Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Filed complaints bolster Cambodian trials

Tuesday, April 08, 2008
ABC Radio Australia

More than 1,000 survivors of Cambodia's Khmer Rouge regime have filed complaints with the country's genocide tribunal.

The United Nations-backed court says it marks greater public participation in the prosecution of those who organised the killing fields.

It says as well as giving victims an active role in the proceedings, the complaints provide key evidence for investigators trying to unravel the inner workings of one of the world's most secretive regimes.

Five former Khmer Rouge leaders have been detained by the tribunal.

Up to two million people - or a third of Cambodia's population - were killed by the regime between 1975 and 1979.


Anonymous said...

The numbers of filed complaints are too low.

Khmer Rouge communist Cambodian regime affected all the people in the country during those almost 4 years.

Anonymous said...

i encourage college students do a survey asking questions to all cambodian people who had ever living and survived the KR era. i think it is very important to hear what ordinary cambodian people have to say about the KR regime and its stone age revolutionary vision. even if not all cambodians can show up at the court in person, college surveys should give them a voice to bring to the tribunal court the real story of the lives and situations under the KR regime which is one of the darkest period of cambodian history, not to mention the world history as well. sufferings were real in cambodia under the KR rule, so i hope the court would do this so a lot more cambodian voices can be heard in court. thank you to the generosity of the world community who help cambodia to become better and who have strong, real interest in all thing cambodia. may god bless cambodia.

Anonymous said...

The numbers of filed complaints are too low.

Khmer Rouge communist Cambodian regime affected all the people in the country during those almost 4 years.

10:55 PM

Be realistic!

Assumed that pre KR era, the population of Cambodia then was 7 millions. Let say that KR wipped out 2 millions then we havd at that time 5 millions survivors, if those 5 millions start submitting the complain, do you seriously think that UN and International Community will go through the all sort of pains in financing the tribunal for the processing of this complain or better spend money for the interest of well being of poor people around the globe.

Anonymous said...

Let give us the atmosphere of present's justice first!

To have both present and past to build a good future and present is more important than past or even future!