Khmer Kampuchea-Krom Federation (KKF) Press Release
On behalf of the Khmers Kampuchea-Krom Federation and Khmer Krom people around the world, we would like to acknowledge and announce our support towards the recognition of Cambodia’s Keo-Sikha-Kiri-Svarak (or also known as Wat Prasath Preah Vihear) as a World Heritage site by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).
We would like to denounce the use of military forces by the Thai militants in an attempt to take over the pagoda which located in the Cambodian territory.
We urge the Cambodian and Thailand governments and all political parties to resolve this escalating crisis by remaining calm and to use the instruments of peaceful negotiations.
We strongly urge all people of Khmer descendent, inside of Cambodia, in Kampuchea-Krom and abroad to remain calm and united in defending the sovereignty of Cambodia. We believe that unity is a must for all Khmers and that the Preah Vihear is an issue that affects all Khmer, not one government or organization or for any political interest.
We ask for people to remember and maintain respectful to the friendship between Khmer and Thai peoples.
We ask that all Khmer people help support our Khmer people, soldiers and Buddhist monks living within the crisis zone by donating money and food as well as providing moral support.
We ask all Khmer citizens to write a letter of support to His Majesty King Father, King Sihamoni as well as all political parties in Cambodia to unite in this matter and propose a day of unity.
While the main issue is about Preah Vihear, we believe that it is a great opportunity for all Khmer people to show the world our unity, our love for our history and heritage and the willingness to defend what has been and will always remains part of Cambodia.
We would like to denounce the use of military forces by the Thai militants in an attempt to take over the pagoda which located in the Cambodian territory.
We urge the Cambodian and Thailand governments and all political parties to resolve this escalating crisis by remaining calm and to use the instruments of peaceful negotiations.
We strongly urge all people of Khmer descendent, inside of Cambodia, in Kampuchea-Krom and abroad to remain calm and united in defending the sovereignty of Cambodia. We believe that unity is a must for all Khmers and that the Preah Vihear is an issue that affects all Khmer, not one government or organization or for any political interest.
We ask for people to remember and maintain respectful to the friendship between Khmer and Thai peoples.
We ask that all Khmer people help support our Khmer people, soldiers and Buddhist monks living within the crisis zone by donating money and food as well as providing moral support.
We ask all Khmer citizens to write a letter of support to His Majesty King Father, King Sihamoni as well as all political parties in Cambodia to unite in this matter and propose a day of unity.
While the main issue is about Preah Vihear, we believe that it is a great opportunity for all Khmer people to show the world our unity, our love for our history and heritage and the willingness to defend what has been and will always remains part of Cambodia.
We would like to denounce the use of military forces by the Thai militants in an attempt to take over the pagoda which located in the Cambodian territory.
i think KKF must be stupid or wicked enough to announce --saying accuse Thai militants in this manner.
the fact that there are 2 maps- one used by Cambodia and another one used by Thailand, creating a problem of overlapping area.
if Cambodia ignore the existence of Thai map, how Cambodia expect Thailand to honor theirs.
so, it's very presumptuous act of Cambodia in continuing claiming that the land is in Cambodia territory. Because there's no agreement set by each country yet which part of the land belongs to whom.
KKF may think their act is patriotic but its outcome only fires up the situation unnecessarily and disgracfully.
Pldease see the map that Thailand used unilaterally. Please read the explainnation of the USA-technical assistance to Thailand.
Long live Khmer.
SHUT THE FUCK UP AH SIAM 11:50 PM , your map is a fake one , the real one is in Cambodian HAND .
the whole world knew that you and your SIAMs NAT_SHIT are a THIEVES and a ROBBER . you can draw your stupit map as many as you want , no body care about it , you SICK and LIAR NAT-SHIT SIAM .
THE REAL MAP IS THAT BANGKOK are belong to KHMERS , you got that you SIAMS SHIT..Shit.. shit..shit..
Please do not mix up Prasat Preah Vihear and Wat Keo-Sikha-Kiri-Svarak (or also known as Wat Prasath Preah Vihear). The Wat is just a Buddhist pagoda built recently close to the 10th century Hindu temple Prasat Preah Vihear, of the same style as Angkor Wat, now listed (July 8th, 2008) as a World Heritage site by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).
KKF just do your fucking maters. please do not interfer Cambodia.
Cambodia is not your belong, please leave Cambodia alone, we don't need KKF to tell us what to do, just get your KKF focus on yours but not Cambodia.
Ngo Van linh.
Lam Ngoc Lang.
KKF, we Khmer alway love you. You are truely Khmer. Thanks
Thank the Khmer Krom Federation for taking a stand against the Thaicong aggressor! Khmer people along with international community will not reward any aggressor!
I just want to point out that there is only one map and that is international map! So for the Thaicong to insist that there is a Thai map and Cambodia map is ridiculous!
Cambodian map = international map!
Your whore mom must be very proud when she see you growl out like this... Way to go my man!
Cambodian map = international map!
The most idiotic comment of the day!
Actually it's not a Thai map...
It's THAI-US map, dude!
So, pls don't make a joke out of yourself by saying something like Cambodian map = international map!
It's absurd and plain dumb.
Khmer CANADA , we apriciate your concern , thank you verry much KKF , KKF are REAL KHMER BLOOD , but in SROK Khmer right now we have AH YOUNs such as AH Ngo Van linh.
Lam Ngoc Lang.
12:09 AM .
after we solve Siams problem we will try to deport all that COCKROACH YOUNS invader back to CHINA THEIR MAIN LAND.
Thai-Us Map, lol, did you even read the link to the pdf?
US reports that treaty of 1907 map is valid.
Thai-US map, LMAO!
To 12:20AM
What about your mother? You mother is too busy selling her body on the mean street of Bangcock?
Yeah...I see that you want to be my man and I am willing to bet that you want to be my bitch too! Ahhahahhah
Shut the fuck up fool!
Just in case you missed it.
To 12:21AM and 12:23AM
Hey! Prove me wrong stupid Thaicong mother fucker! Don't just make comments! Is that the reason why the fucken Thaicong government refuses the UN intervention by insisting on bilateral talk with Cambodian leaders to solve the border conflict?
Cambodian leaders don't have time to play around with you Thaicong motherfucker!
The law is the law and for the Thaicong government to break the law and there will be consequence!
AH SIAM 12:20 AM , sure my mother are very proud of me , I did very good in CANADA right now ,
an other thing she all way proud about me is , I ALWAY THINKING of taking REVENG with agressive SIAM Like you and your Black-Clan coward solidiers.
you shit Siam only can shot and kill unarm civilian , your Black-clan solidiers try to kill me when I only 7 year old and rape the 13 year old girl to her dead , when we only try to find something to eat.
Let me tell you somthing AH Siam this memory are still FRESH , If you start a war in my country , me and other CAMBODIAN peoples a broad will try to help our brothers and sisters in Cambodia to detroy you and your gay nat_shit , I myself will fly back to Cambodia to join the fighting so I can get my reveng.
Sokun Nisa sings Thai(melody)song.
Let's ban her.
I am Khmer, the Khmers Kampuchea-Krom they are
my family.
So you Thai shut up.
I heard the YOUN is having big headache about Khmer Krom throughout internationally.
Khmer Krom will be the next East Timor and Kosovo.
Khmer Krom will be independence soon.
Love you all Khmer Krom.
From Me Khmer Kandal
Did your mom tell you that your sister is one of the Black-clan soldiers' sperm?
BTW, being in CANADA didn't help you at all, get some proper education before boasting that you can do anything to help others.
Get yourselves learned first, dude!
Most modern thai music are copies of chinese anyways.
Im not too fond of khmer version of thai songs anyways.
Music is universal and its influence are borderless.
Sokun Nisa is a not a product of Thailand nor her production company. So shes cambodian product.
if your mom's story was true, what did she do when she saw that girl was raped to death? doing nothing?
only hiding and get herself free?
or was she also occupied?
and still you are proud of her?
c'mon, don't drag your mom down to support your bullshit.
The Thaicong will pay for their sin against the Khmer people!
The only good Thaicong is a dead Thaicong!
say anything you want,
the truth is khmers can do anything if they can profit from.
what a hypocrite you people are.
let's not use thai products, but let's listen to thai melody song.
not to mention you lied about thai music are copied of chinese.
in the last 10 years, if you listen to chinese music and some have thai melody, that's the products of grammy taiwan records.
get the picture right, dude!
I love how the thai trolls the comment section to post something that seems in their mind, logical. Then when it gets countered they resort to name calling and putting people down.
Although some of our members are just as bad when it comes to name calling.
hope you know grammy...
it's thai music label, operating in taiwan.
12:53 AM YEP , she told me that you are one of the UNDER AGE SIAMES WHORE that get fuck by so many western black and white men ,
and those sperm mix together to create a stupit agressive Siam like you , Oh yes forget to tell you a bout that sorry and Thank for remind me.
REVENG ARE STILL FRESHHHH for so many KHMERS ..... don't foget that aH SIAM 12:53 AM .
So you are saying thailand never copies anybody music? I can give you lots of examples.
Lots of thai music is copy from chinese as well as other ethnicity. Americans, Japanese, European...etc.
Get your picture right!
She only gave you some craps to conceal her own miserableness, and you already bought her bullshit?
what a pathetic mom and you mamy-boy!
Did you ask her about those handsome Black-clan soldiers?
What did she say? Did she still miss them dearly?
If she say nothing or only give you more craps, now it's time that you straight things up with your mom. hahaha
PS your sister did nothing wrong. She's still your sister anyway.... though her mom may not be able to recognize who is her daddy.
12:59 AM , Sorry to know that you been created by to many diference men , event after your UNDER AGE mother have you 81/2 month in her belly , she still get BANG BY SO many western COCKS , that why you comming out so stupit and agreesive , and also sad that you don't event know who your father was .
khmer in canada
i told you to get some education.
you are so fool not even knowing basic biology stuff.
since when you can be created by many different men?
if you mixed your mom's story with these basic biology knowledges and still don't know what's wrong with you, you should stop showing your foolishness over here.
oh, by the way, did you mom now get a new husband? is she happy?
Black-clans give her big loved regard... say hi to their daughter as well.... since they aren't sure either who the real father is.. hahaha
On July 27th, vote for HUN SEN
STFU Ah KKF criminals. We don't need no help from losers!
UNITY? who are you trying to fool? Is that the best you can do?
I'm a citizen of ASEAN members.
Will you please explain?
Why does Hun Sen is in power?
Isn't he one of the Vietnamese(who caused the massacre during the Khmer Rouge period?)
Thanks for your help.
1:18 AM , next time If I fly by SIAMS , I will stop by to visit your mother and give her $5 dollar trade for sex with her , then your wife , but I can't do sex with you , because I don't like lady man
Oh , and do me a favor would ya? please don't sale or let your under age daughter into a sex trade , I just ask as one of a human being , I knew you are not..
don't wait too long, i think a dickhead like you can't afford to fly anyway...
so i suggest you start fucking your mom and then your sisters and your bros while you're saving each cent....
thank you. everyone can help to solve this dispute peacefully.
i read under the article the "win-win situation" in the nation newspaper, and could wait to say this as the article was giving some detail, but brief history of the 1907 treaty that led up to this very dispute.
according to the article (of course, written sort of bias toward cambodia in its tone by a thai writer, can tell by the long thai name). what i wanted to point out is that the article did not question the "mixed delimitation committee" that was considered border experts from both sides of france colonial cambodia and siam at that time. this "mixed" team was assigned the task to drawing up the borderline between siam and cambodia at that time, and they(meaning both of them, the "mixed" team of both siam and french cambodian) had then decided that to ignore the so-called watershed line of the dongrak mountain and thus placed preah vihear and the so-called 4.6 km2 or 1.8 sq miles of area around the preah vihear temple to be inside cambodia's territory since then. i emphasize that this was done by the "mixed" team. and from here on, siam gov't (again, i emphasized siam gov't, not individual private citizen or whatever, but siam gov't as only the gov't are recognized by international law, not private individuals or whatever) say anything about it until 1958 when thailand decided to all of a sudden, out of the blue, to invade and occupied the preah vihear temple. as a result, cambodia took them to the international court of justice(icj) and the court ruled in favor of cambodia in 1962 based on cambodia's same argument that the annex map 1 that the so-called "mixed" team agreed to was in cambodia. again, this is why thailand lost because they let time elapsed for so long; and thailand don't understand this.
it is very important for thailand to respect the time or in law they called it "statue of limitation" which is the standard in any court appeal all over the world that whatever the court decided to give thailand the statue of limitation, and thailand let that elapsed, in this case court gave them 10 years and that is plenty of times to come up with good, new evidence. again, thailand failed to do just that. so, by law, i don't care if thailand want to agree with it or not, but by law, thailand can not claim preah vihear and the so-called 4.6 km2 (1.8 sq miles) because thailand lost the icj verdict already. this is where the real problem existed with thailand when they decided again to claim preah vihear. except, this time, they created more problem for themselves as a result of this illegal action. for example, now cambodia can charge them with contempt of court and for violation of the international law and for invading a sovereigned state and for using force over a well-known "weaker" state by a "stronger" state. and they used to stay this about france; and now look what they are doing to cambodia.
that said, i, as a khmer person, don't think cambodia is that weak, however, i think we are behind thailand in economic and perhaps military technological know-how or have-not, but not weak. in other words, cambodia is behind thailand in technology and economy with good reasonable excuses like cambodia suffered years of civil conflicts, and of course, the infamous and tragic devastation caused by the KR regime that caused much loss and suffering for cambodia.
that said, however, it does not mean cambodia isn't resilient; it doesn't mean that cambodia cannot catch up with thailand or the rest of the peaceful, developing world out there. we call that the khmer renaissance, meaning cambodia reborn, and we look at it as a natural cycle of civilization, as they say in sociology, great civilization comes and goes; it has its ups and downs, its golden era and its decline of course. so, it is just a natural process, although, at the present moment, one may not realized this cycle that's been going on for thousands and thousands of years since the world's first great civilization. anyway, cambodia is now starting to rebuild ourself out of the ashes of the civil conflict like the KR atrocity, the civil war, etc... and just because thailand was lucky enough to have avoid all of the things cambodia endured, it doesn't mean thailand is immune to it. so, keep that in mind, nothing last forever any way. instead, thailand should not use this opportunity to bully cambodia or to act arrogant with cambodia, instead, if thailand really mean what they are saying like they want to find bilateral peace and development or like they said in the past that the strong should not pick on the weak, then i suggest thailand play by the rules and respect cambodia's rights to self-determination and most definitely, thailand must respect the treaty of 1907 and the icj verdict and stop having "rankling" feeling or whatever over the icj decision, the unesco decision, etc... and work with cambodia to cultivate what they really desire to see between cambodia and thailand and the rest of the world for that matter. otherwise, stop harrassing and bullying cambodia with your savvy economical advantage or whatever because when cambodia play catching up with you, then, really, we will not bend over backward for you as well because god said what goes around comes around, whether you choose to believe it or not, is irrelevant. now, respect the icj verdict! god bless cambodia.
Dear All,
I love to see all our beloved Khmers unify again, please do not discriminate among Khmers, even Khmer-Kroum, we all are Khmers!! we should cultivate the culture love for all our KHMERs!! we lost almost everything because of disunity of Khmers!!
''Khmer break khmer die, Khmer united Khmer survive.''
1:45 AM , OH don't start to fuck your mother and sale your under age daughter , you SIAM dog event your mother you still want to fuck her , you fucking animal , and your under age daughter don't sale her yet , if you so broke as me I sent you some money .
Google Map says it all
4.6km2 including the Preah Vihear belongs to Thailand.
We have to stick to France-Siam map, even Siam insisted that they didn't endorsed on the map.
get a life!
i'm rich enough to fuck khmer prostitutes everyday...only they are under-aged so i let my dogs do it... say hi to your mom and sis for me too hahahaha
Google map is not accurate about recent claim for Thailand.
Go to check the map created by the French 1904-07 fool!
When and how did google get the map?
When is google existed the map is already created by french-siam 1904-07.
Go learn the map from 1904-07 fool!
Dear All Khmers,
It is not a surprise that Thailand claims Preah Vihear and surrounded area belong to Thailand. They even claim that Thai used to be an Empire-Kingdom of Southeast Asia in Rotanakosin era. They said(written) that all Khmer land, Laos-land and some parts of Burmese lands used to belong to Siame. They have lost 15 times and last losing is Preah Vihear temple. Please read more about this at the history of Ratanakosin era (Siame).
I went to do some research about Khmer Krom and found out the French Parliament is having Khmer Krom record pending.
This is good news to hear.
Big cheer to Khmer Krom!
Love you from Khmer Kandal.
1:59 AM
get a life!
i'm rich enough to fuck SIAM prostitutes everyday...event your under siam WHORES , but i don't want to do that , you see the diference between SIAM and KHMER is right there..your SIAMS are no difference from animal , at the end you show your true colour , I am glad that you admitted it , event you don't the world already know a bout it , you right , you need more education so you know more about your own history , this way you and your gay nation would't go a round and make trouble with the neighbour country .
Google map gives too much land to Cambodia, and should be corrected. The temple belongs to Khmer people in Issan Province.
I never agreed with Sihanouk when he had labelled our compatriots according the region where we were born: - KHMER LEU
since we love google so much let ask google to bring all Khmer it doesn't care Kroum, Leaur or Sorin deep down we are all known as Khmer.
Oh and since we so much into history why not rewind it back to the time of Khmer Empire then go forward and see where SIAM history began.
If you busy enough to travel back in time just take a few week back and see how SIAM act is like. 3 siamese crossing the line into Khmer Territory see how Khmer treat them? detain & release have you read news about Siam solder shot Khmer to death by crossing the line? It is a human life please.
Step back is all we asked for.
I am also Kaun Khmer but I am so sick of these junks.
Yes Khmers in Srok Youn are Youn, Khmers in Srok Siam are Siam, Khmers in Taiwan are Taiwanese, Khmers in Laos are Lao, Khmers in Srok Khmer (Cambodia) are Khmers...
When are your guys stop talking of taking other people lives? War means death, get it?
Neak na tveu Bab trov tortoul Bab.
Remember that.
Kaun Khmer rak/sralanh human beings. NO WAR.
GOOGLE MAP rules...
because it's certified by UN, stupid!
That's why I said we should stick to the France-Siam map if we don't want to lose our claim over the Preah Vihear.
Check the map first, it's more accurate even though you might not like what you hear.
1:05PM. I agree with you, but Khmers at the US, AU, UK and France.. are Khmers. I don't hate Khmer Krom but among them are always ah parasites Youn in it. Yes Khmers in srok Khmers some are ah Youn.
thanks khmer krom, you are really unity all khmers. we are not allow any yourn and siem to devide our country. KHMER BRAVO!!!!!!!!!!
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