s appeal for all political parties, including his own Cambodian People’s Party, not to engage in political violence and intimidations, before and during the upcoming election. I also welcome his promise to step down if he loses the election (read the article that follows).
But it is hard to know if his appeal is genuine or deceptively made in his political posturing designed to fool the opposition parties and the international community, including the donor countries.
With past experiences, it is almost inconceivable to imagine an election free of violence and intimidations. In hindsight, it is also inconceivable for anyone to have any faith at all in Mr. Hun Sen’s many broken promises.
Political violence and intimidations, pre- and post-election, were often orchestrated and perpetrated by Mr. Hun Sen's own Cambodian People's Party. It is rather cynical and hypocritical of the Mr. Hun Sen to naively go to great length in order to try to con and fool public opinion. But, with his public appeal, the political tension will ease and the opposition parties will undoubtedly have a peace of mind. But whether his appeal will have any effectiveness at all remains to be seen.
Cambodians had been through the election two times post-UNTAC, with every election violently contested and spuriously claimed by the oppositions as fraudulently rigged.
Cambodians had also heard Mr. Hun Sen’s broken promises all before. Whether his promise this time is anything difference from his previous promises is anyone’s bet. But, mind you, I will not bet on his promises.
Mr. Hun Sen could have resigned after the 1998 and 2003 elections when the oppositions didn’t want him as the prime minister. He could have stepped down and offered the PM post to one of his CPP colleagues, the likes of Mr. Sar Kheng, Sok An, Tea Banh, Chea Sim and Heng Samrin and so on. The fact that he fought bitterly so hard to remain in that post, including the arrest and exiling of Mr. Chea Sim, the president of Mr. Hun Sen’s own Cambodian People’s Party in 2003, proved that Mr. Hun Sen will cling to power at all cost.
The lists of his broken promises go on and on. Mr. Hun Sen had promised to resign if he cannot eliminate illegal logging. Not only that the illegal logging had not been contained, but it continued and continued with the maximum willing participation of Mr. Hun Sen, as reported by Global Witness in the Cambodia’s Family Tree report. He promised to step down if he cannot curb official corruption but it continues. He promised to resign if he cannot stop hoodlums. Again, the lists go on and on.
One can only lie once. If one lied too many times over, then that person is no different to a prostitute who claimed to be a virgin. The person who made the claims will no longer be credible anymore. This time I will give Mr. Hun Sen the benefit of the doubt. But Mr. Hun Sen has to earn my trust if his promise this time is to have any credibility and trustworthiness at all.
PM don't lied. If you stop twisting the truth, you'll see it.
There is no such thing as Truth is a Lie.
I think the author did not twist Hun Sen's words. He promised to step down many times but never kept his words. has promised to resign if he cannot stop illegal logging. Well, illegal still continue...So many promises and people lost count because all his promises were empty promises.
I'm not lying. Are you blind?
Hey, let's be practical about this. There is no such thing as zero illegal anything on this planet. Even the US can't managed that. Only in heaven will you find zero illegal activity.
I happen to have some knowledge about logging, and I can tell you it was 100 times worse 20 years ago, and these days he hardly heard of anything happening with logging. Furthermore, just because his job is not fully complete, it doesn't mean he can't. Thus, I don't see any promise has been broken here.
his job is incomplete? it is true because the forest was only decreased from 70% to 40%. So his job is complete when this 40% forest is gone. then it will be zero illegal logging on this globe, esp cambodia, not just only in heaven. So it means that Hun Sen creats heaven on earth for Cambodian people. great leader.
Oh shut the fuck up, 8:52. We are talking about illegal logging, not legal logging.
We will never keep 100% forest in Cambodia because we need room for farming and development.
Furthermore, Forest is part of our defense system, and we will never destroy it. Only stupid people will do that. We fought many wars in the forest and it has protected us from our enemy, particularly PM himself.
More cow manur coming from Hun Sen's mouth.
Yeah, and hit you in the face.
like it?
When will the people of Cambodia wakes up from this oppressive regime, are we willing to have the CPP to destroy our humanity and Cambodia's natural resources so that a few tied elite gansters continue its havoc on the generation to come? Will the current practice/policy toward the public ceased in the near future?
Some people inside the country and outsiders that's been displaced during the war believe because Khmerland & its ecosystem is a minute "dot", it does not make any different. I think people are mistaking. Please take time to educate yourself. If Khmerland is to survive for next generation, we needed to remove/change the old brown bags people in offices right now.
No way, Jose (10:04), we are not going to follow you ever again and end up in "Year Zero" as we did in the 70's. Don't hold your breath, dude.
what's the idiot 9:31 PM talking about? who is "WE" are you talking about? if you don't talk no none know you are idiot. better shut in order to save environment.
It is a destiny of any nation. If a destiny of a Nation is good, that Nation will have a good leader with full of visions and full of care. He or she will create his Nation with rule of laws and everyone will be under the one law for all. But if a Nation with a bad Destiny, that nation will have a leader like a monky and pretend to know every thing. Only him can make the decision. No law can be implemented. Areak Prey
Hun Sen lies when you keep attacking him. Hun Sen stops lying if you stop attacking him.
If you bite him he wil bite back. so take your pick.
Hun Sen lies when you keep attacking him. Hun Sen stops lying if you stop attacking him.
If you bite him he wil bite back. so take your pick.
And don't tell me you need a Phd to know that. All it takes is common sense.
And when you got good common sense then you can be a good leader because you will be able to work with your opposition to get what you want or what you need. And without common sense, you can't get shit even you have 10 Phds behind you. Just you your degree to wipe your ass with it. That is all it is good for.
11:20, "we" does not include moron like you. Yul teh?
Dear Khmerization;
Mr. Hun Sen could have resigned after the 1998 and 2003 elections when the oppositions didn’t want him as the prime minister.
This is really a poor and pathetic idea of your that HS could have resigned because opposition party didn't want him to be PM.
Can you tell people how many leaders in the world are/were stepping down because opposition didn't want them as PM or President?
What ever come out ah kwack mouth when he do the talking ,is full of SHIT ,none sense ... like bath psar.
May lightning strikes ah kwack forehead at the stroke of noon time .
Believed you are living in Australia so you might familiar with this speech below:
I will not step down. I will be always the candidacy for PM as long as my party wants me to and people of Australia want me so.
Fuck you, asshole (4:47)!
Yes, 5:33, and the CPP will fight to free all oversea Khmer from the SRP commie who oppress their freedom of choice.
You're going down, you commie (SRP)!
Oh ! shut up you'all.Hun sen can stay.
That is what majority of the country want.
The oversea commie (SRP) regime's days are numbered.
One can only lie once. If one lied too many times over, then that person is no different to a prostitute who claimed to be a virgin. The person who made the claims will no longer be credible anymore. This time I will give Mr. Hun Sen the benefit of the doubt. But Mr. Hun Sen has to earn my trust if his promise this time is to have any credibility and trustworthiness at all.
This is the wonderful message to Hun Sen and his cronies....great writing Khmerization...keep your good job!
Khmer peoples don't expect much for the leader, but leader should us his brain not lie himself and the peoples.
Same song is always sung by dictator to legitimize his power.
Dear 4:14AM,
You might have been right in that case because in the West they have enough numbers to form a government without needing the support of the oppositions. If the situation had arisen like in Cambodia in 1998 and 2003, when the CPP didn't have 2/3 majority to form a government, the situation will cause a constitutional crisis and then the Queen or the Head of State will have to appoint a PM candidate acceptable to another party who will form 2/3 majority to form a govt. In 1998 Hun Sen warned and threatened Sihanouk not to appoint anyone, even as an acting PM. In 1998 and 2003 Hun Sen needs another party, Funcinpec, to form a govt. Ranariddh didn't want Hun Sen. In the West, the head of state would appoint a candidate from the CPP who is acceptable to Ranariddh and Funcinpec to avoid a constitutional crisis. This is the only thing different from the Western World. Another thing is that, even within Hun Sen's own party, many people didn't want him. Chea Sim, the president of Hun Sen's own party, was arrested and sent into exile to Thailand when he refused to sign a decree appointing Hun Sen as the PM.
To 5:33Am,
Very good analogy but Australia and Cambodia is different. In Australia the party can kick their PM out anytime if they think that he cannot win the election for the party. In Cambodia, if the CPP tries to kick Hun Sen out, the tanks will roll down the streets of Phnom Penh. Elections in Australia are very free and fair. Elections in Cambodia are fraudulent. Hun Sen bullied his way into the PM job many times. In Australia the PM will resign if he thinks that his presence will cause controversy. The other difference is that the Australian Liberal Party really wants John Howard as their PM candidate because they thinks he can win the election, but he lost the election anyway. In the CPP not many core members want Hun Sen to be PM but he had always managed to bully his way into the job, using military threat- as evident with the arrest and exile of Chea Sim because the latter refused to sign a degree appointing Hun Sen as the PM.
Nonsense, who in their right mind would want to kick out PM that is surely to win and election? And sure, if anyone make such stupid decision, I say they deserved to be run over by an armor thank. Isn't that sensible?
Samdech akeak moha sena is the greatest, the rest are just a bunch of losers.
You can say that again, and so far he had break all Cambodia peace record in modern history.
Hun Sen is surely to win the election? Well, he lost the 1993, which was the most free and fair election Cambodia ever had. Also, even if the CPP chose a baby who can't even talk as their PM cadidate the CPP will still win, because the CPP organises the election and it counts the election. To put it simple, it cheats to win. So it is complete rubbish to say that Hun Sen is an election-winning candidate. By the way, didn't he arrest Chea Sim in 2003 because Chea Sim refused to sign a decree appointing himas the PM?
Who lost in 1993?
Lost to who?
Even the fucken CPP chose a dog and they still win! Aahahhahah
If AH HUN SEN lose the election and he will use his slingshot to take back his power!
Hey, can you blamed God for making us smarter than you?
9:34 AM
Ranariddh didn't want Hun Sen. In the West, the head of state would appoint a candidate from the CPP who is acceptable to Ranariddh and Funcinpec to avoid a constitutional crisis.
Ranariddh demand was inappropriate and ridiculous. There's no different between the West and Cambodia system re candidate for PM/President in which shall be announced ahead prior to the election is taking place, and it is not up to other party who will be the junior partner in government to demand who shall be the candidate.
In Australia the party can kick their PM out anytime if they think that he cannot win the election for the party.
Didn't recall Labor or Liberal/National party ever kicked their PM out at all but rather to challenge as leadership of the party to lead its member in the federal parliament as Opposition party.
John Howard leadership has been challenged many times in the past prior to his victory as PM in 1996, by many senior members: Dr. Hewson, Andrew Peacock.
Likewise the Labor party in the 80's when Paul Keating challenged Bob Hawke and eventually was elected by people of Australia as PM and finally lost the top job when John Howard won the 1996 election.
Kim Bizley was challenged by the young gun Mark Letham and Letham lost the election and Bizley came back on the top job as leader of the opposition then again was challenged leadership bu Kevin Rudd who finally secure the victory in November 2007 election ended the 11 years reign of Liberal/National coalition government.
There's suggestion that he should step down but John Howard had no intention to step down any time prior to the last election and his own treasurer had shown his anger over Howard promises in particular prior to 2007 election [will serve his 1/2 term as PM should his was elected then hand over the power to Costello] which was unfulfilled as Liberal/National lost the election.
In the CPP not many core members want Hun Sen to be PM but he had always managed to bully his way into the job, using military threat- as evident with the arrest and exile of Chea Sim because the latter refused to sign a degree appointing Hun Sen as the PM.
Only the inner circle of the party could tell you exactly about the story.
Not true, 4:58, the problem with you is you assumed majority of us have westerner mentality. That is not so, and everyone know it. Accordingly, the majority of us are loyal to PM without him even ask us to vote for him. Virtually the entire country are like that, except for area that have been influenced by gorilla from the west.
8:52 AM
Would never assume that you have western mentality at all and believed that not all Cambodia people would adopt the Western mentality way of thinking.
Okay, then you should know only gorilla from the west has westerner mentality, and they are a minority that mostly live in the city, and the entire city does not represent Cambodia.
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