Friday, May 16, 2008

Poipet workers are called to demonstrate

15 May 2008
Pen Bona
Cambodge Soir Hebdo

Translated from French by Luc Sâr

The Cambodian organization “Independent Democracy of Informal Economy Association (IDIEA)” called on Poipet residents to hold a demonstration on Friday 16 May, to protest against inflation and corruption. According to a communiqué distributed by IDIEA on Thursday 15 May, 500 people (motodops, merchants, taxi drivers…) are expected to join the demonstration.

“Besides the increase of the cost of living, workers and small merchants of this border zone must pay custom officers, police officers to cross the border,” Vun Pov, IDIEA president, denounced. “This swindling brings heavy burden of these poor people’s living conditions.”

On Wednesday 14 May, an IDIEA representative in Poipet was arrested by the authorities while he was distributing leaflets calling the residents to join the demonstration on Friday. He was released 3 hours later, following long negotiations. “He was accused of not informing the authorities and he was asked not to distribute leaflets anymore,” Vun Pov said. “In spite of the threats issued by the authorities, the demonstration will be held,” he added. He explained also that the authorities were informed about the demonstration, but they refused to give the OK. According to IDIEA’s president, the demonstrators are ready to confront to the police forces if necessary.


Anonymous said...

“Besides the increase of the cost of living, workers and small merchants of this border zone must pay custom officers, police officers to cross the border,” Vun Pov, IDIEA president, denounced.

Border check point is there for many purposes, if people would like to cross to the other side then they have to pay for the daily pass.

This daily pass is also guranteed that the pass holders a legal passage, are legally recognized, under the treaty between the 2 countries, and shall be protected.

Anonymous said...

Ah Sam Rainsy must be STOPPED. People normally doesn't demonstrate for the same thing every other week, over and over. This will certainly to cause instability and deterred business away from Cambodia and denied jobs from hundreds of thousands of young people. The only solution that may help is for the authority to show that they can control such nonsense demonstration.

Anonymous said...

Viva people voice!!!!

Anonymous said...

YOu stupi above people are not stupid like the fucking CPP think!
They know what law require and what you stupid oppreesin killer put in your fucking own pocket!