Thursday, June 26, 2008

HRP election campaign kickoff

(All photos posted online by S. Chhim, HRP)


Anonymous said...

Kbal pouss thom thom,never mind vote except,Sihanouk,Ho,Mao.

Anonymous said...

Hey I know the guys!
Hope he not come back empty hand!

Anonymous said...

Kbal pous thom thom are from USA?

Anonymous said...

Why HRP are not look as happy as SRP?
HRP may need some money? Please help them!

Anonymous said...

That's right,I say to vote to USA not Sihanouk,Ho,Mao.

Anonymous said...

Why create another political party to split the votes.
All political parties should joint with SRP to remove (CPP) out from the government.
SRP been around for longtime and is the most popular party.

Anonymous said...

1:27AM that call democracy system of politic!
If we all think like you why don't we all joint CPP or be under Sankom Reash Niyum Party again?

Think boy it may do good for the country some day!

Anonymous said...

All democracy parties should joint together to get rid this dictator Hun Sen.

Anonymous said...

Than you will get Ranarith and 1993will repeated all over again 2:45AM

Use your brain do not step on the same SHIT!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey 3:20 AM, that's your shit,not mine, k?

Anonymous said...

HRP will be the next opposition party. The rest will fade away after the election.

Anonymous said...

HRP (Human Right Party) sponsored by CPP (Communist Pro youn Party).

Pen Sovan and Chan Ven, both are CPP party, now both are HRP (Human Right Party) vice president.

Anonymous said...

Kbal pous thom thom are Ah Pouk Kjil !

Anonymous said...

Kbal pous thom thom are cheated by Kem Sokha!