Friday, March 28, 2008

Vietnam next to cut rice exports

Vietnam is one of the world's biggest rice exporters

Friday, 28 March 2008
BBC News

Vietnam has become the latest rice-producing nation to limit exports of the grain against a backdrop of soaring global prices and demand.

Vietnam, the world's second-biggest rice exporter, said it would cut exports by 22% this year, following similar moves by India and Egypt.

Analysts said the Vietnam government wanted to stabilise domestic prices.

Global rice prices have soared by 50% in the past two months raising supply concerns across Asia.

Thailand is the world's largest rice exporter.

China subsidies

While rice prices have risen primarily because of increasing demand from population growth, they have also been lifted by poor recent crops in Vietnam.

Neighbouring Cambodia has also recently introduced limits on rice exports.

China is the world's biggest rice producer, but almost all of its crop is kept for the domestic market.

With the world's largest population to feed, Beijing keeps rice prices subsided.

It said on Friday that it would now pay farmers more for both rice and wheat in an attempt to boost crop production and cool surging inflation.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AH Kwack can you see the chinese is doing better to the Farmer than the Fuck-up Viet!

What you should do Ah Kwack is not to make the rice farmer pay for the price but to cut tax from luxury and income over 10,000 from your guardian aH Sok Kong, your money holder Mong Rithy,and or your wife Telakhmer! And than raise the salary for the goverment workers so they can buy produce in market price!

this way you make the pooor get more money and the rich to pay their due to society, and stop the growing gape between the poor and the rich.

Most of all stop give big and secure business to your fucking Vietcong master like Sikimex of ah Sok Kong! The dog Sok kong have no business in Cambodia since 1992!

Fuck the Vietcong!!!