CNN Chief International Correspondent
Editor's note: Christiane Amanpour is currently in production on a major CNN documentary that focuses on those people who stood up and said, "Listen! We must stop the killing. Stop the genocide."
PHNOM PENH, Cambodia (CNN) -- A recently disclosed memo gave U.S. interrogators the ability to use harsh methods -- what many call "torture" -- to extract information from terrorist suspects after 9/11. Around the world, critics saw it as another blow to American prestige and moral authority.
The 2003 document also invokes wartime powers to protect interrogators who violate the Geneva Conventions, for example, by the use of waterboarding -- when a prisoner is made to think he is drowning.
Half a world away, the divisive debate over whether waterboarding constitutes torture comes into sharp relief at the infamous S-21, Tuol Sleng Prison in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
This is where the genocidal regime of Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge imprisoned and brutalized its enemies from 1975 to 1979. I visited the once secret S-21, now a museum, with Van Nath, a former inmate. He remembers being brought here blindfolded and terrified:
"I thought that was the end of my life," he told me. "In my room people kept dying, one or two every day."
Van Nath was kept in a room packed with 50 other inmates, shackled together and forced to lie down.
"We could not sit. If we wanted to sit, we had to ask permission first. No talking, whispering or making noise," he told me.
Van Nath described how male prisoners were whipped raw, their fingernails were yanked out, they were hogtied to wooden bars. Prison guards mutilated women's genitals, ripped off their nipples with pliers. And worst of all, babies were ripped from their mothers' arms and slaughtered.
Van Nath was accused of being a CIA agent and given electric shock torture, but he survived when his jailers found out he was one of Cambodia's most prominent painters. And what did they make him paint?
"Pol Pot's picture. Big pictures," he told me. "I had to paint the same one again and again. If they didn't like my painting, that would have been the end of my life."
So when Pol Pot finally fell in 1979, Van Nath returned to paint what he had really seen and heard at S-21. He did it as a memorial to the 14,000 who had been tortured and executed in the prison. It's one of the few public reminders of the regime's crimes.
Take water torture, for instance. Van Nath remembers it as if it were yesterday. I gasped as I entered a room filled with his vivid depictions.
One of his paintings shows a prisoner blindfolded and hoisted onto a makeshift scaffold by two guards. He is then lowered head first into a massive barrel of water. Another shows a prisoner with cloth over his face, writhing as an interrogator pours water over his head.
Van Nath still remembers the accompanying screams: "It sounded like when we are really in pain, choking in water," he told me. "The sound was screaming, from the throat. I suppose they could not bear the torture.
"Whenever we heard the noises we were really shocked and scared. We thought one day they will do the same thing to us."
As he talked and showed me around, my mind raced to the debate in the United States over this same tactic used on its prisoners nearly 40 years later. I stared blankly at another of Van Nath's paintings. This time a prisoner is submerged in a life-size box full of water, handcuffed to the side so he cannot escape or raise his head to breathe. His interrogators, arrayed around him, are demanding information.
I asked Van Nath whether he had heard this was once used on America's terrorist suspects. He nodded his head. "It's not right," he said.
But I pressed him: Is it torture? "Yes," he said quietly, "it is severe torture. We could try it and see how we would react if we are choking under water for just two minutes. It is very serious."
Back then, Pol Pot and his Khmer Rouge cadres recognized this for what it was and used it with brutal efficiency. The Cambodian genocide ultimately killed 2 million people.
Fourteen thousand of them had passed through the gates of hell at Tuol Sleng Prison.
PHNOM PENH, Cambodia (CNN) -- A recently disclosed memo gave U.S. interrogators the ability to use harsh methods -- what many call "torture" -- to extract information from terrorist suspects after 9/11. Around the world, critics saw it as another blow to American prestige and moral authority.
The 2003 document also invokes wartime powers to protect interrogators who violate the Geneva Conventions, for example, by the use of waterboarding -- when a prisoner is made to think he is drowning.
Half a world away, the divisive debate over whether waterboarding constitutes torture comes into sharp relief at the infamous S-21, Tuol Sleng Prison in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
This is where the genocidal regime of Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge imprisoned and brutalized its enemies from 1975 to 1979. I visited the once secret S-21, now a museum, with Van Nath, a former inmate. He remembers being brought here blindfolded and terrified:
"I thought that was the end of my life," he told me. "In my room people kept dying, one or two every day."
Van Nath was kept in a room packed with 50 other inmates, shackled together and forced to lie down.
"We could not sit. If we wanted to sit, we had to ask permission first. No talking, whispering or making noise," he told me.
Van Nath described how male prisoners were whipped raw, their fingernails were yanked out, they were hogtied to wooden bars. Prison guards mutilated women's genitals, ripped off their nipples with pliers. And worst of all, babies were ripped from their mothers' arms and slaughtered.
Van Nath was accused of being a CIA agent and given electric shock torture, but he survived when his jailers found out he was one of Cambodia's most prominent painters. And what did they make him paint?
"Pol Pot's picture. Big pictures," he told me. "I had to paint the same one again and again. If they didn't like my painting, that would have been the end of my life."
So when Pol Pot finally fell in 1979, Van Nath returned to paint what he had really seen and heard at S-21. He did it as a memorial to the 14,000 who had been tortured and executed in the prison. It's one of the few public reminders of the regime's crimes.
Take water torture, for instance. Van Nath remembers it as if it were yesterday. I gasped as I entered a room filled with his vivid depictions.
One of his paintings shows a prisoner blindfolded and hoisted onto a makeshift scaffold by two guards. He is then lowered head first into a massive barrel of water. Another shows a prisoner with cloth over his face, writhing as an interrogator pours water over his head.
Van Nath still remembers the accompanying screams: "It sounded like when we are really in pain, choking in water," he told me. "The sound was screaming, from the throat. I suppose they could not bear the torture.
"Whenever we heard the noises we were really shocked and scared. We thought one day they will do the same thing to us."
As he talked and showed me around, my mind raced to the debate in the United States over this same tactic used on its prisoners nearly 40 years later. I stared blankly at another of Van Nath's paintings. This time a prisoner is submerged in a life-size box full of water, handcuffed to the side so he cannot escape or raise his head to breathe. His interrogators, arrayed around him, are demanding information.
I asked Van Nath whether he had heard this was once used on America's terrorist suspects. He nodded his head. "It's not right," he said.
But I pressed him: Is it torture? "Yes," he said quietly, "it is severe torture. We could try it and see how we would react if we are choking under water for just two minutes. It is very serious."
Back then, Pol Pot and his Khmer Rouge cadres recognized this for what it was and used it with brutal efficiency. The Cambodian genocide ultimately killed 2 million people.
Fourteen thousand of them had passed through the gates of hell at Tuol Sleng Prison.
The second picture is a propaganda. KR doesn't kill babies like that. Only Ah Xam Raixy vicious children killer could do that.
RETHINKING ABOUT this killing field was under VEIT CONG and communist CHINA regime /why do they are always claim khmer Killed khmer and now they are also in power
To all Viet on KI-Media:
Doo Ma Doo Ma Doo Ma Doo Ma Doo Ma...ah youn slut mama....oh shit i'm a bit late.....ah youn mother slut 6:10 AM already here first....but anyway still you Doo Ma Doo Ma Doo Ma Doo Ma Doo Ma....
Hey Viet troller/pimp/parasite/plunderer @6:10 AM,
You Viet troller/intruder admitted yourself to be a Viet-born and national here on KI-Media.
You Viet troller/intruder have been dumping tons of trashes here on KI-Media over God knows for how long.
You Viet troller/intruder pretend to be Cambodian/Khmer speaking up for Cambodian/Khmer and giving Cambodian/Khmer a bad name.
You Viet troller/intruder trash everybody here on KI-Media calling Cambodian/Khmer all sort of names to boast, to sabotage and to destroy Cambodian/Khmer for the benefit of you Viet intruder/plunderer....
Now, you Viet trash/troller/intruder/parasite want to have some real debates?
Does history and now a live example of you Viet trash/troller here on KI-Media tell Cambodian/Khmer anything about the Viet's trustworthiness?
Cambodian/Khmer and the whole world know the true colors of you Viet troller/intruder/invader/plunderer/parasite too well already.
In plain and simple English, now, and again what part of you "getting the fuck out of KI-Media" don't you understand huh you fucking Viet troller/intruder/pimp/plunderer?
Let's see you Viet pimp/parasite's tail between your legs and run on home out of KI-Media now!
Go home Viet, go home!
You will hurt the Viet more than you hurt Cambodian/Khmer by hanging around here on KI-Media and having made such a comment.
Go home Viet, go home!
That because of Sihanouk!
for once, stop blaming outsiders and take your own responsibility. why are they so stupid to listen or take orders from outsiders like vietnamese, china or what have you! it was ignorant cambodians killing khmer people. i hope khmer people can learn from this sad mistake they made. this is why khmer people have to be smarter than taking orders from outsiders, especially the vietnamese. get education, people and the stop the blaming game. people can judge for themselves, nowadays.
Because the damn bloody Viet made those commies such as Hun Sen etc...And that same bloody Viet tricked, duped, entrapped people like Sihanouk et al and made it seemed as it were Cambodian against Cambodian.
We'd say....the Bloody Viet must leave Cambodian/Khmer people alone!
Ah Khmer-Yuon is responsible for inviting the US to help fight the vietnam war. As a consequence, a simple Vietnam civil war became more complex and prolonged to over 20 years and caused damages to everyone, including Cambodia as well as Lao, not to mention killed millions innocent civilians with the aftermath that make over 100 millions people in the region suffering in poverty for many more decades to come. Thus, the ECCC must trial Ah Khmer-Yuon for crime against humanity as well if there is any justice in this world. They must not be allowed to go unpunish for their ferocious crime.
Hey Viet troller/pimp/parasite/plunderer @8:48 AM,
You Viet troller/intruder admitted yourself to be a Viet-born and national here on KI-Media.
You Viet troller/intruder have been dumping tons of trashes here on KI-Media over God knows for how long.
You Viet troller/intruder pretend to be Cambodian/Khmer speaking up for Cambodian/Khmer and giving Cambodian/Khmer a bad name.
You Viet troller/intruder trash everybody here on KI-Media calling Cambodian/Khmer all sort of names to boast, to sabotage and to destroy Cambodian/Khmer for the benefit of you Viet intruder/plunderer....
Now, you Viet trash/troller/intruder/parasite want to have some real debates?
Does history and now a live example of you Viet trash/troller here on KI-Media tell Cambodian/Khmer anything about the Viet's trustworthiness?
Cambodian/Khmer and the whole world see and know the true colors of you Viet troller/intruder/invader/plunderer/parasite too well already.
In plain and simple English, now, and again what part of you "getting the fuck out of KI-Media" don't you understand huh you fucking Viet troller/intruder/pimp/plunderer?
Let's see you Viet pimp/parasite's tail between your legs and run on home out of KI-Media now!
Go home Viet, go home!
You will hurt the Viet and not hurting us Cambodian/Khmer by hanging around here on KI-Media and having made such a comment.
Go home Viet, go home!
8:29 AM,
Understand one thing when on says that the world sees and knows the true colors of the Viet:
The Viet never ever leaves Cambodia alone until the Viet completely annexes/conquers Cambodia. That's their plan for century. They will not quit until Cambodia disappears from the map of the world. That's their true colors among other things such as being the #1 prostitute factory/country in the world...got it? Ask the French, ask the American...
Hey, we don't want to be alone. We want to be with all our neighbors.
Does Canada and Mexico leave the US alone?
The former king and the retarded gorillas were the principal architech who choreographed and orchestrated reign of terror during the Khmer Rouge's egregious era.
Ah gorillas!
7:36 AM
Hey, you fucking son-of-bitch retarded gorilla ... of course, you certainly need us here to shit on you and the rest of your species, and therefore shut the fuck up, because you're much smarter when you have your fucking mouth zipped!
Ah gorillas out!
Hey same Viet troller/pimp/parasite/plunderer @11:12AM, @12:35PM, and 1:19PM,
You Viet troller/intruder admitted yourself to be a Viet-born and national here on KI-Media.
You Viet troller/intruder have been dumping tons of trashes here on KI-Media over God knows for how long.
You Viet troller/intruder pretend to be Cambodian/Khmer speaking up for Cambodian/Khmer and giving Cambodian/Khmer a bad name.
You Viet troller/intruder trash everybody here on KI-Media calling Cambodian/Khmer all sort of names to boast, to sabotage and to destroy Cambodian/Khmer for the benefit of you Viet intruder/plunderer....
Now, you Viet trash/troller/intruder/parasite want to have some real debates?
Does history and now a live example of you Viet trash/troller here on KI-Media tell Cambodian/Khmer anything about the Viet's trustworthiness?
Cambodian/Khmer and the whole world see and know the true colors of you Viet troller/intruder/invader/plunderer/parasite too well already.
In plain and simple English, now, and again what part of you "getting the fuck out of KI-Media" don't you understand huh you fucking Viet troller/intruder/pimp/plunderer?
Let's see you Viet pimp/parasite's tail between your legs and run on home out of KI-Media now!
Go home Viet, go home!
You will hurt the Viet and not hurting us Cambodian/Khmer by hanging around here on KI-Media and having made such comments.
Go home Viet, go home!
9:50 PM
Our comments make you pissed off? Good! Because we'll keep pissing on you!
Just remember 1:52 PM - it will hurt the Viet more than it hurts us Cambodian. Do not miscalculate the consequences.
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