Monday, June 02, 2008

Cambodian villagers suffer from the impact of dams built in Laos and Vietnam

30 May 2008
By Leang Delux
Cambodge Soir Hebdo

Translated from French by Luc Sâr

Environment defense associations issued sharp criticisms against hydro-electric dams built on the Sesan River in Vietnam, and on the Sekong River in Laos, during a seminar held on Friday 30 May in Phnom Penh. According to these associations, villagers living in the provinces of Stung Treng, Ratanakiri and Mondulkiri suffer from the impact of dams built in Laos and Vietnam.

“Downstream from the dams, the living condition of villagers is deteriorating,” Peak Saven, a representative of the Association for the Environmental and Cultural Preservation, indicated. “Because of the impact of the river stream and the level of water, the quantity of fishes is scarce.” According to Peak Saven, villagers are also contracting diseases.

Kim Sangha, of the Protection of Rivers Network, confirmed that these dams have negative impacts on the livelihood of villagers living downstream from these hydro-electric dams. “They suffer from flooding, the catch less fish than before, and they must move out,” he said. According Kim Sangha also, the dam builders have neglected the environmental impact.


Anonymous said...

Hey! Cambodia has the right to build the dam too! Who is telling Cambodian that they can't build the fucken dam? Nobody!

Anonymous said...

You fuckup 10"33PM no one toll us knoe but the world off civilization alway care and respect about other and evvironement no fucking selfish and stupid like you fucking communist!

Anonymous said...

why are people only make such a big deal when cambodia want to build a mega dam or something while they ignore others in laos or vietnam. why only pick on cambodia? if anyone to complain it's should be cambodia because we are down stream form those countries. it's just not fair to cambodia when people complain too much about cambodia is about to do. god bless cambodia.