Sunday, May 18, 2008

Thailand, Cambodia to discuss disputed temple's World Heritage status in Paris

BANGKOK, May 18 (Xinhua) -- Thai Foreign Minister Noppadon Pattama said Sunday he would travel to France on May 22-23 to meet with Cambodian and UNESCO officials to discuss the Cambodian government's plan to register the ancient Preah Vihear temple as a World Heritage site.

Noppadon said he had met Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister Sok An recently and discussed the plan, with the Cambodian official becoming more flexible and wanting to settle the dispute with Thailand amicably, according to state media Thai News Agency.

He emphasized that both countries would receive equal benefits and that the Thai government would not give away overlapping areas claimed by both countries.

Thailand has said it welcomed the Cambodian government's move to register the historic Phreah Vihear temple complex as a UNESCO World Heritage site, but also said the Phnom Penh government must settle a disputed 4.6 square kilometer area surrounding the temple, so that both countries could jointly manage the area.

UNESCO's stance is that the two neighbors must first settle their differences before the registration of the heritage site can take effect.

The issue regarding the ownership of the historic site, dated back to the 9th century, has been long disputed between the two neighbor countries. Previous rulings by the International Court of Justice, commonly known as the World Court, in Hague have recognized the temple as belonging to Cambodia.

It is widely understood by both sides that the Preah Vihear temple building itself stands atop a cliff inside the Cambodian territory, but the only convenient access to the temple lies on the side of Thailand in Kantharalak district of the northeastern Thai province of Si Sa Ket.


Anonymous said...

Whether the fucken Thaicong government wants to oppose Khmer Phrea Vihear temple listing as a World Heritage site is solely the fucken problem of the Thaicong government!

Cambodian government has the responsibility to develop any Khmer territory into a full blown economic development without any consent or discussion from the fucken Thaicong government!

The fucken Thaicong government can go on whining, complaining, and opposing and there is nothing the fucken Thaicong government can do about it because the whole issue of Khmer Preah Vihear temple deal with Cambodian sovereignty and it is non negotiable!

By the way, there is no such thing as mutual benefit because Cambodian government never agrees anything to the Thaicong demand which aim to violate Cambodian sovereignty!

So much for the Thaicong theory and logic!

Anonymous said...

That's the way thai gov.want to do.They stole a lot of land already from the Khmer people like starting Chanh borey,Surin,Nokoreach,Bangkoh and many more, now they want to keep devour the left over again.
Please Khmer government be strong and be prepared for that illegal claim of thai gov.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Hun Sen you are strong against Khmer people; you must be strong against northern theives(Siamese GV). You must be ignored what they are claiming and tell them go back to school learn more Khmer Impire History. There have ever had any overlap territory nor Coastal watter, AH Siamese who are the one stolling our land. You must act as propperty protector Khmer is right to registering this heritage anytime anyways; other wise AH Siam will come to reclaim your resident in deed. Shame AH Siamese dreamer.