KI-Media loves to hear from you, and we're giving you a bullhorn. We just ask that you keep things civil. Please leave out personal attacks, do not use profanity, ethnic or racial slurs, or take shots at anyone's sexual orientation or religion. We thank you for your cooperation!
that's right,but... Thousand ton of weapon were stolen ,2 000 000 killed,all thing were destroyed by communist HO+MAO and nowday ,there are 4 587 546 vietnameses in Cambodia. UN please resolve this problem and don't say that ,that,that! Khmer need peace,independence,real justice like you all. I want to say that HO+MAO must pay back to khmer sothat they could buye F16 of USA to protect their country.
After 60 years of long and perilous journey, the Khmer nation has arrived to witness a moment of 'true democracy' -- courtesy of SRP 2007 congress. This vibrant moment is a giant step of the Khmers on their march toward an effective democracy and should be crafted in the history book as a demonstration of courage and a determination to be free for the fact that it happened in the midst of political turbulences and influence imposed by our 'special friend' to the East.
It is a proud moment for SRP family, all Khmer citizens, and all democracy-loving people in the world. If there is any dissention or anything that, during and after the conclusion of the congress, can be looked upon as counterproductive, it is nothing more than a showcase of democracy in the making. After all, when freedom of expressions is, for better or for worse, allowed to be freely exercised in flying colors, it is democracy -- a golden key to modernization of the Khmer nation.
General public should appreciate the fact that the congress has also served as a platform for testing Khmer political water. In this critical day and age where little margins can be left for error, it is imperative that any Khmer citizen would and should not have an ill-will to take advantage of this moment to downplay or diminish in any way the resolve of SRP and its livelihood to do the right things to serve and protect the Khmer people and to reclaim Khmer right and legitimacy.
Realities dictate that the Khmer nation cannot, for whatever reason, afford to remain divided as SRP members cannot, for whatever motives, afford to provoke any separation in the SRP family. Unity is the mother of a nation. This should be enough compelling for the leaders of all ranks to look at each other eye to eye and, together, rid all evils from the national territory. They must, at least, make this spirit of national unity a lifelong contract with the nation. Adlai Stevenson once ventured: " ....patriotism is not a short and frenzied outburst of emotion but the tranquil and steady dedication of a lifetime." We all owe that to our motherland.
Arguably, patriotism has never seemed to be a question for the Khmers. However and more than often, personal egos go too far and too deeply into their minds to the point that they become a disruptive force of grand scale, capable of inflicting permanent damages to the nation. A truth is that the 'Khmer civilization' could never have reached the historical status of worldwide recognition without the luxury of many sustained centuries of unity and stability enjoyed by the Khmer people. A better perspective of how disunity has done to the Khmers is to direct the spotlight on Laos' present political life, think and see through the mind of Kampuchea Krom Khmers, and look closely at what has happened to the 'Middle Kingdom,' last chunk of the once-dominant empire in Southeast Asia. Having done that, one only need to find good valid reasons to reject the notion of how critical and immensely important the 2008 general election is for the Khmers to be Khmers, sovereign, independent, and free.
We are living in an era and at another crossroad where no past mistakes are allowed to be repeated and no seeds of old obsolete political culture should be nurtured or salvaged. "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result," said Albert Einstein.
The steady rise of SRP from the tears and cries of the Khmer people and through the flying gun bullets and threats of all shapes and forms, bloody at times, speaks volume about the party's togetherness, persistence, resilience, and boldness. We have traveled a very long road and our mission is far from being completed.
Let us not lose focus on the course and direction we have set.
Let us not point fingers at each other.
Let us be the menders, not the splitters.
Let us manage and endure the growing pains and make this conviction a measure of our inner strength and maturity.
Let us adopt a code of conduct of "seeing no enemy when looking at a Khmer or an individual of Khmer origin."
* This article is written :
by Limhuot Nong, Ph.D in Florida , USA . He is advisor for SRP-USA/Canada He can be reached at his email address:
Another set back to the Khmer Empire was the southward expansion of the Kingdom of Vietnam. As early as 10th century, Vietnam first began its territorial expansion over the Kingdom of Champa. In early 17th century, they captured the remaining part of the territory, and the Kingdom of Champa was erased from the world map. The Chams' territory is now simply known as Central Vietnam. During the reign of Tran Anh Tong (1293-1314), Princess Huyen Tran of Vietnam was presented for marriage to the King of Champa as a trap to annex the Chams' territory.
After the arranged marriage, the annexation was completed as planned, in 1673. A similar scheme was also used against the Khmer Empire. The campaign started in 1623 and continued until they occupied the whole of Kampuchea Krom. During the Le Dynasty 1600's, Vietnam experienced internal chaos. The Vietnamese warlords struggled for power and sought full control of Vietnam. The Trinh clan controlled the northern part of Vietnam while the Nguyen has controlled the south. Consequently, the Trinh and Nguyen wars provided the Vietnamese with opportunity to infiltrate the northeast provinces of Kampuchea Krom in the provinces such as Do Nai, Morea and Toul Ta Mauk.
In 1620, the young Khmer monarch, king Chey Chetha II (1618-1628) had fallen into the similar Vietnam's trap as that of the king of Champa in 1307. The warlord Nguyen Hi Tong (1613-1635) presented one of his exotic daughters, Princess Ngoc Van, to King Chey Chetha II for some favors . Through the Princess' intervention in 1623, the Nguyen warlord sent his representatives to ask the Court of Udong permission for the Vietnamese to conduct trade in Morea (Baria) and Prei Nokor (Saigon ), and be given custom authorities over trading. Because of marriage to the Vietnamese wife, King Chey Chetha II had no strong reasons to refuse but granted the requests. Some historians agreed that these were the covert acts intended to rob the Khmers of their rights. Later, the Court of Hue, again, used the nice guy's trick by volunteering their men to assist the Khmer authority in carrying out the policing in the areas. Some documents in Khmer history have cited that at the start of the relationship, the Court of Hue only asked to use certain areas in Prei Nokor to train their militaries for wars against the Chinese and they would be returned to the Khmer authority in 5 years. But at the death of king Chey Chetha II in 1628, the areas of Prei Nokor, Morea, Do Nai, and Toul Ta Mauk were flooded with the Vietnamese warlord . Kampong Srakartrey (Bienhoa) in 1651; Prah Suakea or Morea (Baria) in 1651; Kampong Kou (Longan) in 1669; Tuol Ta Mauk in 1696; Kampong Krabey Prei Nokor (Saigon) in 1696.
In 18 th century, Mac Cuu a Chinese who received a permission from Ang Eum (1710-22) to con- trol the province of Peam (Hatien), Kramounsar (Rachgia) and Koh Tral ( Phu Quoc island ) in 1722. The provinces of Mesar (Mytho), Kampong Reussey (Bentre), Koh Gong (Gocong) and Peam Ba-rach ( Long Xuyen) were lost to Vietnam in 1732. Phsar Dek (Sadec), Long Ho (Vinhlong), Mot Chrouk (Chaudoc) in 1757, Raung Damrey (Tayninh) in 1770, Prek Reussey (Cantho) in 1758. The provinces of Preah Trapeang (Travinh), Khleang ( Soctrang), Pol Leav (Baclieu), and Teuk Khmao (Camau) were siezed in 1775 and until 18th century our motherland Kampuchea Krom was totally controlled by the Vietnamese 1840.
It is not still too late to fight the Yuon lackeys. We have to support Samrainsy Party
Colonization of Preah Trapeang
During the Tay Son uprising (1779-1796), the Srok of Preah Trapeang had given asylum to the fugitive Vietnamese Emperor Gia Long so that he could reconstitute forces against his own warlord Tay Son. King Ang Eng (1779-96) of the Khmer Empire had also provided a military support to this Vietnamese Emperor as a gesture of a good neighbor. However, after regained throne of Annam from the Tay Son, Gia Long arbitrarily turned the Srok Preah Trapeang into a Vietnamese colony.
During his dynasty (1802-19), king Gia Long started an irrigation project in the Province of Mot Chrouk (Chaudoc). Thousands of the Khmer Krom were forced to dig a canal named Chum Nik Prek Teng (Vinh Te), 53 kilometers long and 25 meters wide, from Bassac River to the Gulf of Siam. During this forced labor project from 1813-1820, many thousands of the Khmer Krom were killed. In one particular instance the Khmer workers were buried alive so that the Vietnamese soldiers could use their heads as stove stands to boil water for tea for their Vietnamese masters. The phrase "Be careful not to spill the masters'Tea" is still well reminded to there Children by all Khmer Krom parents or grandparents.
Before the Canal Project well done, Annamite soldiers held khmer laborers into Pillories, each fillory contained about 20-40 people (they said to prevent Khmer laborers run away from mobilization),at least from 2-5 thousand were locked in pillories located in the canal; the dam was opened, water filled the canal, all Khmer laborers were drowned, no one was survive. (Listen to the Te Ong Anussa´s song that means the Master´s Tea Memo).
The Legacy of Oknha Son Kuy During the reign of King Thieu Tri (1841- 47), the Khmer Krom were harshly forced to abandon their Buddhist religion, custom, tradition, and language. Oknha Son Kuy (also known as Chavay Kuy), Governor of the Srok of Preah Trapeang, had to give up his life in exchange for those rights. The Vietnamese Court of Hue recognized the facts and agreed to have the imposition lifted. When Oknha Son Kuy as beheaded in 1841, people rose up against the Vietnamese through out the country. The Khmer Krom had to stand alone and faced severely retaliations without any supports from King Ang Doung (1840-59) of the Khmer Empire. The body of SON KUY was buried in the capital seat of the Preah Trapeang (Travinh), and his tomb is still standing in Bodhisalaraj Kampong) temple until today.
Saturday, November 24, 2007 Op-Ed: Son Sann Phantom in HRP Politics 23 November 2007 Op-Ed By Kok Sap Posted Online
Obviously from his November 15, 2007 appeal, Prince Ranaridh former boss of FUNCINPEC and Mr. Kem Sokha was struck with reasons from Ta Son Sann Party phantom fall out and beans spilling. Not only that, he spat on Mr. Sam Rainsy as well. To many at awes, what happens to the rhetorical national interest not individual or group? This alone puts voters in perspective, if not careful, the overconfident HRP President can probably hurt HRP more than help from being an inner clique to Son Sann with short memory lapse that Prince Norodom Ranaridh, Son Soubert and Khieu Samphan were always at the same table as the legitimate lieutenants of the Democratic Kampuchea Coalition Government during Paris-Djakarta secret getting together in the 80's.
To the surprises, Mr. Kem Sokha, the Human Rights Party newly appointed head, expressed his bitterness toward Prince Ranaridh appeal in behalf of his leader Mr. Son Sann, the phantom of monarchy in 1993. Once a CPP insider himself, Mr. Kem Sokha blamed Mr. Ieng Mouly not Mr. Son Sann for the BLDP fall out. However, few knew facts that Mr. Son Sann had arbitrarily conspired to reinstate the bloody monarchy in 1993 without Party consensus. Furthermore Mr. Son Sann had a lot to do with the Progressive BLDP loss. Being critical of others loyalty and transparency, Mr. Kem Sokha has a lot more to explain on himself than any of whom he mentioned including why people despised Mr. Son Sann dishonesty.
In the BLDP fall out, Dr. Lao Mong Hay, once was a very intimate disciple of Son Sann, recent article posted by Khmer Intelligence Blog has punctuated and let up the dark side of Mr. Son Sann long years of opportunism and self serving agendas. There ought to be more that Pundit Lao Mong Hay couldn't have had elaborated from the lessons learned to benefit the aspiring leaders in democracy.
The account also shows besides his 80's fake resistance to monarchy, Mr. Son Sann was one of Sihanouk advisors in the obscured Kampuchea Krom land cessation in 1949 and a saboteur of Khmer Republic government in 1973. The lessons shown all along Khmer tragedies are rooting from Yuon agents who were at the helm of Cambodia. So in this spiteful exchange between Mr. Kem Sokha and the corruptive Prince Ranaridh will there be any merit to the Cambodia politics future?
Like father like son, now Mr. Son Soubert, a PhD in archaeology at Sihanouk green light, is serving on the CPP's Constitutional Magistrate Council. From there he emerged as one of the HRP three powerful committees President. To the contempt of the killing fields victims, Dr. Son Soubert disgraciously went ahead to defend Sihanouk a no longer King but retired common citizen when the question raised over his immunity and crimes against humanity. Dr.Son Soubert was adamantly advocated in his present supreme judiciary capacity that because of the visibility of Sihanouk or Monique was along side with current King portrait in any conspicuous corner of the country, therefore, the royal immunity shall deem legal merit to protect Sihanouk too. This reminds many also how cunningly Mr. Son Sann was in arm twisting Mr. Hun Sen government to return his long abandoned Villa to his possession in 1993. Yet millions lost all to Sihanouk and Yuon patronage but not Mr. Deal Wheeler's. Obviously one can see how so shallow and insulting in both Son Sann and his son behaviors.
In addition Mr. Kiet Sokun, another Son Sann dedicated disciple and autocratic inclined from Australia, has risen from FUNCINPEC ashes to be Prince Thomico White Horse Party lieutenant and now the first Vice President of HRP as well. Besides the three,there are many more who swore to be loyal to Son Sann for life, are in HRP high positions. These are just few that may come back and bite HRP on the hind side during election.
Look from the head down with exception of Comrade Pen Sovann, the obvious Hanoi's Viet Minh disciple, HRP is undeniably an embryonic clone of Ta Son Sann Party. Likely it raises a suspicion whether HRP is sharing not only umbilical cord but else with Ta Son Sann group that has long colluded with FUNCINPEC, which presently is a CPP subservient club. Is it logical, one has to wonder why Mr. Kem Sokha says otherwise? Labels: BLDP, HRP, Kem Sokha, Ranariddh, Son Sann party
posted by KI Media ( at 1:57 PM Permalink
3 Comments: Anonymous said... Son Sann was probably one of the top secret agent among Yuon's secret agents that were deployed into Cambodia to destroy Khmer.
Don't believe? Think again.
2:30 PM Anonymous said... Nope, Yuon does not destroy Khmer, only XmerXrom.
4:08 PM Anonymous said... Yuons took Champa. Yuons took Kampuchea Krom. Yuons are now in charge of Lao. Yuons are slowly taking over Cambodia.
Due to weak Khmer past and present leadership, Yuons and Siams are slowly "eating up" Khmer. Every piece of lands in Cambodia are belonging to foreigners: mainly to Yuons agents. Every business is being run by foreigners. Every government agency is being infiltrated by Hanoi agents.
Even today Angkor Wat's real estate, Sokimex is running it. Sokimex is Khmer-Yuons owned. Now Yuons are taking over Cambodian telephone business and Rubber plantations.
Yak Yuons have swallowed Kampuchea-Krom and are now satisfied. Yak Yuons still have appetites for the remaining Cambodia. And the CPP agents such as ah Hun Sen is enabling Yuons'policy of Vietnamization of Indochina (namely Champa, Kampuchea-Krom, Lao, and Cambodia).
Look carefully who are now walking and talking together in southeast Asia region (Hun Sen of Cambodia, BOUPHAVANH Bouasone of Lao, and Nguyen Tan Dung of Yuon). They voiced together and same objection on the issue of Burma's sanction at last week ASEAN's meeting in Singapore.
The real enemies are the Yuons and their CPP agents in Khmer Soil.
If we ever learn to be true democratic and non-corrupt, then we Khmer can defeat the Vietcongs and Khmercongs.
yuon expansionism KI Media Dedicated to publishing sensitive information about Cambodia Wednesday, February 21, 2007 Don Dien & Do Moi Policy of Vietnam to attain their expansionism policy By Khmer Young, On the web at
What is Don Dien policy?
The don dien system of land settlement, borrowed from the Chinese, was used extensively to occupy and develop territory wrested from Champa. Under this system, military colonies were established in which soldiers and landless peasants cleared a new area, began rice production on the new land, established a village, and served as a militia to defend it. After three years, the village was incorporated into the Vietnamese administrative system, a communal village meeting house (dinh) was built, and the workers were given an opportunity to share in the communal lands given by the state to each village. The remainder of the land belonged to the state. As each area was cleared and a village established, the soldiers of the don dien would move on to clear more land. This method contributed greatly to the success of Vietnam's southward expansion.
Under this expansionism policy, Cambodia has ceded their land in reign of Chay Cheta II. He allowed Dai Viet military to stay in his large land of Prey Nokor and vicinity temporarily, finally Don Dien journey had been achieved.
In Laos, the struggle against French under Indochina Federation had allowed Vietnam military to come in and settled their bases. Now Laos cannot speak out any word. Only one thing they can do is to celebrate frequently the anniversary of Independence Day or Friendship Memorandum Day with Vietnam.
Look at Cambodia in January 7, 1979, Don Dien began its second large mission to swallow Cambodia. January 7, 1979 led by Hun Sen, Heng Samrin and Chea Sim is not different between reign of Chey Chatha II. Don Dien of January 7, 1979 is almost succeeded. But under the presure of international community, Don Dien had been distorted. However, the legacy of Don Dien still spread many of illegal immigrants of Vietnames, created Vietnames societies throughout the country, supplemented border treaties, influenced in governmental systems and difficulties to improve the living standard of the people.
When UN and international communities keep close eyes and resist this Don Dien policy rigoriously, Vietnam has begun their new strategy called money, money strategy (Do Moi).
What is Do Moi?
Do Moi in Vietnamese language means "innovation". Or it is the reforming policy which Vietnam government has pursued through opening the country to welcome free markets and global trends, but remaining one party government. This is similar like China.
Do Moi emphasises on economic (money and money) to develop the country in all major fields. It is also to pursue expansionism policy to renew their ancestor's heritage and commitment. Through the remaining soldiers, people and businesemen after their invasion, Vietnam has critical potential to continue their expansionism policy in Cambodia. We can observe giant companies led by Veitnamese half blood(or full blood) tycoons in Cambodia as well as some personal identities who are employing in government of Cambodia are still paying homages and gratitudes to serve both Don Dien and Do Moi policy to Vietnam government.
Cambodia now is encountering Do Moi of money and money policy.
For young Khmers will not bear racial or discriminate policy toward those ambitous policies of Vietnam or Vietnamese people like our elders did, but we are pursuing in a flexible and intelligent way... Labels: Do Moi, Don Dien, Expansionism, Vietnam
I am boring of this kind of politic. Don't put more pressure on Cambodia when she is under bad condition with the Siam. Don't make too much enemy at the same time. Let deal with the Siam first ok? Think about the interest of the nation, not the specific political party.
We Thai, should take over the Khmer people and put them under our colony for ten of thousand of years rather than let them become vietnamese. We Thai should prepare all the fighting forces to invade the Khmer just as quick as the vietnam had invaded them, and took all the gooddy from them now rather than later. The Khmer are now rich enough to invade once more time. We Thai must do before the vietnam do it again.
that's right,but...
Thousand ton of weapon were stolen ,2 000 000 killed,all thing were destroyed by communist HO+MAO and nowday ,there are 4 587 546 vietnameses in Cambodia.
UN please resolve this problem and don't say that ,that,that!
Khmer need peace,independence,real justice like you all.
I want to say that HO+MAO must pay back to khmer sothat they could buye F16 of USA to protect their country.
We khmer should claim our property back from vietnam. And send those fuck viets back to their land.
It disgust me that we have such greedy neighbors. You give them an inch, they take a mile...
the happiest country in this time is vietnam....can send people, solidiers, weapons to Hun Sen for free as they did during 78
cpp always thank VN for their free invasion (sic)
Read this and tell them to go back to their home town.
Dear Ki-Media,
Cambodge Soir Hebdo in English now, please the articl es for yr blog
Vietnamese only enjoy Khmers killing one another and fighting with other neighbors...
As long as Hun Xen and his cronies are in power, you will never be able to claim none from Vietnam.
A P P E A L*
Beloved Compatriots/Fellow Teammates of SRP,
After 60 years of long and perilous journey, the Khmer nation has arrived to
witness a moment of 'true democracy' -- courtesy of SRP 2007 congress.
This vibrant moment is a giant step of the Khmers on their march toward an
effective democracy and should be crafted in the history book as a
demonstration of courage and a determination to be free for the fact that it
happened in the midst of political turbulences and influence imposed by our
'special friend' to the East.
It is a proud moment for SRP family, all Khmer citizens, and all
democracy-loving people in the world. If there is any dissention or
anything that, during and after the conclusion of the congress, can be
looked upon as counterproductive, it is nothing more than a showcase of
democracy in the making. After all, when freedom of expressions is, for
better or for worse, allowed to be freely exercised in flying colors, it is
democracy -- a golden key to modernization of the Khmer nation.
General public should appreciate the fact that the congress has also served
as a platform for testing Khmer political water. In this critical day and
age where little margins can be left for error, it is imperative that any
Khmer citizen would and should not have an ill-will to take advantage of
this moment to downplay or diminish in any way the resolve of SRP and its
livelihood to do the right things to serve and protect the Khmer people and
to reclaim Khmer right and legitimacy.
Realities dictate that the Khmer nation cannot, for whatever reason, afford
to remain divided as SRP members cannot, for whatever motives, afford to
provoke any separation in the SRP family. Unity is the mother of a nation.
This should be enough compelling for the leaders of all ranks to look at
each other eye to eye and, together, rid all evils from the national
territory. They must, at least, make this spirit of national unity a
lifelong contract with the nation. Adlai Stevenson once ventured: "
....patriotism is not a short and frenzied outburst of emotion but the
tranquil and steady dedication of a lifetime." We all owe that to our
Arguably, patriotism has never seemed to be a question for the Khmers.
However and more than often, personal egos go too far and too deeply into
their minds to the point that they become a disruptive force of grand scale,
capable of inflicting permanent damages to the nation. A truth is that the
'Khmer civilization' could never have reached the historical status of
worldwide recognition without the luxury of many sustained centuries of
unity and stability enjoyed by the Khmer people. A better perspective of
how disunity has done to the Khmers is to direct the spotlight on Laos'
present political life, think and see through the mind of Kampuchea Krom
Khmers, and look closely at what has happened to the 'Middle Kingdom,' last
chunk of the once-dominant empire in Southeast Asia. Having done that, one
only need to find good valid reasons to reject the notion of how critical
and immensely important the 2008 general election is for the Khmers to be
Khmers, sovereign, independent, and free.
We are living in an era and at another crossroad where no past mistakes are
allowed to be repeated and no seeds of old obsolete political culture should
be nurtured or salvaged. "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over
and expecting a different result," said Albert Einstein.
The steady rise of SRP from the tears and cries of the Khmer people and
through the flying gun bullets and threats of all shapes and forms, bloody
at times, speaks volume about the party's togetherness, persistence,
resilience, and boldness. We have traveled a very long road and our mission
is far from being completed.
Let us not lose focus on the course and direction we have set.
Let us not point fingers at each other.
Let us be the menders, not the splitters.
Let us manage and endure the growing pains and make this conviction a
measure of our inner strength and maturity.
Let us adopt a code of conduct of "seeing no enemy when looking at a Khmer
or an individual of Khmer origin."
* This article is written :
by Limhuot Nong, Ph.D in Florida , USA . He is advisor for
He can be reached at his email address:
Go to
The Specific Expansion of Viet Nam
Another set back to the Khmer Empire was the southward expansion of the Kingdom of Vietnam. As early as 10th century, Vietnam first began its territorial expansion over the Kingdom of Champa. In early 17th century, they captured the remaining part of the territory, and the Kingdom of Champa was erased from the world map. The Chams' territory is now simply known as Central Vietnam. During the reign of Tran Anh Tong (1293-1314), Princess Huyen Tran of Vietnam was presented for marriage to the King of Champa as a trap to annex the Chams' territory.
After the arranged marriage, the annexation was completed as planned, in 1673. A similar scheme was also used against the Khmer Empire. The campaign started in 1623 and continued until they occupied the whole of Kampuchea Krom.
During the Le Dynasty 1600's, Vietnam experienced internal chaos. The Vietnamese warlords struggled for power and sought full control of Vietnam. The Trinh clan controlled the northern part of Vietnam while the Nguyen has controlled the south. Consequently, the Trinh and Nguyen wars provided the Vietnamese with opportunity to infiltrate the northeast provinces of Kampuchea Krom in the provinces such as Do Nai, Morea and Toul Ta Mauk.
In 1620, the young Khmer monarch, king Chey Chetha II (1618-1628) had fallen into the similar Vietnam's trap as that of the king of Champa in 1307. The warlord Nguyen Hi Tong (1613-1635) presented one of his exotic daughters, Princess Ngoc Van, to King Chey Chetha II for some favors . Through the Princess' intervention in 1623, the Nguyen warlord sent his representatives to ask the Court of Udong permission for the Vietnamese to conduct trade in Morea (Baria) and Prei Nokor (Saigon ), and be given custom authorities over trading. Because of marriage to the Vietnamese wife, King Chey Chetha II had no strong reasons to refuse but granted the requests. Some historians agreed that these were the covert acts intended to rob the Khmers of their rights. Later, the Court of Hue, again, used the nice guy's trick by volunteering their men to assist the Khmer authority in carrying out the policing in the areas. Some documents in Khmer history have cited that at the start of the relationship, the Court of Hue only asked to use certain areas in Prei Nokor to train their militaries for wars against the Chinese and they would be returned to the Khmer authority in 5 years. But at the death of king Chey Chetha II in 1628, the areas of Prei Nokor, Morea, Do Nai, and Toul Ta Mauk were flooded with the Vietnamese warlord . Kampong Srakartrey (Bienhoa) in 1651; Prah Suakea or Morea (Baria) in 1651; Kampong Kou (Longan) in 1669; Tuol Ta Mauk in 1696; Kampong Krabey Prei Nokor (Saigon) in 1696.
In 18 th century, Mac Cuu a Chinese who received a permission from Ang Eum (1710-22) to con- trol the province of Peam (Hatien), Kramounsar (Rachgia) and Koh Tral ( Phu Quoc island ) in 1722. The provinces of Mesar (Mytho), Kampong Reussey (Bentre), Koh Gong (Gocong) and Peam Ba-rach ( Long Xuyen) were lost to Vietnam in 1732. Phsar Dek (Sadec), Long Ho (Vinhlong), Mot Chrouk (Chaudoc) in 1757, Raung Damrey (Tayninh) in 1770, Prek Reussey (Cantho) in 1758. The provinces of Preah Trapeang (Travinh), Khleang ( Soctrang), Pol Leav (Baclieu), and Teuk Khmao (Camau) were siezed in 1775 and until 18th century our motherland Kampuchea Krom was totally controlled by the Vietnamese 1840.
It is not still too late to fight the Yuon lackeys.
We have to support Samrainsy Party
Colonization of Preah Trapeang
During the Tay Son uprising (1779-1796), the Srok of Preah Trapeang had given asylum to the fugitive Vietnamese Emperor Gia Long so that he could reconstitute forces against his own warlord Tay Son. King Ang Eng (1779-96) of the Khmer Empire had also provided a military support to this Vietnamese Emperor as a gesture of a good neighbor. However, after regained throne of Annam from the Tay Son, Gia Long arbitrarily turned the Srok Preah Trapeang into a Vietnamese colony.
During his dynasty (1802-19), king Gia Long started an irrigation project in the Province of Mot Chrouk (Chaudoc). Thousands of the Khmer Krom were forced to dig a canal named Chum Nik Prek Teng (Vinh Te), 53 kilometers long and 25 meters wide, from Bassac River to the Gulf of Siam. During this forced labor project from 1813-1820, many thousands of the Khmer Krom were killed. In one particular instance the Khmer workers were buried alive so that the Vietnamese soldiers could use their heads as stove stands to boil water for tea for their Vietnamese masters. The phrase "Be careful not to spill the masters'Tea" is still well reminded to there Children by all Khmer Krom parents or grandparents.
Before the Canal Project well done, Annamite soldiers held khmer laborers into Pillories, each fillory contained about 20-40 people (they said to prevent Khmer laborers run away from mobilization),at least from 2-5 thousand were locked in pillories located in the canal; the dam was opened, water filled the canal, all Khmer laborers were drowned, no one was survive. (Listen to the Te Ong Anussa´s song that means the Master´s Tea Memo).
The Legacy of Oknha Son Kuy
During the reign of King Thieu Tri (1841- 47), the Khmer Krom were harshly forced to abandon their Buddhist religion, custom, tradition, and language. Oknha Son Kuy (also known as Chavay Kuy), Governor of the Srok of Preah Trapeang, had to give up his life in exchange for those rights. The Vietnamese Court of Hue recognized the facts and agreed to have the imposition lifted. When Oknha Son Kuy as beheaded in 1841, people rose up against the Vietnamese through out the country. The Khmer Krom had to stand alone and faced severely retaliations without any supports from King Ang Doung (1840-59) of the Khmer Empire. The body of SON KUY was buried in the capital seat of the Preah Trapeang (Travinh), and his tomb is still standing in Bodhisalaraj Kampong) temple until today.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Op-Ed: Son Sann Phantom in HRP Politics
23 November 2007
Op-Ed By Kok Sap
Posted Online
Obviously from his November 15, 2007 appeal, Prince Ranaridh former boss of FUNCINPEC and Mr. Kem Sokha was struck with reasons from Ta Son Sann Party phantom fall out and beans spilling. Not only that, he spat on Mr. Sam Rainsy as well. To many at awes, what happens to the rhetorical national interest not individual or group? This alone puts voters in perspective, if not careful, the overconfident HRP President can probably hurt HRP more than help from being an inner clique to Son Sann with short memory lapse that Prince Norodom Ranaridh, Son Soubert and Khieu Samphan were always at the same table as the legitimate lieutenants of the Democratic Kampuchea Coalition Government during Paris-Djakarta secret getting together in the 80's.
To the surprises, Mr. Kem Sokha, the Human Rights Party newly appointed head, expressed his bitterness toward Prince Ranaridh appeal in behalf of his leader Mr. Son Sann, the phantom of monarchy in 1993. Once a CPP insider himself, Mr. Kem Sokha blamed Mr. Ieng Mouly not Mr. Son Sann for the BLDP fall out. However, few knew facts that Mr. Son Sann had arbitrarily conspired to reinstate the bloody monarchy in 1993 without Party consensus. Furthermore Mr. Son Sann had a lot to do with the Progressive BLDP loss. Being critical of others loyalty and transparency, Mr. Kem Sokha has a lot more to explain on himself than any of whom he mentioned including why people despised Mr. Son Sann dishonesty.
In the BLDP fall out, Dr. Lao Mong Hay, once was a very intimate disciple of Son Sann, recent article posted by Khmer Intelligence Blog has punctuated and let up the dark side of Mr. Son Sann long years of opportunism and self serving agendas. There ought to be more that Pundit Lao Mong Hay couldn't have had elaborated from the lessons learned to benefit the aspiring leaders in democracy.
The account also shows besides his 80's fake resistance to monarchy, Mr. Son Sann was one of Sihanouk advisors in the obscured Kampuchea Krom land cessation in 1949 and a saboteur of Khmer Republic government in 1973. The lessons shown all along Khmer tragedies are rooting from Yuon agents who were at the helm of Cambodia. So in this spiteful exchange between Mr. Kem Sokha and the corruptive Prince Ranaridh will there be any merit to the Cambodia politics future?
Like father like son, now Mr. Son Soubert, a PhD in archaeology at Sihanouk green light, is serving on the CPP's Constitutional Magistrate Council. From there he emerged as one of the HRP three powerful committees President. To the contempt of the killing fields victims, Dr. Son Soubert disgraciously went ahead to defend Sihanouk a no longer King but retired common citizen when the question raised over his immunity and crimes against humanity. Dr.Son Soubert was adamantly advocated in his present supreme judiciary capacity that because of the visibility of Sihanouk or Monique was along side with current King portrait in any conspicuous corner of the country, therefore, the royal immunity shall deem legal merit to protect Sihanouk too. This reminds many also how cunningly Mr. Son Sann was in arm twisting Mr. Hun Sen government to return his long abandoned Villa to his possession in 1993. Yet millions lost all to Sihanouk and Yuon patronage but not Mr. Deal Wheeler's. Obviously one can see how so shallow and insulting in both Son Sann and his son behaviors.
In addition Mr. Kiet Sokun, another Son Sann dedicated disciple and autocratic inclined from Australia, has risen from FUNCINPEC ashes to be Prince Thomico White Horse Party lieutenant and now the first Vice President of HRP as well. Besides the three,there are many more who swore to be loyal to Son Sann for life, are in HRP high positions. These are just few that may come back and bite HRP on the hind side during election.
Look from the head down with exception of Comrade Pen Sovann, the obvious Hanoi's Viet Minh disciple, HRP is undeniably an embryonic clone of Ta Son Sann Party. Likely it raises a suspicion whether HRP is sharing not only umbilical cord but else with Ta Son Sann group that has long colluded with FUNCINPEC, which presently is a CPP subservient club. Is it logical, one has to wonder why Mr. Kem Sokha says otherwise?
Labels: BLDP, HRP, Kem Sokha, Ranariddh, Son Sann party
posted by KI Media ( at 1:57 PM Permalink
Anonymous said...
Son Sann was probably one of the top secret agent among Yuon's secret agents that were deployed into Cambodia to destroy Khmer.
Don't believe? Think again.
2:30 PM
Anonymous said...
Nope, Yuon does not destroy Khmer, only XmerXrom.
4:08 PM
Anonymous said...
Yuons took Champa. Yuons took Kampuchea Krom. Yuons are now in charge of Lao. Yuons are slowly taking over Cambodia.
Due to weak Khmer past and present leadership, Yuons and Siams are slowly "eating up" Khmer. Every piece of lands in Cambodia are belonging to foreigners: mainly to Yuons agents. Every business is being run by foreigners. Every government agency is being infiltrated by Hanoi agents.
Even today Angkor Wat's real estate, Sokimex is running it. Sokimex is Khmer-Yuons owned. Now Yuons are taking over Cambodian telephone business and Rubber plantations.
Yak Yuons have swallowed Kampuchea-Krom and are now satisfied. Yak Yuons still have appetites for the remaining Cambodia. And the CPP agents such as ah Hun Sen is enabling Yuons'policy of Vietnamization of Indochina (namely Champa, Kampuchea-Krom, Lao, and Cambodia).
Look carefully who are now walking and talking together in southeast Asia region (Hun Sen of Cambodia, BOUPHAVANH Bouasone of Lao, and Nguyen Tan Dung of Yuon). They voiced together and same objection on the issue of Burma's sanction at last week ASEAN's meeting in Singapore.
The real enemies are the Yuons and their CPP agents in Khmer Soil.
If we ever learn to be true democratic and non-corrupt, then we Khmer can defeat the Vietcongs and Khmercongs.
yuon expansionism KI Media
Dedicated to publishing sensitive information about Cambodia
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Don Dien & Do Moi Policy of Vietnam to attain their expansionism policy
By Khmer Young,
On the web at
What is Don Dien policy?
The don dien system of land settlement, borrowed from the Chinese, was used extensively to occupy and develop territory wrested from Champa. Under this system, military colonies were established in which soldiers and landless peasants cleared a new area, began rice production on the new land, established a village, and served as a militia to defend it. After three years, the village was incorporated into the Vietnamese administrative system, a communal village meeting house (dinh) was built, and the workers were given an opportunity to share in the communal lands given by the state to each village. The remainder of the land belonged to the state. As each area was cleared and a village established, the soldiers of the don dien would move on to clear more land. This method contributed greatly to the success of Vietnam's southward expansion.
Under this expansionism policy, Cambodia has ceded their land in reign of Chay Cheta II. He allowed Dai Viet military to stay in his large land of Prey Nokor and vicinity temporarily, finally Don Dien journey had been achieved.
In Laos, the struggle against French under Indochina Federation had allowed Vietnam military to come in and settled their bases. Now Laos cannot speak out any word. Only one thing they can do is to celebrate frequently the anniversary of Independence Day or Friendship Memorandum Day with Vietnam.
Look at Cambodia in January 7, 1979, Don Dien began its second large mission to swallow Cambodia. January 7, 1979 led by Hun Sen, Heng Samrin and Chea Sim is not different between reign of Chey Chatha II. Don Dien of January 7, 1979 is almost succeeded. But under the presure of international community, Don Dien had been distorted. However, the legacy of Don Dien still spread many of illegal immigrants of Vietnames, created Vietnames societies throughout the country, supplemented border treaties, influenced in governmental systems and difficulties to improve the living standard of the people.
When UN and international communities keep close eyes and resist this Don Dien policy rigoriously, Vietnam has begun their new strategy called money, money strategy (Do Moi).
What is Do Moi?
Do Moi in Vietnamese language means "innovation". Or it is the reforming policy which Vietnam government has pursued through opening the country to welcome free markets and global trends, but remaining one party government. This is similar like China.
Do Moi emphasises on economic (money and money) to develop the country in all major fields. It is also to pursue expansionism policy to renew their ancestor's heritage and commitment.
Through the remaining soldiers, people and businesemen after their invasion, Vietnam has critical potential to continue their expansionism policy in Cambodia. We can observe giant companies led by Veitnamese half blood(or full blood) tycoons in Cambodia as well as some personal identities who are employing in government of Cambodia are still paying homages and gratitudes to serve both Don Dien and Do Moi policy to Vietnam government.
Cambodia now is encountering Do Moi of money and money policy.
For young Khmers will not bear racial or discriminate policy toward those ambitous policies of Vietnam or Vietnamese people like our elders did, but we are pursuing in a flexible and intelligent way...
Labels: Do Moi, Don Dien, Expansionism, Vietnam
Another good poem to advice on Khmer children. Please visit
I am boring of this kind of politic. Don't put more pressure on Cambodia when she is under bad condition with the Siam. Don't make too much enemy at the same time. Let deal with the Siam first ok? Think about the interest of the nation, not the specific political party.
the comment-addicted people got to bear the inconvinience.
correct: bear with the inconveniencein
Right now,
We khmer need to stop buying and importing stuff from thai! They don't deserve any respect or any business with khmer.
Don't feed the dog that bite it's neighbor.
We should also stop buying from the Youn. Whatever we can get it within our nation we should do so.
What's Cambodia?
We're merely the Youn's Colony.
2;55PM and 12:29AM. You are ah Siam buy Kri.
Many posters in KI now are ah Siam who stir troubles in Khmer community.
We Thai, should take over the Khmer people and put them under our colony for ten of thousand of years rather than let them become vietnamese. We Thai should prepare all the fighting forces to invade the Khmer just as quick as the vietnam had invaded them, and took all the gooddy from them now rather than later. The Khmer are now rich enough to invade once more time. We Thai must do before the vietnam do it again.
Bhumibunn Krisak
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