Saturday, July 12, 2008

SRP election campaign trail in Kampong Thom province

SRP parade in Taing Kok market, Baray district, Kampong Thom province (All photos: SRP)
Sam Rainsy addressing supporters in Kampong Tha commune, Santuk district
Huge crowd in Kampong Tha commune
Sam Rainsy surrounded by SRP supporters in Kampong Tha
SRP supporters in Santuk district
Sam Rainsy discussing with sellers in Kampong Thom market
Sam Rainsy addressing voters in Sandan district
Crowd attending Sam Rainsy's speech in Prasat Sambour district
An up-close encounter with opposition leader Sam Rainsy in Sa Kream commune, Prasat Balaing district
The crowd cheers Sam Rainsy's speech


Anonymous said...

Can Hun Sen stand in front the huge crowed like this? without his 5,000 bodyguards.

Anonymous said...

WONDERFUL , WONDERFUL , congratulation Mr SAM RAINSY , you did just great , that's alot of support ..... jeavo MR SAMRAINSY .. JEAVO .. JEAVO
GOD will alway with you and our Khmers peoples.

Anonymous said...

Ah Savage Infidel Scam Rainxy wouldn't dare stand in a crowd like that without armed bodyguards. He would died in a blink of an eye for any accusation or lie.

Anonymous said...

this is , the win win situation for Mr SAM RAINSY.
LOOK AT THE CROWN IT IMAZING ISN't IT? ... go go go go , KEEP up this imazing work , Mr SAM RAINSY..!!!

Anonymous said...

HUN SEN , will PEE on his pant , without all 4000 YOUN HEAVY ARM BODY GUIDE , to stand infront of our REAL Khmer people like this.

Anonymous said...

Just take the free food, cap, ..., and t-shirt, then vote for CPP for the good of Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

Bravo Hero Sam Rainsy!
Because of you, Khmer will won YUON SIAM.


SRP Daily Radio Program
The Candlelight Radio Program is brought to you with the support of SRP USA/Canada, Finland, Norway, Austria and France. Their contributions cover airtime fees. We are currently seeking financial support for equipment and production (one producer, one male and one female news reader, two reporters and one program presenter). Interested donors can contact us at :

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The Sam Rainsy Party accepts online donations through a secure Pay Pal system.
Unlike the ruling party, which illegally and flagrantly uses state funding for partisan purposes, the Sam Rainsy Party operates entirely from contributions. The SRP believes that the future of Cambodia should grow out of education, good governance, a legitimate separation of powers, and a de-politicization of key social institutions such as the police and the courts.
If you are interested in supporting these ideals, then we encourage you to contribute here. Donations support campaigns, management of party headquarters, and social services.
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Swift Code: SICOKHPP
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Please mark "Elections" with your contribution

Sam Rainsy�s autobiography: Rooted in stone

La version fran�aise se trouve � la fin du texte anglais
Rooted in Stone -
My struggle for the revival of Cambodia

By Sam Rainsy
Ravaged by genocide, coveted by powerful and predatory neighbors, submitted to a corrupt nomenklatura, choked by a neo-feudal regime, Cambodia is a martyr country, and no one knows this better than Sam Rainsy. Born into a patrician family in Phnom Penh, close to King Norodom Sihanouk, young Rainsy lived an opulent life but then also lived through decline, when his father, a major politician, was brutally dismissed and had to live in hiding before being assassinated.

Taking refuge in Paris, the Sam family resigned themselves to live as poor immigrants. However, they never lost their hope or dignity. A gifted student, Rainsy undertook brilliant studies that led him to become a high level finance expert, specializing in mergers and acquisitions for the luxury industry�

But, how could he be happy earning money and making money for others, when his country was sinking into cruelty in the hands of a regime practicing mass murder? From humanitarian action in Paris for the victims of the Khmer Rouge regime to election campaigns in the field following the fall of the communists, Rainsy and Saumura, his wife, launch themselves into political action, taking over the torch from their respective fathers, both of whom were signatories of the 1954 Geneva agreements on Indochina.

However, for these two westernized Cambodians, their return home was rough. Facing with difficulties, aggressions, and even assassination attempts, Rainsy countered them with Buddhist-like pacifism, while constantly seeking for calm and compromise. Becoming the Minister of Economy in the first post-war mandate government, he was able to bring order to the State finances which earned him more hostilities. It was in the opposition that he found his calling when he founded a democratic and liberal party involved in the defense of freedom. Facing the unleashing of violence prompted by such provocation, Rainsy stays the course, unperturbed and smiling, unshakable and frugal, just like the trees deeply rooted in the stones of the Angkor temples.

In May 2008, Sam Rainsy�s 300-page long autobiography detailing his struggle for the revival of Cambodia, �Rooted in stone,� will be published in France by Calmann-L�vy. This book can be pre-ordered through SRP-France at a cost of 20 euros, or 22.97 euros including shipping.

The Khmer and English version of the book will be published in the following months.

For additional information, please contact
or call the following telephone numbers in France: +33 6 19 31 42 98 or +33 6 13 06 77 00

Anonymous said...

i think mingling with the ordinary people is a good way to show a leader for his people. isn't this how the monarchy have done for hundreds of years, mingling with the common people make them adore, admire and see you as a good leader that that all can talk to with problems or crisis. so, this is a good lesson for all cambodian politicians to follow as this is really a good method to win the people's hearts and minds. when you show you care and you have compassion, people will naturally be attracted to you. i guess sometimes, use common sense is all it takes. god bless cambodia and all our beautiful khmer people.

Anonymous said...

you vote for hon sen ,yuon will take your country soon....

Anonymous said...

Well, what that means is Ah Khmer Rouge (Scam Rainxy) can't harm anyone like he did in the 70's. What is wrong with that?