Thursday, March 13, 2008

Police Assailed for Alleged Torture of Own [-Kep police chief: "...we called him in to educate him"]

Left: Marie (no longer Ranariddh) Eng; Right: Powerful police General Hok Lundy

By Sok Khemara, VOA Khmer
Original report from Washington
12 March 2008

The Hong Kong-based Asian Human Rights Commission demanded the release of a police officer in detention in the coastal town of Kep Tuesday, claiming he had been ill-treated and tortured for his role in a land dispute.

The Rights Commission said Tuesday Pring Pov had been forced to give land to then prince Marie Ranariddh, who is now divorced from Prince Norodom Ranariddh.

Police officials said they had detained Pring Pov by order of National Police Chief Hok Lundy.

"The land was owned by [Marie Ranariddh], and following the request of intervention on this land from her to [Hok Lundy], we called him in to educate him," said Kep Police Chief Ing Sam Ol.

The Rights Commission said Pring Pov "was confined to a windowless cell and shackled at night. Despite having wounds on his body, he has been denied access to medical treatment. While in detention he has been consistently pressurised to vacate the land on which his house stands."


Anonymous said...

Yes, take those polices in KEP to jail. they used to grab my family's lands, by occupying in the land and demanded for money.

They deserved it! Oh! I am very happy to hear that Mr. Dy revenge for me. Thanks Mr. Dy. But only this case right!

Anonymous said...

Anybody know Hok Lundy? He has learned the method of Mao to have sexual intercourses with both virgin girls and other beautiful ladies to cherish his sexual sadism.

Anonymous said...

You are right. Hok Lundy is going to the place where only Rannaridd knew and been there.

Anonymous said...

Cambodian society is now very weak with people to stand up for the right of the helpless. In the these last few years many powerfull individuals has used their influenced to force poor famers to sell their lands and prperties at a force price. In a civilised society, all of these activities will be illegaled when the Nation has a propre law. The victims can sued their cultprit for a big price;
-They must repair their damages by paying to their victims with a market price.
-Their suffeings during the years they have lost their properties as well.
I have also warn all the busineess people who used their connections to make monies too. All their wealth will beconfiscicated if a good government has been instaled because all your monies was not done by fair and free. You have used your powerfull connection to shut other up for your own profit.

Anonymous said...

Wrong Khmer Society is strong, only Ah Khmer-Yuon Maggots Eaters from Vietnam are weak.

Anonymous said...

I 'm not in favor of Marie or HOK Lundy, but the police officer deserves what he get the trouble for. A lot of parasites occupe land of other peoples , they live on it several years and they claimn the land to be theirs. Or sometimes, they were hired to take care of the land, then they take the opportunity to make claim... Then they try to get money from what does not belong to them. They are just stupid. We dont need stupid people in Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

"The land was owned by [Marie Ranariddh], ... "

Why does people try to steal her land? Are they on drug or something?

Anonymous said...

10:26 AM : Worse than that: cupidity and stupidity...
liek the song says: stupid, cupid, stop it front of me...

Anonymous said...

It sounds like people had lost their mind, and I hope none of the stupid NGO are not behind all this trouble making business.

Anonymous said...

You kiddin? NGO is one of the corrupt organization. Come by and see for yourself. Each personal has maid and chauffer.

Anonymous said...

indeed many of NGO are corrupted. They make money by bashing our government. That is why we see all sorts of craps here.

Anonymous said...

11:13 AM : Agree with you... NGO want to provide same western standards to the asian country as Cambodia, but has difficulty to understand asian culture. Maybe they don't want, cause it is their way to survivie to attract donations and live comfortabely for all their personnel. A lot of bullshit NGOs that just interested by money donations, and few who really work for the benefit of the cambodian people. These few, they never open their mouths, but they work closely with the locals and the government.

Anonymous said...

Yes, and we called those corrupted NGO, "Long Term Tourists".