Sunday, March 09, 2008

Now, it’s the Cambodia Town delegation’s turn to deny having invited Sok An!

Will Sok An lose his face?

07 March 2008
By Ly Diep
Angkor Borey – Khmer Voice Overseas

At 10:00 AM this morning (07 March 2008), both sides in the case of the presence of the Sok An in Long Beach, met face to face at the CCEJ (California Conference for Equality & Justice) office. Peter Long and Borann Heam represented Cam-CC, and the opposing side was represented by Navy Phim, Socheata Has, and Ratana Lim.

The discussions took place during 3 hours. The main point was when Peter Long asked: “Where did the opposition learn that Vice-Prime Minister Sok An will come to preside over the Cambodia Town ribbon cutting, and participate in the New Year parade in Long Beach?

The opposition activists replies: “We found this information on Sok An’s website which stated that a 15-person delegation of Cambodia Town, representing 4 organizations (the Cambodian Coordinating Council represented by Mr. Peter Long, the Long Beach-Phnom Penh Sister Cities represented by Mr. Richer San, the Cambodian American Chamber of Commerce represented by Mr. Edward Tan, and Laywer Evan Braude, the representative of the Mayor of the City of Long Beach) invited him and he accepted this “official” invitation already.

The report from Sok An’s office stated: “His Excellency Sok An, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister in charge of the Council of Ministers, accepted the “official” invitation, as the representative of the Royal Government of Cambodia, to participate in the ribbon cutting of Cambodia Town and the yearly Cultural Parade in Long Beach City, California, USA, during the upcoming Cambodian New Year.” (sic!).

Peter Long replied: “This information is “false”!! In reality, the ribbon cutting took place since October (2007). Therefore, I will ask Mr. Sok An’s office to make the correction.” (sic!)

o O o

Gee… how could this be so fast!!?? Maybe he shouldn’t go too fast!!

We want to know which side is “wrong”: Mayor Bob Foster, Mr. Richer San’s, Mr. Evan Braude, or Sok An’s office?? Which side is wrong??

We believe that this is a “dangerous and suicidal move” policy conducted by Cam-CC and Cambodia Town, Inc. Prior to Peter Long’s assertion, he should have read the report from Sok An’s office first, and he should have read Greg Mellen’s article in the Long Beach Press Telegram first. It looks like Cam-CC and Cambodia Town, Inc. are in need of good and experienced advisors to help them, could this be the case?? The walkout of Cambodia Town’s advisors and founding members came about because of disagreements with its leadership that only unilaterally considered its own opinion as being of importance, could this push the event into such situation??!!

In the Long Beach Press Telegram article dated 26 December 2007, Evan Braude said that there was indeed an “open” invitation made. On his side, Richer San claimed: “an invitation was made, formal or not, and Sok An accepted.” This means that Sok An’s office did not publish “false” information, because two members of the Cambodia Town delegation did raise this issue of invitation letter.

Therefore, if Peter Long said that he “will ask Mr. Sok An’s office to make the correction,” there will surely be reaction from Sok An back, because as the Vice-Prime Minister and the Minister in charge of the Council of Ministers of the Royal Government of Cambodia, he will not be able to accept such “losing face” situation. The small Cambodia Town Inc. cannot stroke the head of the tiger to play and then spit of the tiger’s head in this manner. Reactions will come. Proof will be revealed to the public that Sok An’s office did not lie to anybody.

Then, “the truth” will float up to the surface


Anonymous said...

Ly Ngoc Dinh (Ly Diep). Both of your names are Youn names.
Let Khmers take care their own problems. They can do just fine without Youn Communists like you to tell them.

The whole world already knew that you are Youn. Good Youn are dead Youn.

Anonymous said...

The sad thing is that Youn is a Khmer Journalist.
Angkorborei belongs to a Youn named Ly Diep (Ly Ngoc Dinh).
Next time Apsara will be owned by
Ngoc Ngo.

Anonymous said...

Who Ta Hell is Ah Peter Long? Ah Pler!!!

Anonymous said...

Why is the report so short? The damn meeting took place for three hours. What the hell are they doing in there, partying or something? Someone is trying to conceal something and they ain't going to get away with it.

Let's see the whole thing and allow people to decide properly, shall we?

Anonymous said...

Ly Diep Ly Ngoc Dinh,
Peter Long was born in Cambodia and he is Cambodian, and you was born in Vietnam. You are not Khmer Krom but a purely Youn who was sent to Cambodia to be a spy, Ah Pler.

Whp paid your bills everyday? It is Hanoi. With your fake Khmer journalist only just a bait to lure other innocence Khmers to follow you, Ah chor Youn changrai.

Anonymous said...

Look, even in this short report one can see some lies and contradictions, when one referred to earlier reports and testimonies.

There is no way to hide the truth here. It will come out one way or another soon enough.

Anonymous said...

USA is a democratic society, we welcome everybody, except the Muslim terrorists.

Take your fight back to your miserable land where you came from.

Welcome M Sok An to our Long Beach, USA.

Anonymous said...

Kenya is where gorilla came from, not Cambodia.

Get out of the US you commie (SRP) or you will face justice for contempt and perjury.

Anonymous said...

7:06 AM speak for yourself. Don't you give a bad reputation to our royal government in Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

6:36AM This Guys is so Stupid Idiot, Lobster Brain,It's seem like Ah CPP Crook given him $$$$.Mr.Ly Deab is Khmer Krom na Ah Pler.

Anonymous said...

How irresponsible response from Richart San and his group? The picture and description in Sok Ann is clearly revealed his corrupted intention.

But this time would be good for the thieves to cheat the thief.

This movie clip has some significant screens for us to anticipate.


Anonymous said...

No such thing.

Anonymous said...

Na, na, na, na!
Shame on you Sox-Anh.
Now Sox-Anh is San Okk (Richer San Okk Muot Kda...Ouy!)
Shame on Peter Long!
Shame on you Chhanou!
Shame on you Richer San & Bitch San.
Who is a LIAR?

From in Long Beach
(not Long, Bitch)

Anonymous said...

Ah Viet Cong Ly Diep Ly Ngoc Dinh is online, can'st sleep can't eat. Don't be shy ah Ly Ngoc Dinh.

Anonymous said...

This is a story of Youn Hok Lungdi inside pretends to fight Ly Ngoc Dinh (Ly Diep) outside to prolong Khmer suffering. The real Khmers become one because ah Youn spies are doing the fight.

Why can't ah Viet Cong Ly Ngoc Diep/Dinh answer is he Viet Cong?

Let Khmers take care their own problems ah chor Youn changrai.

Anonymous said...

Sounds more like "Long Shit", not "Long Beach".

Anonymous said...

So Ly Diep or Ly Ngoc Dinh is Youn, but this old fart wants to be Khmer then let him be. Move on.
Long Beach does not belong to anyone of you it belongs to the US, and America will welcome everybody.

Welcome M Sok An to our Long Beach of USA.

Anonymous said...

Please visit :

Anonymous said...

Sok An should just publicly cancel the invitation so his name would not be smeared anymore. The longer he waits, the more his name will be smeared and villified. He knows that, by the reactions from the people and from the Long Beach City Mayor, he is not welcome to the Long Beach New Year Parade, except a few committee members like Richer San. If he is smart enough he should publicly declare the cancellation of the invitation, then everything will be quiet. The longer he waits, the more his name will be trashed like rubbish. If he comes he knows full well that he is not welcome and there might be a protest against his presence, then he will lose face even more. Not worth to come. If I were Sok An I'd have cancelled the invitation long, long time ago.

Anonymous said...

Cambodia had been an Asian Melting pot for centuries now. We got Ah Yuon-Khmer, Ah Jen-Khmer, Ah Barang-Khmer, Ah Lao-Khmer, Ah Siem-Khmer, ..., you name it.

There is nothing wrong with Ly Diep, Ly Ngoc, ..., or Ly Whatever.

Just ignore the racist gorilla who tried to make Khmer look like alien from space or something.

Aside from that, can someone help me find Angkor Borey Website? I have a hell of a problem with this. I want to see what type of stuff they published.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Sok An should forego the invitation, but he can't because then he let Democracy in Long Beach Down. Thus, he must fight to give citizen the freedom to choose what they want, and Cambodia will stand behind him 100%. We are not going to let no commie (SRP) to hijack our people.

Anonymous said...

8:29 AM, We are also Americans and as Americans of the United States of America, we have the voice and decision to use democracy so therefore Long Beach is part of ours since we live here. FYI, no he's not welcomed. And another FYI, no vietnamese AKA second-rate china man would want to be Khmer. People these days are so naive. Let Khmers deal with this situation, it's our problem. Leave out the viets. You should know better. Sok An, you are NOT welcomed to the Long Beach Khmer New Year Parade.

Anonymous said...

8:49, 8:57am
M Sok An can visist every where he wishes to. Your voice is heard and so others who want him come are heard. Every voice is heard, and we decide who can come.

Anonymous said...

Correct, 9:11, but I like to add that Sok An is a political or controversial figure only it you are into politic. To ordinary people, Sok An is just a Khmer person. Am I wrong?

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

Yeah, and it is also good that Majority of people ignore a small number of extremist idiots.

Anonymous said...

Sok An is not Vietnamese he is Sino_Khmer (Born in Cambodia). Hok Langdy is Vietnamese_Khmer (Born in Vietnam). Ly Ngoc Dinh (Ly Diep) is Vietnamese_Khmer (Born in Vietnam).

It is nothing wrong for Vietnamese, Chinese, Barang, T'ai.. to become a Khmer citizen, but Cambodian and Vietnamese had a bad relationship, and I can understand why many Cambodian around the world don't like Ly Diep, because he causes troubles to the community than doing good.

I hope Ly Ngoc Dinh let the new generation take care the business, because they are just smart or smarter than he is.

If Ly Diep steps away, something will be better.

Anonymous said...

Okay, but can you colorize your allegation against Ly Diep for us a bit. Describe to us some of his crimes, I mean.

Anonymous said...

People can be born in Vietnam (Aka Kumpuchea Krom) and are not Vietnamese. We don't believe your crap about Ly Diep being Yuon. He's a Khmer from Kampuchea Krom.

Anonymous said...

Dear Ly Ngoc Dinh (9:49 AM),
No words crimes in my text. I only got informations from those recipients said they blocked your e-mail.

It's time for you to rest and let the new generation march. You have to trust them that they are smarter and brighter than your generation.

Anonymous said...

To: Mr. Ly Diep,

I am the new generation and I do not want you to retire. We all need to work together.

Anonymous said...

10 05 am.
It's up to you to not believe, and it's up to others to believe.

Anonymous said...

I am also a new generation and I wish Ly Diep go to mental hospital or be dead soon.

Anonymous said...


Get serious, will ya?

Anonymous said...

Please don't parade your new year on our streets,our town,our land (LONG BEACH), if you want to keep your fucking culture just go back to your own country and celebrate there .Uncle sam please get rid of all these scum bags from our land once and for all.

Anonymous said...

Anyhow folks, I need help verified the source of this thread.

It said, "Angkor Borey – Khmer Voice Overseas".

I don't know anything about this "Ankor Borey". Can someone help me find their Website.

I think KI made this thread up if it doesn't exist?

Anonymous said...

I don't blame you (10:52).

Here Cambodian Town is hardly a year old, and we have war going already, LOL.

Does anything like this ever happened to Chinese Town, Vietnamese Town, Lao Town, ..., or Cuban Town in the US?

I hope you know now why we don't want those gorilla on Cambodia soil anymore.

Anonymous said...

The problem is not from Cambodian, but mostly problems created by people who claimed to be Khmer Krom like Ly Diep. This old fart knows only to create chaos.

This gotdamn son of bitch Ly Diep is a trouble maker. Did someone say this old son of bitch Ly Diep should be sent to mental hospital?

Anonymous said...

Who helped to create Cambodia Town?

I am curious.

And who are Khmer Krom trouble maker?

Anonymous said...

Okay then, 11:23, you need to get involve to help clear up Cambodian name from this. Don't let Ah Khmer-Yuon drag us into war, bro!

Get all the people you can get to demonstrate to the Mayor that we are not against each other, but we have an intruder.

Anonymous said...

11:30, I am sure the Khmer Government help pushed for Cambodian Town.

And Khmer Krom is an old civilization that no longer existed because they sold all their land to Vietnamese centuries ago. Now all Khmer Krom are Vietnamese citizen. Thus, they are KhmerKrom-Vietnamese or in short Ah Khmer-Vietnamese and tranlated to Cambodian as Ah Khmer-Yuon.

Anonymous said...

Ly Diep brought a bad reputation to all Khmer Krom. This man is a psychopath.

Anonymous said...

Did shit just hit the fence, and some people are running for cover?

Namely, Mr. Peter Long (he should be named peter the short; short sighted that is) and his associates are running for cover...

Anonymous said...

Another Ex Khmer Rouge hits for Ly Diep. This one 12;08 pm is azz's licker. He licks Ly Diep's shit just a second.

Anonymous said...

Folks, you must be vigilant around Ah Khmer-Yuon at all time. They are a very good scamers and liars.

You may want to demand all signatures in the petition against Sok An be verified. It's probably a phonies. They probably trick people to sign it by telling them it was for other cause.

Anonymous said...

Also what I like to know is who arranged for this meet and was there any mediator involve?

Anonymous said...

Ex-Khmer Krahom....sure why not if that is what 12:16 p.m. wishes it to be...

But Mr. Peter Long and his associates are amateure, and their reward will be coming to them as soon as their feet are on the ground in Cambodia...courtesy of Mr. Sok An's office, of course.

We would not be suprise, if Mr. Peter Long and his associate received a bullet to the head each respectively.

It is about time that 12:16 p.m. should distancing himself from Mr. peter the short... There might be a stray bullet flying toward 12:16 p.m's head if he hangs too closely with Mr. Peter.

One must recognize a death horse when one see one...

Sure, 12:16, I'll be an ex-Khmer Krahom if that what you wish. But the fact remains --- shit is hitting the fence...and Mr. Peter the short is throwing that shit all over the place. At this rate, he ain't going to live long.

Get the heck out of his corner...

Anonymous said...

12;46 pm speak for yourself.
Take ah Yiek Cong Ly Diep with you.

Anonymous said...

Never heard the name Ly Ngoc Dinh is Khmer Krom. Dinh and Danh is different. Dinh is purely Youn, but Danh some are Khmer Krom.
This intruder is a psycho.

Anonymous said...

i just love the khmer people.These tribe were best when they fought among themselves. They are truly a warrior race.They fought and fought until they became refugees in foreigh's land and still fighting may be till pig grow wings.

Anonymous said...

What i want is that Ah Sok An should not have such hornor to be a Khmer representative in Long Beach Khmer community. He is only Ah Chke Ba Rang (French dog, people said).

Anonymous said...

They fight for just a shit town.
These Cambo are worse than shit.
Now look who comes to town? Golden Tower of Korean.
Man I just want to pee on that shit town.

Anonymous said...


Are you still on Mr. Peter, the head SHOT's corner...

He and his associates are dead horses, even Mr. Richer San recognizes this, and jumping ship..

The mayor is off line...

So what the heck are you still waiting for...?

Anonymous said...

Chke Barang is better than derachhan like you.

Anonymous said...

1:30Pm speak for yourself. Many Khmers want Sok An come, so you are not in our book.

Anonymous said...

1:33pm stop barking. I have my dog, now eat the shit and go. Don't forget to drag ah Youn kantorb Ly Ngoc Dinh/Diep with.

Anonymous said...

I read about Sihanouk, I din't like the guy. Now I can see why he got many shot. Just look at these retards fight. I'd too.

Anonymous said...

And the good thing, Hun Sen is the leader. He is the right guy for the job over these crazy dogs. These dogs are not even real Khmers but slaves.

Anonymous said...

Whose slave are they ?

Anonymous said...

Fucking Ah Khmer-Yuon try to fool Khmer, hahaha, LOL, hahaha.

Now, we see what is going on.

Ah yuon slave, that will never be the day, mother fucker.

Anonymous said...

To 2:55PM

The way you talk like Khmer = Youn! Even Khmer-Youn can never be equal toYoun and anytime you Vietcong slave mentioning the Khmer anywhere in your writing and you are looking down on all Khmer people!

For your stupidity and I say fuck you! As long as the Vietcong continue to oppress the Khmer Krom people in a racist manner which the Vietcong used the Khmer Krom issue to remind all Khmer people that they are no more than a slave to the Vietcong government and to impose inferior complex on Khmer people to show that no matter how hard any Khmer people who are fighting the Vietcong oppression and the Khmer people will always be the slave of the Vietcong!

Anonymous said...

That is right, asshole. Ah Khmer-Yuon can't be equal to Yuon, never. They are Yuon Slave and they will remain that way indefinitely, forever, ..., or endless. Is there any fucking word you don't understand you stinky shit?

Anonymous said...

I told you so!

Peter Long and Richoet San and the rests in the group are in Sok An-Hun Sen's trap.

if he has not been caught, he get some wastful stuff of Son An. Otherwise, ops!! I did not know that. haha

These fools make Cambodian americans look bad in Cambodia as well as in here.

Anonymous said...

Blow me, Ah Khmer-Yuon scumbag!

Anonymous said...

Have some serious debate. You guys need you sort out yourself a bit. You guys are out of control. Cambodia will not go anywhere if people are like you guys. I see a lot of finger pointing here. No one is responsible for their action. Is this your culture?

Anonymous said...

The fucken Vietcong should never be allowed to impose any fucken inferior complex on any Khmer people including the Khmer Krom people! The Vietcong must not be allowed to use the Khmer Krom people issue to remind all Khmer people as their fucken slave!

So it is logical that the Vietcong must solved the Khmer Krom issue first otherwise the Vietcong can never escape the generational curse imposed the Khmer people!

Anonymous said...

Bullshit, the Vietcong is Ah Khmer-Yuon master and they can do anything they like with their stupid rotten slave.

We don't want to know about no slave here. Cambodia got class.

Anonymous said...

11:59 PM and who is ah Ly Ngoc Dinh Ly Diep who is busy causing troubles in Cambodian community? He said he is Khmer Krom.
Ah son of bitch Ly Diep needs to die fast to hell. Ah Youn Ly Diep wants to rule over Cambodian community?
Pourk ah Youn Khmer Krom are just trouble makers.

Anonymous said...

Don't say that, 11:57?

Don't you see Ah Khmer-Yuon accepting their responsibility for their stupidities?

Right now, they all live in the Vietcong shit pit and they eat maggots that crawled around them for eternity.

Anonymous said...

2 16 pm.
Whose slave are they ?
These losers are not real Khmers, but groups of slaves brought from other tribes to build temples and to be used like cows in Cambodia.

The real Khmers have class but the animal slaves like these fake khmers can only bite and tear.

Anonymous said...

2 16 pm.
Whose slave are they ?
These losers are not real Khmers, but groups of slaves brought from other tribes to build temples and to be used like cows in Cambodia.

The real Khmers have class but the animal slaves like these fake khmers can only bite and tear.

Anonymous said...

Earthquake please strike Long Beach now.

Anonymous said...

Thank to a group of Khmer students!

Thank you! Lok Diep!

Anonymous said...

TO 1:41,

Not yet, old chump..., and if I am going to drag anybody into a any holes, it will be your ass.

People like you are a chump and a dime a dozen. You are what the Khmer Krahom call "tok min tranig...dorr jin min khat..

Clown like you likes to stir thing up and ran off the subject, especially when that subject is not to your liking...

The bottom line, despite your diversification, remains --Peter the Head shot and associates are done for... and if 1:41 do not get his ass out, that shit 1:41pm has been offering to everyone will be his first serving...

So...once again, get the heck out out Mr. Peter the short's corner...

Anonymous said...

Oh shut your stinking mouth, Ah Khmer-Yuon slave(7:33). No one can hear a fucking word you said, with all those maggots from the shit pit in your stinky mouth.

Anonymous said...

Go mate 8;42 am.
See ah preit youn Ly Diep in 7:18am said thanks to himself. LOL
our paraents run from youn and why should we let ah youn Ly ngoc dinh take our land?

Death to ah preit ly Ngoc Dinh Ly Diep. Death to all his slaves.

Anonymous said...

So far, who is Chhkè Yuon?
I mean real Chhkè Yuon!

From Khmer in Srok Khmer.

Anonymous said...

Well, the real Chhke Yuon doing very well in Vietnam because they got Ah Khmer-Yuon slaves to maintain their shit pit for them forever. They don't have to pump it out or anything.

Why do you want to know?

Anonymous said...

I mean " Satt Chkè roboss Yuon! "
( Ah Hu-Sen chea Ah satt Chkè roboss Ah Yuon!)

Anonymous said...

you all claimed yourself as khmer,,if so why fighting each others? or when are you all going to wake up?...the more khmers keep fighting each other the longer yuon swallows srok khmer. we, as khmer who live in US have more rights than in srok khmer for sure,,but for what purposes about sok an? if they want sok an in the parade let them do it. we just tell the people not to show up, or change the flyer date or make a trick, and let them parade him just richer& bitch san and gangs, then the story will go away. if we all keep fighting each other, nothing will solve..that's just my opinion,,bc we,khmer suffered so much already, we need some peace in the US.

Anonymous said...

Cam-CC has nothing, Cambodian Town has nothing, Sister Shity has nothing, Why in the world Sok An beleive these craps? You knew that white boy here in Long Beach knew Mr. Sok An so well. Did he inform Mr. Sok An about the whole ideals of Long Beach's organization or he just a good fucker?

Anonymous said...

Oh shut the fuck up, 11:15. I don't see no Khmer fighting Khmer. The only people who is doing the fighting here is Ah Khmer-Yuons Maggot Feeders from Vietnam, not Ah Khmer-Thai, not Ah Khmer-Lao, Not Ah Khmer-Barang, ... , or what have we.

Anonymous said...

Will Peter Long or Richer San really have the guts to tell Sok An to retract the press release? Are they really known for doing the right things? When Peter Long and Richer San tell Sok An that they didn't invite him to cut the ribbon, I wonder what will happen?