Saturday, July 12, 2008

Mu Sochua led SRP Kampot province to protest the provincial election committee's decision

Mu Sochua and Oung Cheng leading the SRP protest procession (All photos: SRP)
SRP activists march to the PEC office
Mu Sochua and Oung Cheng wait for permission to enter the Kampot PEC office
Kampot PEC president accepts the SRP complaint handed by Mu Sochua


Anonymous said...

Go , get all the CCP rats Mrs MU SOCHUA , SHOW these criminal some respect.

Anonymous said...

Don't waste time with the bitch. Of all allegations and accusations she made so far, she doesn't have a drop of evidence, hahaha, LOL, hahaha.

Anonymous said...

That piece of paper that she held..... that's concrete evidence! A handful of crab perpetrator like you will denied any allegations even if we have it on tape.

Anonymous said...

yuon secret agent son of the Svay park's whore 3:54AM disguise as cpp..
from cppcanada..

Anonymous said...

No, 5:14, that paper is just a complaint; it is not an evidence. Therefore there is no gain is keeping it, and there is no lost in tossing into the trash can.

Anonymous said...

Just don't argue with dumbass 3:54.He's on drug.

Anonymous said...

The cunt doesn't have any evidence. She just want to make it with the PEC president. It is all excuses to get close to him.

Anonymous said...

You're right! Then, she stab the fuck out of him.
That's is your father........ correct?