Thursday, May 01, 2008

Joke for the new century: After numerous elections manipulated by the CPP ... the CPP now appeals for fair elections?

CPP Group Appeals for Fair Elections

By Chiep Mony, VOA Khmer
Phnom Penh
30 April 2008

The ruling party’s supportive Solidarity Front for the Development of Cambodia appealed to members nationwide Wednesday to respect election laws and help bring about free and fair elections in July.

The Solidarity Front, which was formed during the Vietnamese-supported resistance to the Khmer Rouge in 1979, is a major supporter of the Cambodian People’s Party.

Opposition lawmaker Eng Chhay Eang called the appeal an attempt to deceive the eyes of the public, claiming that the ruling party had not respected election laws in the past.

He cited as recent evidence remarks by Prime Minister Hun Sen, who has said in two speeches this month that with him running the government there is no war.

“This is the language of a threat and could cause turmoil,” Eng Chhay Eang said.


Anonymous said...

Go down and out ! ah Hun Sen, ah third-year- elementary-school- educated Prime Minister with 28 years of holding power, is the Criminal against humanity in Cambodia and is a former Khmer Rouge soldier in Khmer Rouge Regime, from CPP (Communist Pro youn Party)

Anonymous said...

Vote CPP and everyone wins. Vote SRP and everyone will be back to Year-Zero.

Anonymous said...

If they realy want a real Democracy they should reformed the police. army, and the justice!

UN you fuck up by Shihanouk and Co.