Yim Guechsè (on the web at http://kamnapyimguechse.blogspot.com)
Sam Vichea (on the web at http://kamnapkumnou.blogspot.com)
and cartoons by Sacrava (on the web at http://sacrava.blogspot.com)
Dedicated to publishing sensitive information about Cambodia
I love this toon so much,it compare to my prime minister it will exactly are the same ,who is drawing this cartoon I love it love it and love it .God bless you the cartoonist!!!!!!
Ah Hin Sithan mee reab klear
Ah Se Vichea mear tam chrek
Ah ung bun heang roum chomnaek
Ku roub phlaek phlaek kour dombao.
Pouk ah kbort cheat nov srok krao
Tha pouk anh klao derk roth-tha
Pouk Anh ning huey chon khmemara
Min doch ah sva srok americ.
Ah Yim Guechse chhkae Barang
Ber ah choeng klang chenh mok mork
Kamnap noyobay korbb por pork
Ah chenh mok mork kom chonloss.
Anh skrorl kro yao ah teing oss
Skorl kmean chonloss krub tues ti
Ah chkae Long Beach tro kol LY
Ah Diep neati Kar bortess.
Anh mean pneak ngear nov krub roth
Tam merl mot chot kmean chonloss
Kbal ah nov nah anh skorl oss
Pneak ngear anh smoss ning cheat khmer.
Ah Hin Sithan Yim Guechse
Ah Diep Sam dae Ung Bun Heang
Kamnap kumnou ku min teang
Ah toeu douch peang hin sithan.
Sor-Sé baan la-or!
Sor-Sé baan la-or!
Sor-Sé baan la-or!
Lok Kroo Hin Sithan Som Khmas!
Ponntae tors-tae Thvoeu kh-nhom kamjah Yuorn.
Sday Nass! oy Yuon pong-vuork kbaal Baan.
08:21AM you are the best!
8:12AM try harder you'll receive the award like POL POT at killing field but your reward will be honor as khmer viet slave taking revenge with the khmer refugee, I hope you spy can survive in the modern world.
8:12am you sound like taking peel in from the wrong packages
You poem so good for your own mind,
you learn how to scare us ? That must be the day that you can touch our skin has a good dream ah kbarl youn in kloun khmer.
I know I know this chicken 8:12AM the former khmer rouge will do any thing to kill to spy his own but not his master Viet,ah khmer ot kom neut puke` somlub jeatei ang for youn.Shame on you I don't want to reborn and see pouk ah luk kbal oiy youn for som nene hahahhahahahhaha
keut mork noim oiy jidone jitah up oun Mr.mok chke
Puork ah kh-yom yuon mok vear krass nass. khuor vear chea khuor yuon.
Ah Khwak is Rainsy
Ah Khwen is Sokha
Ah Lop is Ranariddh
Ah Chhkout is Hun Sen
Made in Cambodia!
8:12 mok jke khmer jong peak doun
jomkong oot kluon doj kaat knong kaorm srok pen koun dai tveu reuk reung moim, tarm pit jea khnhom kanhjass dach tlai(Viet) Breung tov srek tov ah sut kong keb mek nus min teab toch doch ondong te' 8:12 mokjke` pijaranah tov hong.
You Khmers have nothing better to do. Now you turn into rats and start attacking one another. Who else in this whole world can be as stupid as you and even the web owner is also stupid to have such shit in his website. Your stupidity smells like decomposed corpse. You stupid creatures.
Evil poets..!!
They have nothing to do but to try to destroy Cambodia.
They do not accpept that they're trying to make war, to cause conflict among Khmers.
Maybe they are wrongly educated.
Khmer Samaki Khmer Ros, Khmer Bek Bak Khmer Slab..!!
Please do not try to make Khmer Bek Bak..!!
Please don't stop rebuild our Country,Let's them talk until they have nothing to say.
Remember! Some like what you do and Some don't!
If you do for our Country and our Khmer People,You have nothing to worry about.
Trov Hoeuy, Khmer samaki chea muoy Khmer teub Khmer ruos.
Boeu Khmer samaki chea muoy Yuon,
Khmer "Si Angkaam"...Khmer neung roleay doy-sa Yuon.
Puor poets min aach tveu srok oy roleay baan te. Puork Ah Hun Sen kampong tae tveu Srok Khmer thleak tov chea roboss yuon hoeuy.
Yuon slaves have a lot of things to do!
Hey! hey!
They don't have time to write.
They don't have time to say...
They're busy to grab lands and to cut trees....and ti lick yuon's aaasss....
9:21 AM
I think you forgot the other person, Ah Leu Keu Men Ten is Ah Sihanouk.
10:35AM you are brilliant .you are definitely right.We warn& help them because Cambodia not own by no one it belong to US TOO.
Shame on the divider!
9:21 AM, Yes, Ah Sihanouk chea Mé Krormei!
Jeatei rongroeung prous projea jeat vetanear prous neak deuk noim?
Who is lead us to the miserable
Sihaknouk and Hun Sen are look the same ,the group that call very weak,parasites suck it own citizen blood for it power,flowing the farms on it own citizen.
Khmer love khmer but not the stupid idiot Hun Sen and Sihaknuk
Sihanouk, Sihamoni, Hun sen, Chea Sim, Heng Samrin.
Mr. Hin Sithan is right on the mony!
We khmer shouldn't have the leaders like this name above.
Mr. Hin Sithan just poke on the spot, wich they are painful to them, and they are very mad dog replied.
Mr. Hin Sithan, poke more to the hot point and to awake khmer whom sightless!
I thought to find some meaningfull debate from at least intelligent people, but sad I found none. The same jerk cartoonist and the same jerk poet who are clueless about what has been happening in the region.
These people contribute to the destruction of their own country. FINI
My beloved 9:23PM!
I am honestly feeling sorry for you, because you could not pleasantly find any intelligent people in here to have more constructive, effective, and meaningful debates. When you will be eventually found one, then Srok Khmer will be eternally became like Srok Khmer Krom!
The majority of the Khmer poeple are like to insult each other, cursing from one party to another in order to showoff their "BEST" especially khmer living in the third world country.
Their envy such as the groups called Khmer Sralanh Khmer, Khmer M'chas Srok, Khmer Neak Cheat Niyum etc...
The second class teachers, poets like Him Sithan, Yim Guechse, Sam Vichea and so on are worse i ever read in my life time.
These people are the anti-government.
The minister of infomation have classified them as a group of "Political Propagandize" from the third world country. The counter government agency is reconize these former school teachers and other as well.
Have a Happy day!
Shit these khmer that 12:21 mentioned about far far away from the mother land but always put khmer name on the top of their heads differences from khmer inside get the jobs to oppress their own people and sacrificing any thing for master Viet,what the none Politikal Propagandize can do,when the Viet are about to finish swallowing Cambodia?
you just shut the fuck up,pretend to be blind and deaf,who is the one are think wright between these two groups?
Shame on u12:21
Angkorian not born to be slave,but master
Angkorian not born to be slave,but master!
I loved it! I loved it!
What's your name?
My name is start with WILL????????most of the lawyers and Dr.like to have that name ,let guest??
80:04AM that is confidential in case I have my vacation trip to Cambodia the Hun's government play dirty, so I'll be mess up,please think am an anti communist Viet and Hun that is it.
8:29 am
If they really want to know your identity, it is not that hard, idiot lol. Get your IP address and you're fucked. But don't worry because all the risks you have from the government are very much delutional.
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