Twelve people have been killed and 11 others seriously injured in one of Cambodia's worst ever traffic accidents.
The crash occurred on Tuesday when a mini-van packed full of travellers collided with a truck as it tried to turn across a highway in eastern Cambodia, district Police Chief Heng Vuthy said.
"It is a tragedy caused by driver negligence," he said.
Traffic accident fatalities have more than doubled in the past five years, becoming Cambodia's second biggest killer behind HIV/AIDS and has resulted in mounting costs for the government.
Better roads and more vehicles are contributing heavily to this bloody toll, but police say bad driving is the main cause behind most accidents.
The crash occurred on Tuesday when a mini-van packed full of travellers collided with a truck as it tried to turn across a highway in eastern Cambodia, district Police Chief Heng Vuthy said.
"It is a tragedy caused by driver negligence," he said.
Traffic accident fatalities have more than doubled in the past five years, becoming Cambodia's second biggest killer behind HIV/AIDS and has resulted in mounting costs for the government.
Better roads and more vehicles are contributing heavily to this bloody toll, but police say bad driving is the main cause behind most accidents.
a serious education and reform in the traffic habit of the people ought to be enforce strictly; otherwise, scene like this will never go away. drivers have to be responsible for their driving habit for the passangers' lives are dependent on them for safe driving. i hope gov't is looking seriously into stiff penalty for this kind of traffic violation. otherwise, how else, beside education, can people get the message? it is scary to be one of the passagers in this kind of car collision by fault of the faster driving drivers.
Oh damn, there go another tragic of modernization.
My condolence to all the victims.
We must punish those bad drivers. Up to now, they are free to drive anyways the want... Drunk driving is seen all the time at night, driving pass the red lights is not a problem either, overloading is not a problem, cars, motocycles with no rare lights are not inspected and not punished... It's wild west, chatoic in Cambodian roads.
everyone, please help to petition the cambodian gov't to take traffic safety seriously as more and more people are getting killed in this kind of preventable accident by fault of the drivers. everyone can include all concerned citizens, tourists, visitors, diplomats, etc. to petition the cambodian gov't to have strict enforcement as this can create more jobs for civil services as well. everyone can help with this as we all wanted to prevent this kind of grusome scene. it could help save many lives of innocent people. thank you.
No don't worry about the stupid traffic. It's better to petition the government for stopping Ah Vicious Killer Xam Rainxy from killing our Children and torturing Khmer People.
Life is cheap in Cambodia...
Why this crazy guy 2:38AM opens his helly filthy mouth for nonesense all the time. Get the fuck off the blog!
The one thing I am always worried about is traffic in Cambodia, especially my loved one going there. People are driving like they are imortal.
It is time that Cambodia should have a proper traffic law and rules and all people must observe that to avoid more death and injuries.
Even so, you loved one is still much more vulnerable to Ah Vicious Killer Xam Rainxy than the stupid traffic accident.
"Better roads and more vehicles are contributing heavily to this bloody toll"
Oh please! It is fucken embarrassing to see those so called "better roads" and the fact is Cambodian roads are so fucken small and it has become a death trap! The issue that Cambodia is having more vehicles especially when to comparing to other countries in the region and Cambodia is still way behind!
As long as drivers don't change their behavior the highway of death will continue!
The fucken problem is that AH HUN SEN government fail to enforce the rule of the road! The law is designed to get those bad people of the fucken road who shouldn't be driving and usually they are the repeat offender!
You know alot 4:01AM! Would you like to have a PHD on Cambodia Trafic?
To 4:08AM
Hey! Mother fucker and don't you dare me!
You have nothing to offer me okay! I suggest you shut the fuck up and there is nothing in Cambodia that the world doesn't know! This should be a fucken warning or a wake up call to AH HUN SEN corrupted Vietcong puppet government!
no one claimed to know more or less; this is just a constructive input for cambodia to look into having a good law for its society. that's all. disclaimer is applied in all blogs or forum like this. just trying to be helpful, not cynical like some people are.
This accident was caused and masterminded by Ah Vicious Killer Xam Raixy. He must be stopped from torturing poor Khmer People, enough is enough.
You know what 2:38? By now, we've acknowledge your hatred towards SR. We got it!!!!! Can you please say something else beside those three sentence that you've repeatedly use throughout every topics that you've post?
Traffic law exist and is in accordance with international traffic regulations, especially asean. However, in Cambodia we have a lot of stupid drivers by moto or car with nothing in the brain and who drive like they are the king of the road. it concerns everybody poor or rich. however rich may be more careful, because they have more protein in the brain to think. Majority of cambodians who drive moto or car in the road never look for safety first when they cross or turn in the road. Most of traffic jams are caused because everybody always want to go forward as if the khmer rouge run after them and they can not stop from going forward or letting a car or moto go first. There is no civility/civism or courtesy like in England where the mentality of courtesy and politeness make them the first country in Europe of lowest accident. Cambodia still a rude country. Always, people are suicidal type: one mini-van, you cant put inside or on the top 50 peoples + goods.... they accept the risks to travel like that, so they accept death.... therefore it is good, we don't need less brain people.....
OUr actual government will succeed the policy of reducing poverty: once all the poor and stupid people die, it will remain only the rich and the powerful...
8:31 AM, shame on you.
Some of these serious accident results from modifying old cars and trucks to carry more loads and since there are too much load on the vehicle and the stopping power is reduced and these dirt poor Cambodian people are driving a runaway train without knowing it!
Cambodian people are so resourceful and they try to make the best out of everything they have even risking their life!
I just wish AH HUN SEN Vietcong puppet government is resourceful as dirt poor Cambodian people!
By the way when a big truck has collision with small vehicle and it is 100% fatality!
cambodia, how about banning drunk drivers from driving on the road and punish those drivers who tend to drive recklessly from reports of the passangers. passangers are key witnesses and report any bad driver to the high authority, and i'm sure they will be punished for good.
Authority must check all drivers for their licence. Most of the driver in cambodia don't have driver licence or driving school? They just driving...It's dangerous to the public safety, authority must punish these people real hard!
In Cambodia they need to re-test people who has driver licence too...I knew some people they told me they just paid the driving school, don't even take a TEST? This is why an accident getting worse in cambodia..?
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