Saturday, May 24, 2008

Political Cartoon: Two Hyenas & Cambodia

Cartoon by Sacrava (on the web at


Anonymous said...

Perhaps it would better to depict ourselves more positively. We have a lot of strengths. Why can we not mobilise and unite all our strengths and turn ourselves into, say, a hedgehog instead of just a defenseless lamb?

LAO Mong Hay, Hong Kong

Anonymous said...

Nos deux puissants voisins Siem et Youn savent parfaitement que le gouvernement de Hun Sen est incapable de défendre l'intégralité, la souveraineté de notre territoire, et c'est pour cette raison que les deux puissants Siem et Youn continuent de grignoter et abuser inexorablement sur notre territoire, et surtout le petit peuple khmer sans défense.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you Dr. Lao, but our people can unite or not, it totally depends on the patriotic conscience of our leaders. I believe that most of our people are very patriotic, they love their nation, but what can they do if their leaders are lackeys of our neighboring exspansionists?

Anonymous said...

Dr. Lao, you are on the right track but wrong town. If we were able of unity, there is no need for any defense. The problem is we can't, and the enemy is not foreigner but our own. Stop ignoring the truth, will ya?

Anonymous said...

Cambodian PPL are still too ignorant about most everything.
This toonist is one of them. This guy can sketch, but he is not wise like some body said. I believe he is dumb.

Anonymous said...

Did somebody say airheaded Cambodjunks? I drink to that.
Vietnamese and Thai are smiling to see this cartoon by the dumb Khmer Sacrava.
These dumb Khmers are nowhere close to King Sihanouk' intelligence. They forgot that the little pet Cambodia hides his poison claws manufactured from N. Korea and China.

With a PhD like Dr. Lay and Dr. Kiri don't dream to beat King Sihanouk. With all tigers, snakes and crocodiles around him still King Sihanouk back on the throne twice and he is here nearly 100 years old.

Anonymous said...

And when he becomes a SuperNatural Spirit, no bopdy can catch him.
Sihanouk will rule over little evils like ah tingmong Sacrava and his clowns.

Bangkok rolum, Phnom Penh rorleay, Hp Chi Minh kchat kchay sabbay Angkor Wat. Because the Supernatural Spirit of Sihanouk will be there.

Anonymous said...

Hey 3:01AM, can you stop your idiotic belief, dude. It sounds like you were living in the stone age. Have you ever gone to any modern school in the country? Are you a frog living only in the well. If you are, man, I'm sorry about that.

Anonymous said...

What school did you attend smart azz?

Anonymous said...

I attended Preah Sihanoukriaj collge in Prea Tameak, Khet Kandal in the 60's.

Anonymous said...


what ever and however you view this drawing is your own. sometime its good and bad comment.

But i see it as what it going on today. Maybe we should some critizing it too much, but do something about it will ya ?

stop being a critic, and instead be an " action taker ".

it is not just what ur country can do for you, but also what u can do for your country!

in this world, the more rightous is usually the small, and weak.
And not, the big and powerful. When they get big and powerful, usually , they get more STUPID. From history, we also see the big and powerfull falls again, and again. LIke germany, rome, and etc.

Anonymous said...

good illustration because what cambodia needs is some male lions to counterattack these hyenas as lions and hyenas are eternal enemies. if you watch national geographic channel, discovery channel or the animal planet channel to learn about animals which is one of my favorite things to do, you will see that hyenas are opportunistic thieves which often steal from female lions' kills or leapard or chetah's kills etc., however, they don't want o mess with a group of male lions as male lion will kill all the hyenas in a hunt. this is why i think cambodia needs to get a group of male lions to protect cambodia. god bless cambodia.

Anonymous said...

They did get the lion (the French), but it end up swallowing the whole Cambodia along with Loas and Vietnam. Got anymore bright idea?