Friday, March 28, 2008

SRP to commemorate 30 March 1997 grenade attack

In this 2007 photo, opposition leader Sam Rainsy paid tribute to the victims of the 30 March 1997 grenade attack

Friday, March 28, 2008
Translated from Khmer by Socheata

The SRP plans to commemorate the 11th anniversary of the 30 March 1997 grenade attack against a non-violent demonstration held in front of the National Assembly. Eng Chhai Eang, SRP Secretary-general, said that this commemoration is conducted to pay tribute to the spirits of the non-violent demonstrators killed during the 30 March 1997 grenade attack in front of the National Assembly, and also to demand for reform in the judiciary system. The grenade attack killed about 20 demonstrators and injured more then 100 people. This event took place 11 years ago, and still the culprits have not been found yet and they have not been brought to justice either. A stupa commemorating the victims was built by the Sam Rainsy Party in front of the old National Assembly building.


Anonymous said...

That is what led the violence and the confrontation, the hate, the conflicts.

It is necessary to love some and the others and live in peace with the others.

I say: peace and happiness on ground in of Cambodia for all its inhabitants.

Anonymous said...

Sam rainsy, I believe that since the beginning, you are badly advised or manipulated in your political choice.
If you made this personal choice yourself ,Change way.

You should not be ashamed of recognize the errors and change. It is the only good way to progress.

You can make many of the good things for Cambodia and for yourself if you change way.

If you change way , all become possible.

Anonymous said...

Sam rainsy ,now you must realize that one does not do the political in Cambodia with the same method that in Europe or to the united State.

More better is worth late than never.

Anonymous said...

Sam Rainsy do not waste your time any more, the life is short and you are not any more very young and time pass fast.

Khmer Young said...

For the strongest politician will never forget their colleagues who have shared lives and blood for their causes. This is the ultimate virtue of leader though sometime the political circumstance has been tremendously changed.

Those who died and wounded under the grenade attack are not foreigners, they are Khmers, they should be venerated by Khmers.

Congratulation Sam Rainsy!


Anonymous said...

Sam Rainsy you like saying that you want a Cambodia strong, developed, modern, prosperous and happy but what you make at present it is exactly the opposite:

You bring in Cambodia the division of the country, the troubles, the conflicts while our country after so many years of civil wars needs peace and happiness for every body.

You don't see it ?

Anonymous said...

These people died needlessly because Ah Xam Rainxy lack of patient. In a way, this is similar to American citizens died needlessly in Vietnam due to the lack of patient of the US government. You don't need to fight the commie government. They will naturally reformed toward whatever better for them in the end, just look at China.

The sad part of all are teenagers who was a victims of Ah Xam Rainxy's failure to understand the real world.

Anonymous said...

I ask you a question rainsy sam in terms of strategy:

A general who leads his army towards the sure defeat because of a bad strategy has to persist in the error and let his soldiers die one after the other because he refuses to change strategy?

Does this general deserve to be a leader?

Its personal visions of things is a matter and the reality of the facts is the other one!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Mr.Rainsy for being the voice for the VOICELESS people of Cambodia . We appreciate your endeavor and STAND WITH you all the way .
BY the way ,I know who is the CRIMINAL behind the grenade attack some 11 years ago ......he is a paranoias aka ah kwack ,former kr comrade ,leader of a country known as International bagger and lives of foreign donor and charity ,he is also the leader a group of thieves who stripe Cambodia of her resources natural and cultural .

Anonymous said...

Khmer people in Cambodia and in the world commemorate 30 March 1997 grenade attack.

Please read this :

ah Hun Sen massacred Khmer people on Sunday 30 march 1997

Anonymous said...

Ah Xam Rainxy is a fake. His only objective is power and fame. He will stop at nothing. These are just a few victims of his evil greed.

Anonymous said...

If Sam Rainsy is greedy, he would join the Hun Sen's government and get a hellicopter like idiot Rannarith. Sam Rainsy is the only Khmer leader who has PRINCIPLE.

Keep it up Mr. Sam Rainsy and never let the March 30, 1997 people died in vain. The souls of those people will help strengthen your moral conviction in bringing true democracy to the people of Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

None sense, if Xam Rainxy get total control of Cambodia, he will get more than helicopter.

Anyhow, even in the picture, he's faking the prayer. Westerner has no faith in Buddha or anything else. He's not smart enough to fool us.

Anonymous said...

This stupa is the symbol of democracy struggle and tireless effort of Cambodian civilians.

Those who sacrificed the lives will not be in vain because gradually Cambodia has changed to democracy, and when Sam Rainsy lead the country, Cambodia will sustainably experiencing true nation-state building and democracy.

Under Hun Sen's leadership, Cambodia has faced both crimes, manipulation, distortion, and damnation. He is could only to defend his power, not the interest of Cambodia. It is enough for Cambodians as the descendants of Angkorean Empire.

Let Sam Rainsy lead the country to have a "political alternative" in Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

I truly admire Sam Rainsy determination. Dont give up like some Khmers have done, they are only for the material wealth and not for our children and their future.

Anonymous said...

Yeah right, LOL, that is like let Lon Nol leads the country ...

Who are you trying to fool?

Anonymous said...

ARE WE trying to fool the fool with Hanoi PHD?

Anonymous said...

You can try, but you'll only going to fool yourself.

Anonymous said...

I'd admired Sam Rainsy, his will and determinations. Keep in mind that a true leaders will plan his strategic attacks and sacrifice before marching your soldiers to a battlefield. The only way that SRP can overcome this obstacle is that Sam Rainsy must not abandoned his supporter in times of christ. You must give up your dual citizenship and remained in Cambodia and Cambodia only. If i was your followers and my leader had abandoned me, I too will pay for the ultimate sacrifice. So, stick with your people through thick and thin and you will succeed in the up coming elections.
You have my vote!!!

Anonymous said...

Sure, it is easy for you to say because it isn't your thirteen year old kid who got his brain blown out all over Phnom Penh.

Anonymous said...

Of course! It's Cambodia, what do you expect. You want to run the country? Sometimes, that's the sacrifice you have to make. I tell you what though. I will never bring my family to a country that has no law. Sam Rainsy should of known that his family's in grey danger the minute he wants to be a leader. His wife and kids got no reasons to be in Cambodia.