Thursday, June 26, 2008

Election campaign kicks off in Cambodia

PHNOM PENH, June 26 (Xinhua) -- The political parties in Cambodia on Thursday started their election campaign which will be lasted for a month before the general election on July 27.

For starting the election campaign, Chea Sim, President of the Cambodian People's Party (CPP) and President of the Senate, met with thousands of members and highlighted the great achievements of the country led by Prime Minister Hun Sen who is also Deputy President of the CPP.

The CPP will continue to strengthen democracy with multi-parties for the country, and urge to bring better achievements for the poor, he said, adding that the CPP will continue to cooperate with the Funcinpec party for the future of the country.

Meanwhile, Sam Rainsy, leader of the Sam Rainsy Party (SRP), said in his campaign parade that if they win the election, they will solve the problem of inflation, help people to have job fairly and get reasonable salary.

The Norodom Ranariddh party (NRP), led by Prince Norodom Ranariddh who is still in exile in Malaysia, broadcasted a recorded speech by Ranariddh in their campaign parade.

The NRP urged to strengthen the rule of law and eliminate the drug problem which is one of the causes making Cambodian students stop their learning.

Kem Sokha, President of the Human Right Party (HRP), said in his campaign that the HRP will make a law of anti-corruption with international standard and practiced this law with effectiveness, as well as increase the salary of civil servants and invest more money for building irrigation system, he said.

The election campaign will last till July 25, and on July 26 is Silence or White Day and on July 27, election process will start in the morning.

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