Thursday, June 05, 2008

Sam Rainsy: Defection to the CPP is a theatrical act

Opposition leader Sam Rainsy addressing a pack crowd of supporters in Lvea Em district, Kandal province, on Wednesday 04 June 2008 (Photo: SRP)

Thursday, June 5, 2008
Translated from Khmer by Socheata

While some SRP officials both inside and outside the country are defecting to join the CPP, opposition leader Sam Rainsy continues to claim that these defections do not affect the popularity of his party, and that the SRP support is even growing stronger. He said that these defections are mere theatrical acts. Sam Rainsy told his supporters in Lvea Em district, Kandal province, on Wednesday, that the defection of SRP members to the CPP is a mere theatrical act. He said that he met with voters who told him that they are not concerned about these defections, and they do not pay attention to them at all. In fact, these voters condemn this act, saying that the CPP wants to divert the attention from major problems such as inflation, joblessness, corruption which enrages the public against the CPP and push them to support the SRP instead. Sam Rainsy said with the voters’ sentiment at the local levels being like this, the effort put by Hun Sen to attract SRP members has no meaning whatsoever.


Anonymous said...

YOU ARE ABSOLUTLY RIGHT MR SAM RAINSY ,those are the theatrical acts of the C Pee Pee and AH HUN SEN , to confuse the public and our KHMEWR peoples. AH PLURE HUN SEN , KHMER people are not stupit, most of them are finish higher grade then you .
#4 mean DEAD

Anonymous said...

That is the stupidest lies and excuses I ever heard of, hahaha, LOL, hahaha, and he blaming the CPP for people quiting his stupid party.

The truth is people quiting his party because they know it doesn't got what it takes to run the country, and he know it too. That is he can't make the country better than it's already is, but worse. The guy had not demonstrated anything to suggested that he can do better than China, Vietnam, or even Laos. All he had been doing is giving people lip services and accusing everyone for this and for that ... , and most Khmer people ain't dumb enough to go for that type of craps.

Just ignore the fool, he ain't gonna make it to the election. How can't he run a country with a bunch of fakes in the cabinet? That will definitely to send Cambodia back to year-zero in new record time.

Anonymous said...

To 2:04PM

How about telling me when AH HUN SEN became the Vietcong slave prime minister of Cambodia in 1985 and did he know how to run Cambodia into a prosperous country?

Now if AH HUN SEN is so smart why would he go along with the Vietcong leaders to drag Cambodia into another 10 years of civil war which create more death and destruction to Cambodian people even though he knew what Cambodia had been through already during the Pol Pot year! For 10 long years AH HUN SEN made Cambodian people live under the Vietcong occupation and now he became a dictator and Cambodian population is no better off than before!

Sure AH HUN SEN knows how to run Cambodia and he can run Cambodia into the ground!

Anonymous said...

We will see the result of the forthcoming election (free and fair).

If SRP seats in the National Assembly are reduced, then ther is a real problem for SRP.

If the seats are the same or more than it currently hold, the SRP can surive and will win in 2013.

Let us wait and see. And discuss about national issues.

Kong Moeung

Anonymous said...

2:30, PM is human just like everyone else. In 1985, he was inexperience but he got many experts behind him to make him succeeded.

Ah Spam Rainxy had try everything to destroy PM, but he failed big time because he is not as good as good as he think he is. One of his trade mark was to cause people to suffer so that they will rise against PM, but he failed time after time. He love to brag about "people power" and shit but he aint no Sihanouk, and you know it.

Anonymous said...

Dear Kong Moeung;
It is nice to meet you again here.

You are right! Just wait and see the result from this up-coming election. This is carefully and logically analysis.

My personal point of view. Of course the popularity of SRP will not demise as claimed by Mr. Sam himself but one thing for sure is if the overseas supporters withdraw their supports both voice and finance then SRP would be in lot trouble than anyone can imagine.

Please take this into consideration - "Funds used to sustain the party daily operation is from overseas and members". By all means the so called volunteer Contribution is no mean cheap - Mr. Eng estimate his volunteer contribution is US110,000 for his Battambang constituent. How long has each member been in the party?

My admiration goes to all members of the SRP for eebing so capable to tighten their budget and save enough for the so called Volunteer Contribution.

Anonymous said...

I know all along the srp seats will be up, that is after the fuckin NEC sto9le the votes for the fuckin CPP. If they they count properly, their seats will ptrpbaly mote than the fuckin whore yuan slaves. If teh fuckin cpp ain't no worry, why does it intimidate and kill the srp activists ? the srp must be doin somethin right, oh ?

Anonymous said...

one olds saying stated that when a tree go up, it will hit the wind. SRP now grow to that level. It can survive or not it depend on the strength of its supports (roots). Financially, SRP can not rely on its members inside the country. Most of the rich are in CPP side now. Hopefully, we are going back to the mono-party system again.

Anonymous said...

There is not much hope to have Funcinpec come back. It might disappear after 2008 election.

Anonymous said...

I am trying to figure out why Funcinpec will disappear. For what reason?
This party is already at their lowest point. And they are not dead. So there's no logic to pretend that Funcinpec will be dead. This party has long history than HRP and SRP. And if someone wishing that Funcinpec to be dead, they don't think about democracy. They think about winning for their parties respectively. And it's not democracy. We need more than one party. Right now, members of Rainsy go everywhere. They feel lost. Especially when Eng Chhay Eang got elected as general secretary. At Kampong Cham, SRP members, they even defect and go to Funcinpec. So why these members go to funcinpec? Tell me why?
We need to build a strong economy, not always blah blah. And make people worried if they have a new war in cambodia. I think Funcinpec is patient enough to have such peace. Starting with Tea Cham Rath, if he did not sign the treaty in 98 (peace), there will be no Sam Rainsy and Khem Sokha for blah blah. What did they have done since 93???
I don't trust blah blah.
When these peoples blah blah too much, they will don't have a real goals for cambodians.

Khmer Canadian

Anonymous said...

Stay focus on your strategy SRP, do not let a few traitors distract your work. In my openion, the cpp want to buy out Srp defectors because they know that they're going to lost the election. And for those srp defectors, they will learn about their fade after the election. If hun sen win, he would not need any defector. Look at funcinpec, they are almost no exist. Nararith can not live in cambodia because betayed his supporter and his concience.

Anonymous said...

SRP is remaining strong I don't curved with some of distraction above. Of course you should know SRP is opposition leader, this party did not have authorty to govern the Country yet. Their right is limitted, as opposition most the time are giving lips then the actions following, when the opporturnity is comming. The over sea supporters are still strong because of the Party's policy, cash is secure for election day. though voting for SRP is for beter Cambodia fututre!, and the right way to do!

Stay strong together!PL.K

Anonymous said...

Nope, the oversea supporter have started to see the true color of Ah Spam Rainxy now. When you lie too much, soon or later, it will back fire on you. And when you have no credibility, you are finish.

Anonymous said...

To all SRP members and volunteers you've done a wonderful job for cambodian people, cambodia, and your party. The only party now cpp is scared and worried of is SRP because SRP is focus on the real problem facing the majority of cambodian today. cpp steal people land, corruption in every level in the current government, cambodia teritory and the rule of law.
stay focus on your working strategy. Send all your volunteers and your members to every, Province, Srok, Sangkat and Poum to tell the cambodian people the election is not about SRP future. It's about their future.

Anonymous said...

Stop dreaming, fool! Ah Spam Rainxy had done shit for Cambodia but to steal people hope and pride for his own political gain.

Anonymous said...

just stop getting jealous with more and more people runningto support the srp, that is it. you people jsut can't wait to see the srp going down like fancipoec and ranarth. if sam rainsy was not strong,acting girly like ranarith, or os lok Vengeful and Vindictive defectors, the srp wouldbe gone long ago.

Anonymous said...

What people running to support the SRP? Even cyclo drives try to avoid them right now, unless they get paid a big lum sum, no credit or check.

Anonymous said...

Mate 7:06 am. You are wrong mate.

I am CPP's kid but I like Rainsy.