Sunday, April 13, 2008

Sin Sisamouth's songs heard by Uncle Chev and other Khmer Oldies

Last week, KI-Media posted a short story published by Ka-set on the Tale of Uncle Chev, a (former) newly rich man in Cambodia. We noted that recently, an anonymous netizen pointed out that all the Khmer Oldy songs by Sin Sisamouth (and others) can now be listened to online as indicated in the links attached to the Tale of Uncle Chev. We also noticed that this website ( is a treasure trove of Khmer Oldy songs.

Uncle Chev at the Karaoke bar…

By Ros Dina
Excerpt from Ka-set

Unofficial translation from French by Tola Ek

A story is circulating about the "newly rich people" gaining from real estate speculation:

Uncle Chev is invited to the Karaoke bar by one of his friends. The first time he went there, he asked to listen to the song "Oh! What a poor man!*". The second time he went there three weeks later, he wanted to hear "Ah! How lucky!*". He just sold his land at a good price. The third time he went there, one month later, just after he pocketed the money from the sale of his land, he wanted to sing: "Where did your virginity go?*". The fourth time he went, three months later, he asked to put on "Life is so short*", meanwhile he was infected by AIDS. On the fifth time, his friend came to the Karaoke bar by himself, and he asked to put on the traditional "Khlang Khek" music, the one that is played during funeral… this time, it is for the memory of his deceased friend!
* These are oldie songs by Sin Sisamouth


Anonymous said...

i think it is a good idea to safeguard khmer oldies all over the world so it can't be destroy. i love all khmer songs, not only they sound great, but it goes further to show that khmer are very talented and versatile people, meaning we actually can do a lot of thing others can do, especially when we have the opportunity. khmer are very rich in culture and tradition and our khmer language was also the creation of genius for we have every words and meanings just like say english or chinese or hindi etc... i encourage all khmer people to never ever forget their language and origin and identity as it so important for us khmers to be proud of our race as well as any one else out there in this one planet of our human race. god bless cambodia.

Anonymous said...

Folks, if you interested in great Lao song, he's one of my forever favorite:

Check it out. I think you'll love it.
The singer expressed the song perfectly with lot of feeling and all.

Anonymous said...

million thanks for sharing. please add more songs.

happy new year!

Chhmar said...

i thought the thread was about KHMER songs..oh well.

Anonymous said...

Well, there are a lot of khmer living in Laos too, despite most of them can't speak the language.

Furthermore, they are celebrating their new year the same day as us also.

Thus, it's okay to share lao song in this topic.

Anonymous said...

i love the khmer language. it's so beautiful in both written and spoken, and the khmer oldies are beautiful as well sung by some of the most talented khmer people with beautiful, high pitch, crisp clear voices like those of the late sin sisamouth, ros sereysothe, pen ron, huy meas, so savouen (still alive in france), meas samoun, etc... please help to save and reserve all khmer songs and music for many generation to come. may god bless cambodia and her people.

Anonymous said...

Here's one of my all time khmer favorite oldies:

It is sad song about a black birds (lorloks) missing his love because she got shot by some hunter, and it is very well sang also with lot of feeling all all. You can feel it.

I wish the new generation can sing like that, but it look like they will have a long way to go. I am a bit disappointed by this.

Anonymous said...

Oh, here the best song of all times.
I don't know if I have posted it before.
It's a copy of Japanese song called "Ue wo muite arukou" by Kyu Sakamoto or "Sukiyaki" for short. I don't know anyone who don't like this song. It's that good. Also, it is sang in many languages, including Thai also.

Check it out:

for original version, go here: