Monday, March 31, 2008

Political Cartoon: FBI investigation

Cartoon by Sacrava (on the web at


Anonymous said...

Rainsy Sam if you are incapable to fight the world inflation which affects our country, asks to FBI to help you to make lower the world inflation!

Anonymous said...


It you could get the opposition to be effective, the US would release the report.


Anonymous said...

5:13PM hey afer leurn all english, are you still so dumb? Do not know what FBI is doing?

You must be dumb from birth?
Who is your father?

Anonymous said...

Sam rainsy is not an authentic Khmer because you have of the double nationality.

and so, You can betray your country for your personal ambition.

Go you outside to our Cambodia !
dirty sam rainsy.

Anonymous said...

Ah Xam Rainxy is stupid and brainwashed by the west to eliminate our culture.

Just ignore the idiot!

Anonymous said...

9:53PM, My father is God.
I am his creature.

And he bless you and everybody.