Phnom Penh - Cambodian former king Norodom Sihanouk would return to the country this week after spending three months resting and undergoing routine medical checkups in China, a palace source said Wednesday. The palace official said the former monarch, now 85, would fly to the northern tourist town and gateway to the Angkor Wat temples, Siem Reap, Sunday, where he keeps a royal residence.
He would be accompanied by his wife, Norodom Monineath, and greeted on arrival by the nation's leaders and his son, King Norodom Sihamoni.
Sihanouk spends increasing periods of time in Beijing, where a team of Chinese doctors treat him for a range of ailments including diabetes, high blood pressure and colon cancer, although he previously announced that that he is in remission.
The octogenarian apparently remains spritely, and the palace source said he was planning a gala to celebrate the nation's most important holiday, Khmer New Year, at his residence in the capital less than 10 days after his return.
"He plans to host a banquet followed by a night of singing and dancing and will invite all members of the diplomatic corps," the palace official said by telephone.
The former king, who abdicated in 2004, had not set a date for his return to China, the source added. He was last in the country in November when he celebrated his birthday here.
He would be accompanied by his wife, Norodom Monineath, and greeted on arrival by the nation's leaders and his son, King Norodom Sihamoni.
Sihanouk spends increasing periods of time in Beijing, where a team of Chinese doctors treat him for a range of ailments including diabetes, high blood pressure and colon cancer, although he previously announced that that he is in remission.
The octogenarian apparently remains spritely, and the palace source said he was planning a gala to celebrate the nation's most important holiday, Khmer New Year, at his residence in the capital less than 10 days after his return.
"He plans to host a banquet followed by a night of singing and dancing and will invite all members of the diplomatic corps," the palace official said by telephone.
The former king, who abdicated in 2004, had not set a date for his return to China, the source added. He was last in the country in November when he celebrated his birthday here.
we had father back home ,Happy Fa ther ,We all urge Pra ang help his grand children and children whose are suffering .
May khmemarak GOD bless all the wishs to our king in healthy and comfort and long live .
Yep, good to hear the great news from Somdach Euv and Company.
Have a pleasant trip back home!
The fuck Sihanuk can die in Bejing,he must not return home,we dislike him so!!!!He is the murder the same Ah Hun Xen,Pol Pot,and the others CCP!!!
The fuck Sihanuk can die in Bejing,he must not return home,we dislike him so!!!!He is the murder the same Ah Hun Xen,Pol Pot,and the others CCP!!!
Well, we don't care about private matter. All we care about is to put a stop to Ah Evil Vicious Killer Xam Rainxy Pol Potist from killing our children and torturing Khmer People decade after decade.
This guy is good news for foriegners but no good for Cambodian.
Father please stay out of politic because everything you touch turn into dust.
We just don't like you in politic, when we need you to star in our porn video then we will call you.
Don't let hun xen cronies used you again and again. Please stop!
Don't you like to be fuck even with dog? 3:17AM
You miss alot of fun!
We dont want to see the vietcong slave Sihanouk anymore.
He never work for Cambodia and Cambodians in all his life.
Then go back to your Vietcong's Shit Pit, and I promise to keep Sihanouk from following you, okay?
Ah Sihanouk go back to Cambodia in order to be in jail by KR tribunal because ah Sihanouk is the main killer of more than 1.7 millions of Khmers during 1954 - 1975 and during Khmer Rouge regime (1975-1979)
This man and his family are not our
royal family. They are descended from Chey Chettha ll and Srey Yuon.
He is the most responsable with HUN XEN (before POL POT) of the Khmer killing and the loss of our land. This man is Sdach Thmil born to destroy our country.
Down with him, his family and Hunxen!
vive Khmer republic!
Ah sdach kantoeur is just like chhkè toeur.
SRP Daily Radio Program at http://www.samrainsyparty.org
Sam Rainsy’s autobiography: Rooted in stone
La version française se trouve à la fin du texte anglais
Rooted in Stone - My struggle for the revival of Cambodia
By Sam Rainsy
Ravaged by genocide, coveted by powerful and predatory neighbors, submitted to a corrupt nomenklatura, choked by a neo-feudal regime, Cambodia is a martyr country, and no one knows this better than Sam Rainsy. Born into a patrician family in Phnom Penh, close to King Norodom Sihanouk, young Rainsy lived an opulent life but then also lived through decline, when his father, a major politician, was brutally dismissed and had to live in hiding before being assassinated.
Taking refuge in Paris, the Sam family resigned themselves to live as poor immigrants. However, they never lost their hope or dignity. A gifted student, Rainsy undertook brilliant studies that led him to become a high level finance expert, specializing in mergers and acquisitions for the luxury industry…
But, how could he be happy earning money and making money for others, when his country was sinking into cruelty in the hands of a regime practicing mass murder? From humanitarian action in Paris for the victims of the Khmer Rouge regime to election campaigns in the field following the fall of the communists, Rainsy and Saumura, his wife, launch themselves into political action, taking over the torch from their respective fathers, both of whom were signatories of the 1954 Geneva agreements on Indochina.
However, for these two westernized Cambodians, their return home was rough. Facing with difficulties, aggressions, and even assassination attempts, Rainsy countered them with Buddhist-like pacifism, while constantly seeking for calm and compromise. Becoming the Minister of Economy in the first post-war mandate government, he was able to bring order to the State finances which earned him more hostilities. It was in the opposition that he found his calling when he founded a democratic and liberal party involved in the defense of freedom. Facing the unleashing of violence prompted by such provocation, Rainsy stays the course, unperturbed and smiling, unshakable and frugal, just like the trees deeply rooted in the stones of the Angkor temples.
In May 2008, Sam Rainsy’s 300-page long autobiography detailing his struggle for the revival of Cambodia, “Rooted in stone,” will be published in France by Calmann-Lévy. This book can be pre-ordered through SRP-France at a cost of 20 euros, or 22.97 euros including shipping.
The Khmer and English version of the book will be published in the following months.
For additional information, please contact munysara@aol.com
or call the following telephone numbers in France: +33 6 19 31 42 98 or +33 6 13 06 77 00
Des racines dans la pierre - Mon combat pour la renaissance du Cambodge
Sam Rainsy
Des racines dans la pierre
Ravagé par un génocide, convoité par des voisins puissants et prédateurs, mis en coupe réglée par une nomenklatura corrompue, asphyxié par un régime néo-féodal, le Cambodge est un pays martyr. Nul ne le sait mieux que Sam Rainsy. Né dans une famille patricienne de Phnom Penh proche du roi Norodom Sihanouk, le jeune Rainsy connaît l’opulence, puis la déchéance lorsque son père, un homme politique de premier plan, est brutalement limogé et doit passer dans la clandestinité avant de finir assassiné.
Réfugiés à Paris, les Sam vont se résigner à une vie d’immigrés pauvres. Mais jamais ils ne perdront l’espoir ni la dignité. Elève surdoué, Rainsy fera des études brillantes qui lui permettront de devenir un financier de haut vol, spécialiste des fusions-acquisitions dans l’industrie du luxe…
Mais comment se contenter de gagner de l’argent et d’en faire gagner, quand son pays s’enfonce dans la barbarie aux mains d’un régime qui pratique le meurtre en masse ? De l’action humanitaire à Paris en faveur des victimes des Khmers rouges aux campagnes électorales sur le terrain après la chute du régime communiste, Rainsy et sa femme Saumura se lancent dans l’action politique, reprenant le flambeau de leurs pères respectifs : ceux-ci n’étaient-ils pas co-signataires des accords de Genève sur l’Indochine en 1954 ?
Mais pour ces deux Cambodgiens occidentalisés, le retour au pays est rude. Aux difficultés, aux agressions, aux attentats, même, Rainsy oppose un pacifisme d’essence bouddhique, cherchant avec constance l’apaisement et le compromis. Ministre de l’Economie du premier gouvernement de l’après-guerre, il parvient à mettre de l’ordre dans les finances de l’Etat, ce qui lui vaut de nouvelles inimitiés. Mais c’est dans l’opposition qu’il trouvera sa voie, en créant un parti démocrate, libéral et attaché à la défense des libertés. Devant le déchaînement de violence que déclenche une telle provocation, Rainsy maintient le cap, impavide et souriant, inébranlable et frugal, à l’image de ces arbres qui poussent dans la pierre des temples d’Angkor.
Vote Samrainsy = vote Khmer
Vote Hunxen = vote YUON
Hello there Viet pimp @5:05AM,
What a freaking ugly looking Viet pimp like you doing on Khmer site/blog like KI-Media, lesjeuneskihmers.com, Khmer-network.com, khmerconnection.com eh?
Quit pretending to be Khmer and please don't bring more Viet prostitutes to Cambodia, okay?
You Viet pimp ought to leave Hun Xen alone, and the Cambodian people will take very good care of him. It's a promise from us Cambodian to you Viet pimp alright?
Yeah, it's time for you Viet pimp to pack up and leave Cambodia now!
Go Home Viet, go home!
Go Home Viet, go home!
The world knows you Viet's true colors already, not to worry!
[Et alors Sihanouk,
Pourquoi ne restes-tu pas a Hanoi? Tu vas peut-etre mourir plus calmement et paisiblement la-bas qu'au Cambodge, car le peuple cambodgien n'a pas besoin d'un tueur comme toi!
Vas-tu etre enterre pres de HO?]
Okay, but first we must hang Ah Notorious Killer Xam Rainxy to keep him from harming our children and our people.
Who is this guy 5:43 AM? Is he psychotic or vietnamese or chinese? he seems to be like a rabied dog that knows no right and wrong.
sihanouk is a chinese that want to populate cambodia with communist chinese. He did during pol pot regime. Now he used hun sen to allow more and more chinese to come to cambodia. Eventually, vietnamese and chinese will clash over control cambodia just as they did in early 1979 when vietnam invaded cambodia and ruined the chinese plan.
You have to be chinese to want and adore this mass murderer, Sihanouk.
No khmer want him.
[Et on va pendre tous les Viet trollers tel que celui ci @5:43 AM. Suis certain qu'il est UN chien noir Viet qui a continue de faire du sabotage ici sur KI-Media.]
Ah Sdach Kanh-chasss min prorm ngoab!?!
I hope that sihanouk will die soon. But maybe not, because everybody know that he goes to north korea and china to fuck virgin girl children provided by the communist. He may live over 100 years. ONe day the CIA may infiltrate a girl with AID tha the will fuck so that he can die fast...
ANyway the guy 05:43 AM, i think he mispelled the name of Hun Sen by typing Xam Rainxy... this is the explanation.... if not he may be a cyborg with the brain washed with shit by some political interest to put some shit somehow and somewhere...
You are one of ah Chor youn Viet Cong like ah Ly Ngoc diep. Revenge the King because ah chor Viet Cong lost war to ah Minh.
Ah bat psa you must have fukk all in your whole family memebrs, ah preit.
Hey! 2:00AM, you're f__king right!
samdach ov =samdov ach
stay in china and enjot your peking duck.
chopsticks sucker..
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