Monday, April 21, 2008

RFA Khmer Service Website redesign

Web sites redesign


We at Radio Free Asia have been hard at work finding ways to answer your comments and improve access to our Web sites. You are now visiting the Web sites’ new look and feel.

We at Radio Free Asia have been hard at work finding ways to answer your comments and improve access to our Web sites. You are now visiting the Web sites’ new look and feel.

Our new navigation and content display ensure that no matter how our visitors come to the sites, whether via proxy or directly, they are able to easily and quickly access the news that matters most to them.

You will find that:
  • The top banner is narrowed to allow a fast download.
  • A “text only” version is available for those who have slow connections and don’t want to bother with images.
  • Technical help is prominently featured.
  • Mission statement, terms of use, and privacy policy are clearly stated in all languages.
  • Features such as “newsletter subscription,” “email the story,” “print” and “listen” are located within the article where you’ll quickly find them.
  • You’ll be guided by new colors to identify your favorite content.
  • A footer at the bottom of the page offers an easy jump to news in any of our nine Asian languages.
  • Breadcrumbs (text links) remind you constantly where you are in the site, and allow you to backtrack at the click of a mouse if you wish.
RFA’s priority remains to deliver the news – via broadcast or online – as it happens, accurately and free of bias.

But the Web has created a new dimension: your own ability to take part and be heard. Our new sites reflect this change.

Please continue to write, call, and give your opinions. Your feedback is what drives us. We look forward to your comments.


Anonymous said...

No easy and quick access as yet! Perhaps I don't have the right programme for the new design.

LAO Mong Hay, Hong Kong

Anonymous said...

New RFA Website works well with Mozilla Firefox.

Furthermore it uses Khmer Unicode-NiDA fonts so we can read, copy, paste easily the text from RFA news.

Anonymous said...

I love this new design.

Anonymous said...

After redesigning the website, please work on your Khmer language. It could be less painful to listen too.

Kuoy Pichet

Anonymous said...

Yes, if the Khmer letters appear as they look now, it's not woth to use the unicode fonts. It looks like we imitate Thai letters.

Anonymous said...

Hello RFA!!That is nice the new design,but sorry we cannot read it and understand about RFA write.

Anonymous said...

RFA is khmer radio 85% truth
We people khmer love it!

Best wishes for you all and may Buddha be with you!

Anonymous said...

can't open and read Khmer language like before. what happens?

Anonymous said...

It is very nice the new design but I cannot read it like before!!What happen?
I try to instalt Khmerunicode but it didn't help!!!
Please ?????????

Anonymous said...

oh yeah...i got the same problem :-( can anyone explain me how to solve it?

Anonymous said...

The old one is good for me. It's not working well with my PC. There are many boxes instead of letters

Anonymous said...

This is the efficacious way to Install and to Configure Khmer Unicode-NiDA fonts in your computer in order to read Khmer webpages and Khmer blogs. Besides, you can send/read/compose easily your emails in khmer and also can chat in khmer fonts on Skype, ICQ, Google Talk, Windows Live Messenger or any messenger which you need. Please click on pictures to enlarge them.