Monday, April 28, 2008
Translated from Khmer by Heng Soy
In the upcoming July general election, Kem Sokha, Human Rigths Party (HRP) President, declared that he is 100% certain that his party will obtain seats at the National Assembly. Kem Sokha told The Mekong Times, in an interview, that he has 100% hope that his party will receive seat(s) at the National Assembly, however, he said that he does not know home many yet because it is difficult to gauge for a new political party. He provided the reason as to why he hopes he will receive seats: (1) 90% those who use to vote for Funcinpec will vote the HRP, (2) at least 50% those who vote for the SRP, could change their mind and vote the HRP instead. As to the CPP supporters, because Pen Sovann is with the HRP, Kem Sokha said that his party can attract at least 10% of the CPP voters also. Another reason for Kem Sokha’s optimism is the fact that the HRP is new choice for the disenchanted voters, and they will vote for the HRP.
You need to make the public known that HunSen exported rice to Vietnam far lower than the market rate; Vietnamese sold it to Phillipine (pres. Arroyo) said, she paid vietnamese $1,100 per metric ton. Khmer sold Viets to <$300.
I see HunSen only looking out for Youns, not his coutrymen (Khmers).
(1) 90% those who use to vote for Funcinpec will vote the HRP, (2) at least 50% those who vote for the SRP, could change their mind and vote the HRP instead. As to the CPP supporters, because Pen Sovann is with the HRP, Kem Sokha said that his party can attract at least 10% of the CPP voters also.
HRP is actually looking into to get vote form both SRP and FUNCIPEC
rather than to chase for the big number fro CPP
I am glad Kem Sokha telling the truth that he will get votes from Funcinpec and SRP. His estimate is not 100% accurate but he will get get some seats.
Khmer democratic parties will not have a unity. It should happen long time ago. And it cannot happen now.
A few days after the coup the western gave a big support and idea for the 3 main democratic parties to form a UCD (United Cambodian Democracies). They asked Kem Sokha to be a middle person. Son San accepted it. Ranaridh was OK with it. But Rainsy refused. He said the same thing as now "His party will win. His party does not need anyone else". If they united, they would already win the CPP at that time.
After seeing Rainsy's attitute, Son San's team later joined FUNCINPEC.
After staying with FUNCINPEC for awhile Kem Sohka saw no hope that FUNCINPEC would go up but to come down. He then secretly talked to Rainsy to bring about half of FUNCINPEC's team to join Rainsy. But Rainsy refused again.
Later on Kem Sokha throw a Human Rights group organization to gain his own popularity. Seeing and fearing of popularity of Kem Sokha, Rainsy and his wife then secretly met Kem Sokha and offerred him a Vice President at Sam Rainsy Party. But it was Kem Sokha's turn to refuse.
Later in 2006 one of the western country tried to put these two men at a round table in Phnom Penh and asked them to work together. But Rainsy refused again. He said "His tree has grown strong roots. His ship is going toward the goal. His party is OK. He doesnot need anyone."
Again in 2007 after Kem Sokha launched the Human Rights Party, a group of western countries tried to put them together. They arranged for both of them to meet in Switzeland. Kem Sokha showed up, but Rainsy did not. Rainsy and his wife went to Paris instead.
I think it was the final attemp of the western to help these two groups to unite. And I think they will never be together. In their heart they become the enemy now.
They both are now trying so hard to gain votes and seats in order to be a partner with CPP to run the government. But they are wrong again. FUNCINPEC will win a few seats (2 or 3 at least) that will add up to 50+1 with CPP. Then they are still a strong partner for government.
It is too late for Kem Sokha, Rainsy or anyone to call for the unity.
ah Pen Sovann and ah Chan Ven are ah youn agent. ah Pen Sovann served youns since 1954 and ah Chan Ven They served youns since 1979.
Ah Pen Sovann and ah Chan Ven are actually vice presidents of HRP (Kem Sokha party) so HRP belongs to CPP (Communist Pro youn Party).
Before the Khmer democrats can have the slim hope to beat Hun Sen, they must overcome the enemies within, that is their ego. They must and realise that they evolve around the people not the people evolve around them. Unless they can rid of the self centred belief then the democrats can be real democrats and have hopes to beat the one eye devil. Otherwise just join the devil.
This guy throw numbers like he is an expert. It seems he is in desperation to get some attention.
HRP will be the biggest opposition party after the election.
not to mention that before forming the Human Rights Party, Kem Sokha met with San Rainsy in Son Soubert's house. Kem Sokha at that time requested the meeting as the last hope for forming an alliance. At that meeting Kem Sokha's conditions was that Sam Rainsy restructure the ever more autocratic internal party structure and addressing the internal fracture within the SRP. Close observers knew all along of the disgruntle steering committee members--about half of the SRP's steering committee members have never made a single decision. and about half was not happy. Lots left the party without speaking out to avoid further fracture. At some points, the steering committee made decisions to only be overturned by the socall "permanent committee" which according to the internal rule of the SRP has the power to make or overturn any decision; and it is the president who have all the final say. *Please check the members of this "permanent committee"--it consists of the Eng's clan and the Sam's clan--husbands and wives and in laws(one example of this is the nomination of Mr. Ket Key to the deputy president position in the National Authority on Land Conflicts which was overturned by Sam Rainsy and his wife within the "Permanent Committee" to hand the position to Eng Chhay Eang instead. The position is lucrative and Eng Chhay Eang was silence within this position for more than 2 years until recently. Other examples include the nomination of two people to the National Election committee, etc.
Had Sam Rainsy made effort to unite, it would have been a lot easier than. He only need to reform the steering committee and make the steering committee a true assembly with certain ability for overview. One of the other main ideas was to limited the maximum number of the steering committee to avoid power struggle and dilution. Unfortunately Sam Rainsy did not accepted. Worst, there was a promise to not speak to anyone outside of the few people who attended the meeting--less than one month after the meeting, Mr. Sam Rainsy himself gave interview to Rasmey Kampuchea, a CPP's paper, all the detail. So doing prevent future meeting as no one trust Sam Rainsy anymore. Sam Rainsy wanted to destroyed other people involved so they lose the funding and showed that he made efforts to unite but in reality all he did was criticising Kem Sokha in the whole meeting. Unfortunate!!!
Kem Sokha will be the new man.
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