Sunday, July 13, 2008

Political Cartoon: Khmer-Journalist's Crime

Cartoon by Sacrava (on the web at


Anonymous said...

How many jounalist have been assasination in Hun Sen's regime?

Anonymous said...

i suppose that sihanouk and his sihamoni are very happy because they agree and support HUN SEN'S politic .

two dogs for the dictator HUN SEN

Anonymous said...

Well, without PM Hun Sen none of the will ever be king. Thus, it is natural for them to support PM Hun Sen like everyone else.

Anonymous said...

Support and ass kissing are 2 different thing ..........
Theses 2 clowns king are kissing ah kwack 's ASS pure and simple.Got that.

Anonymous said...

two thums up ,you are my herro

Anonymous said...

Ah.mi Youn kantorb agent 3:36PM.
Your Youn tactic dividing Khmer an't work anymore.

Why this assassination has anything to do with our Khmer Kings huh ah.mi Youn spy?

kandouy mae ah.mi Youn evils, the new tsunami will wipe ah.mi Youn off from all coast along the bay. DIE to Ah.Mi Youn evil.

Anonymous said...

Let justice serves those who tried to deceive Khmer people with their crooked media.

Anonymous said...

Let justice serves those who tried to deceive Khmer people with their CORRUPTIONS. These Heros Father & Son did not deserve to be killed for just writing the truth nature of corruptions. Why not taking them to court unless the killers are too corrupted including you 1;09AM.

Don't use Khmer Kings between your fight.

Anonymous said...

all fucking Cpps r bullshit...trators...

Anonymous said...

Hey Amey athong choy mray 12:46am, you will be next.ah kaun mi kduoy saoy go to hell now.

Anonymous said...

Give it up ah.mi Youn spy 4:28AM. Stop breaking up Khmers ah.mi Youn whore. Mae ah.mi chea Youn kandour s'oy, ah.mi Youn whore.
Leave my country and our Kings alone, ah.mi tmats 'n preah thorani srob ah.mi youn spy oy chhab chhab tov.

Anonymous said...

I bet 3:36PM and 4:28AM is a Khmer Krom klainh Klay. Ah manuss kat Youn like 3:36PM chea manuss peal jong tveu chea Khmer deumbey bomplanh Khmers.

Khmer minchom chea Khmer, Youn minchom chea Youn, sot tae ah manuss prey samdei doch sat derachhan.

Anonymous said...

HEY! Sdach ah chhkuot aing chaul day cheamuoy khmer kroham ngorp ke ngorp aing rorp lean neak ,Chos mech ah choy mray aing min kit phang ah runteas bang taing kandal thngay trang.yOu will go down AMEY ATHONG lit kdet sdach.

Nov muoy teat sdach ah pleu aing chea sdach vietcong,kom phlich oy sos ah ayukhley.

Anonymous said...

It was not Hun Sen who made King Sihanouk King, it was Son Sann.
Hun Sen just goes with the majority of people in Cambodia who still love the monarchy, and besides China said so to keep Khmer monarchy.

Anonymous said...

Ah pleu 6:04am, why don't you read 12:46am .Are you retard or what ?.Yi pourk ah thmil oss nis chom chea chhkuot men vey.

Anonymous said...

Neh mi.ah loplop 6:10AM. Beu Sdech Khmer did not create Lon Nol and Khieu Samphan pourk ah.mi horng einh prohail slab oss tov heuy, ah.mi cho kdouy choy m'ray choy ov.

Rormil kun m'less ah.mi khmer youn choy m'ray.

Anonymous said...

Romil kun kbal ach. Sdach chomkuot luok kbal oy yuon,luok khluon oy khmer kroham .Tveu khnhom CHEN .York luy cheat tov thot kon,khmean doeung ey torl tai ke tort kbal chenh teup doeung khluon .Pourk AMEY ATHONG aing oss nis chom chea chhkuot meul leng chea.Tov ,tov het kdet sdach teat tov ah chheam kop.

Anonymous said...

Stay tune,the war is in progress between the victim's offsprings and AMEY ATHONG.

Anonymous said...

How Sihanouk create lon nol and khiev samphan.What was the reason behind it ?.

Anonymous said...

oH! don't ask this asshole,he's a jerk.

Anonymous said...

Te pourk a osh nis niyeay douch jea Xom Rainsei ot deung kjol ei sosh

Anonymous said...

That's all you guys can say bad words about Khmer Kings and Khmer people(especialy CPP's)man! You Suck!

Anonymous said...

In America you suckers don't know that people died just six packs of beer?