Wednesday, July 09, 2008

SRP MP Son Chhay worried the agreement had cost Cambodia territory and could lead to future losses in border negotiations

Nation Revels in Temple's 'Heritage' Status

By Reporters, VOA Khmer
Original reports from Phnom Penh and Washington
08 July 2008

Cambodians celebrated across the country Tuesday, following the inclusion of Preah Vihear temple as a Unesco World Heritage site.

Public officials joined residents in impromptu celebrations in Phnom Penh. Monks in pagodas rang bells, as people went into the streets, shouting, clapping, singing and dancing to drums.

Prime Minister Hun Sen issued a statement congratulating Cambodia on the inscription, especially noting efforts of diplomats and the negotiating team.

The protection of the temple, which sits on a disputed border region, required years of brokering with Thailand.

Unesco's World Heritage Committee Announced late Monday the inclusion of the temple on the protection list. The temple joined another 15 sites around the world that were inscribed during meetings of the committee in Canada.

An official who attended those meetings said Thailand had objected to the inclusion of the temple, but the decision was impossible to reverse.

Foreign Minister Hor Namhong declared the result at a press conference Tuesday.

The registration of the temple as a World Heritage was not a loss of territory, "even one centimeter," to Thailand or Cambodia, he said.

Phnom Penh city officials planned a concert and fireworks display at Wat Phnom Tuesday night.

Cambodian People's Party lawmaker Cheam Yiep called the inscription a "big success" for the ruling party.

Opposition Sam Rainsy Party lawmaker Son Chhay said the World Heritage listing was not a surprise, as the temple belonged to Cambodia, but he worried the agreement had cost Cambodia territory and could lead to future losses in border negotiations.

The celebrations followed weeks of increased tension between Cambodia and Thailand, as Thai opposition crowds protested in Bangkok and at the border, claiming an agreement to allow Cambodia to apply for Heritage status amounted to a cessation of land.

Officials said Tuesday the gate to Preah Vinhear temple remained closed on the Thai side, and Cambodian riot police remained on guard in front of the Thai Embassy in Phnom Penh.


Anonymous said...

The Cambodian ruling gov't is advancing the application of Preah Vihear UNESCO in haste in time for the 2008 National Election in haste.

Cambodia has been at a loss many times.

Recently in 1949 France gives Kampuchea Krom to Vietnam.

1979 Hun Sen's clique give Khmer land to VN

2005 Hun Sen and N. Ranarriddh's clique give Khmer land to VN.

2008 Hun Sen's clique give Khmer land to Siam (Thailand)?. To show that they are doing it for the benefit of the Khmer nation, Hun Sen's clique and gov't make public of all documents on Preah Vihear.

Anonymous said...

God will punished those who stole land and temple from Khmer in Issan province. They will be slave forever, and their offspring will be crippled and ugly as shit.

Anonymous said...

To the Khmer Issan in 2:14 AM. You do not represent the thai people in general. We are the REAL Thais believe that only small group of thai politicians and others are trying to disturb the good relationship of the two countries. We have never been against Cambodia for the listing of the temple.

You are not thai's friend, but thai's slave. You are disgrace and bring bad reputation to our thai people. So, stop your stupid dream of getting the temple. It belongs to Cambodia, not your stupid slave of our king. It is wasting off our thais money and time to educate stupid people like you.

Anonymous said...

you are ringt shouldn't wast your thai money to educate Khmer, you should keep it to educate your thai not to stole other belonging.

If you dont want to stole our temple why you guy need to fought to Canada? shame to you,
I know some thai people, they're born with a rude attitude..

Anonymous said...

3:49 AM...Look! every country has the same problems. People have different views. Some thais think what they did was right. Some don't. Some thais are like others greedy and some are not and I am one of them. I know that it is the same in Cambodia too.

Anonymous said...

ផែនទីថ្មី បង្រួមបរិវេណ ប្រាសាទព្រះវិហារ ចំណេញ ឬ ខាត ដល់ ប្រទេសខ្មែរ?

Anonymous said...

of course, if we don't uphold the icj verdict, cambodia is losing in the siem violation of this area of cambodia.

Anonymous said...

As a Cambodian people who love our nation, I stop using Thai product anymore. I hope every other Cambodian could do like me, and help promoting Khmer product. The Gov'nt should encourage and give more opportunity to Khmer poeple to run their bussiness on producing Khmer product. I also recommend to those Khmer product producer to produce the good quality and hugient products. I believe, our people will support you, buying your goods.

Don't sell our good rice, fruits, vegetable,... to Thai or other neighbouring country, keep it for our Cambodian people, we buy your crops, products...

Pls spread this to your friends. I do believe in Cambodian people of doing good will. And... we keep our eyes on the land issue with Thai as well as VN more cos WE LOVE OUR NATION.

Anonymous said...

Ah Siamese GV't should spend money on Siamese offspring learning the right History, to avoid confusion among themselve it could cause of Siamese national interest in the future. Should stop of using cunning trick toward Cambodia, should not go off Map no one in the world bite your plastic worms. Such a wast of time, good tried but your true collour never changed, even more enlight to the worldwide. Stop intermidating Khmer of using CF18, we will ground you by using 21th century viruses. The LOO KAROO IS WAKENING EVERY MOONY NIGHT!!!; (the Khmer belonging soon or later, Khmer must regaining). You should waking up from now on Thieves! Loo Karoo is a myth!. Sdach Ta Is talking. Bravo! Khmer Nation. Ah Siamese you're next!!! Down to you! Shameful to you!

Anonymous said...


Unless Ah Hun Sen cease the the Khmer people from using the Thais currency, then I will follow your advice. Or take Ah Hun Sen out! Whichever comes first! Otherwise, my friend..... it doesn't do any good.

Anonymous said...

3:53am, Preah vihear is a clear evidence that you all always wants to have other belonging, you all like a snack,in front say good words, behind is a thieve...
maybe you are out of the millions of thais..