Sunday, April 27, 2008

We ain't no fool, we vote for change - A Khmer Pop Song
Please click on the "PLAY" symbol above to listen to the song

Left-click here to download the song in MP3 format.


Anonymous said...

A good message, we do need change for the better of the country.

Anonymous said...

How about 3 to 4 Millions illegal Viet immigrants had the card to cast Khmer balloot ?

What the measure all the opposition parties will do ?

Anonymous said...

Hello, Khmer overseas. If you really love Khmer and want to help poor Khmer, why don't you come to help instead of just talking about it? Don't be a passive critical hypocrite. But if you love your comfortable home and new cars and all that luxurious materials too much to actually DO anything for Khmer, I understand. Keep talking!

Anonymous said...

Ouch!!! hahaha

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful song! I love Cambodia!

Anonymous said...

ឲ្យយើងទាំងអស់នៅក្រៅស្រុកធ្វើអី​កើត មានតែខ្មែរក្នុង ខ្មែរក្រៅរួបរួមគ្នា ទើបមាន ឱកាស​!

Anonymous said...

Dear 11:26
For my own opinion, I don't want live abroad at all, but one thing that I can't live in my lovely country,cause, if I want to serve,to help them like many political parties, but,finally,kill kill ...
journalist,monks,movie stars,singers,innocent people....
Sure,I can return back for tomorrow if I think that it get a peacefull in there 100%.
A lot of Khmer people living overseas thought like me,big house,new car are not important than my motherland prepare to be a minority of VN in my own native land like CHAM or CHAMPA.
Dear 11:26 don't be mention on wealthy,Dollar than human conscience to our refugees from wartime.
Hoping that you'll not be a member of CCP,if you was't take it easy...
study and search more on deepest tricks of Yuon agressors in Cambodia such as CHAMPA,K.KROM,Te Ong,K.5...etc...

Anonymous said...

USA never thougth about foreigner people lived in their country they always welcome.because all those people make their country growing up by their working or by their money pay for tax every guarter or every the end of the year.Some of those people working great in the company ,too.
If you think like that you mean you are racing people.

Anonymous said...

Many Khmer oversea contributed money through various opposition parties and charity organization to helping out the country. Whereas many of us who holding regular job, it would be impossible just to move and raise the family to Cambodia and live on a $10 a day to put food on the table!!! Patriotism and nationalism are concrete foundations in our solidarity as Khmer despite of where you reside-Israel is an example. We, over sea Khmer, love our motherland as much as any our fellow brothers and sisters there; even though, we can't be there physical to help but we can devote our merit financially.

Anonymous said...

Who is Hun Sen? Hun Sen is Ah kbal yuon khluon khme!!!

Anonymous said...

តើហ៊ុនសែន មិនមែនជាមេដឹកនាំ ដែលបានយកឈាមរាស្ត្រដើម្បីអំណាចទេឬ?

បក្សប្រជាជន (បទកាកគតិ)
សាហាវព្រៃផ្សៃ មេកើយសព្វថ្ងៃ គំរាមប្រជា
អ្នកហ៊ានប៉ះពាល់ អំណាចឬស្យា សម្លាប់ប្រហារ
គ្មានញញើតដៃ ។
ប្រើកលគ្រប់ល្បិច ចាក់ដោតមួលក្តិច ពន្លិចបំភ្លៃ
លួងលោមទិញសូក អស់លោកមន្តី អំណាចដល់ដៃ
ប្រល័យតបគុណ ។
ខ្មែរអើយចូលចាំ តាំងចិត្តឲ្យមាំ ខំប្រឹងរកធន
កុំទុកចិត្តពាល កុំអាលបោះទុន ក្រែងពេលស៊យស៊ុន
ទុនរលាយបាត់ ។
ធ្វើស្រែចំការ ចិញ្ចឹមអាត្មា ប្រមូលញាតិមិត្ត
ក្រោកផ្តួលរំលំ បនពាលទុច្ចរិត ក្បត់ជាតិខ្លួនពិត
បំរើជាតិគេ ។
បំរើប្រយោជន៍ ស្រុកទេសហិនហោច គ្មានសល់អ្វីទេ
លក់ដីលក់ជាតិ លក់ក្បាលឲ្យគេ ខ្មែរណាដៀលជេរ
កំទេចគ្មានសល់ ។
ពួកប្រជាជន ក្បត់ជាតិផងខ្លួន ផ្គាប់យួនដោយផ្ទាល់
ខ្មែរស្លាប់រាប់លាន គេគ្មានខ្វាយខ្វល់ គេប្រើពួកពល
គ្រងយួនចូលស្រុក ។
ថាបក្សជំទាស់ ប្រកាន់ពូជសាសន៍ មិនសន្សំសុខ
ជាតិសាសន៍បងប្អូន ចូលមកសុំជ្រក ម្តេចមិនលៃលក
ឲ្យបានសុខសាន្ត ។
នេះឬមិត្តយួន ថាខ្មែររុកគួន យួនចូលទាំងលាន
បំផ្លាញពូជត្រី ព្រៃឈើបរិស្ឋាន ចូលមករុករាន
ពេញផែនដីខ្មែរ ។
១៦ កក្កដា ១៩៩៨


Anonymous said...

I feel that there are too many divisions among ourselves as Khmers such as Khmer sorin, Khmer krom, khmer kandal, overseas khmers, khmer katchen, khmer kat youn,and so forth. Most of us, if not all, truely love our Meatuphum (motherland)and we want our people to grow in a glorous environment where our children have enough food, education, rights and freedom. That's is our vision. You guy are great 'cause you have such tremendous know how and good heart. So, why don't we start doing something as we can. For example, you raise some fund and help rural kids go to school. The first and important thing we should do is to help people have enough to eat and offer their kids access (not just an open opportunity to education). For instance, we help village people with simple technology to get underground water or teach them life skills. It's just simple but effective. We can help people directly. Cambodia is that dangerous, I assure you. I speak from my on-hand experience working with community. If we're stuck in the political issue, we won't be able to do anything. To move a country forward, we need to work in team in which different skills and know-hows are used compatibly. I'm trying to say that making a change requires education as the top priority. Let me raise another real-life example. It's very obvious that most of the school teachers in Cambodia are forced to be corrupt due to low salary. I know it's not a good idea to send my kids to school only to be influenced by the corrupt way their teacher is using. However, if i didn't send them to shcool, thing would get worse. They will become illiterate and uneducated. So in such situation, how do we handle? Let them go and educate them at home at the same time. Let them know that the way their teachers have been doing is not very right. Similary, Cambodia has been slided into such a situation, how can we all do to fix it? Again, Cambodia is that dangerous unless you touch the tops. There's a room for us to help our people if we're willing too.