Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Ka-set’s Pi Nis Pi Nous (here and there)

14 July 2007
Unofficial translation from French by Luc Sâr
Click here to read the original article in French
Click here to read the original article in Khmer

Say it with dollar bills, rather than flowers

Heard on the campus of the Royal University in Phnom Penh: “If I were the designer of the CPP logo, I would not draw a Tevoda (angel) sowing flowers, but distributing dollar bills instead!” The Tevoda-ATM: a new concept isn’t it?

One is never careful enough…

This scene took place in Siem Reap city. Two friends stop a fried banana street seller for a snack. They paid her, and the old women open her cart drawer where she kept her money to pull out the change. One of the customers noted that among the money bills, there was an identity card. “Why to you keep this ID in your cart?” the man asked. “I’m afraid my house got burnt, and it will take all my belongings along! So, I preciously keep near me all my paper works to be sure that I can go to vote on the 27!” Who says that Cambodians are not interested in the election?


Anonymous said...

Yes,it's a nice story.At my village a group of young adults discussed about voting .All of sudden one of them stand up and said;<< Fuck man ,even if nobody voted for CPP , they managed to win anyway,it's CPP you know, cheating is their game ,so why waste your time voting>>.

Anonymous said...

is this a propaganda to discourage opposition voters or are you just trying to vent your frustration?-comment directed reader above only

oh, chek ang is bake banana. Fried bananas are chek chieng.

Anonymous said...

Business class people do vote, and 100% of them will voted for CPP. Working class people are not interested in voting.

Anonymous said...

High class or low class all eat baked or fried banana and sometimes banana chips.

Do you know that the delicious bananas come from Kompong Cham, but people there want to eat the same tast of banana, they want to tast something different such photato chips or frech fried.

While voting for any party or leader is our own decision, we have to be sure on what tast we prefer to. the one originally comes from Kng. Cham dares not stand for MP in his homeland. Do you know why? Because Kng. Cham people want a better tast.

True Khmer

Anonymous said...

Yes it probably grow in Kpng Cham but baked in Hanoi! it smele of Noeukman and may be poisonous!