PHNOM PENH, Sept. 12 (AP) - (Kyodo)—Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen said Friday that a nearly two-month border dispute with Thailand will likely be to be brought to the International Court of justice in The Hague or once again be returned to the United Nations Security Council.
"We should be well-prepared and get documentation ready because it is unlikely that we can avoid the court, or, if it is worse, then we have to return to the U.N. Security Council," Hun Sen said at the opening of his weekly Cabinet meeting.
The premier said Cambodia has used "utmost restraint" in the face of "daring aggression" by Thai troops into Cambodian territory.
He added that incursions have been at many place along the some 800- kilometer border with Thailand.
Cambodia and Thailand were to discuss full troop withdrawals from a disputed border point last month, but the Thai side requested a postponement due to internal tension in Thailand.
Cambodia made an appeal to the U.N. Security Council on July 22 to meet urgently on Cambodia's military standoff with Thailand, but it withdrew its appeal two days later after Thailand had agreed to hold immediate talks on the issue.
The border dispute and military standoff stems from incidents almost two months ago when Cambodia detained three Thai ultranationalist activists who the authorities allege illegally crossed into Cambodia near the World Heritage-listed Preah Vihear Temple.
Since then, Thailand and Cambodia have been building up their forces near the temple and tensions have escalated.
On Aug. 16, several hundred troops from both sides who had been deployed to the area since July 15 were drawn back from immediate confrontation, but they remain close by.
But the military standoff has spread to at least three more points along the border.
The dispute appears difficult to resolve because the two sides use different maps of the border areas.
"We should be well-prepared and get documentation ready because it is unlikely that we can avoid the court, or, if it is worse, then we have to return to the U.N. Security Council," Hun Sen said at the opening of his weekly Cabinet meeting.
The premier said Cambodia has used "utmost restraint" in the face of "daring aggression" by Thai troops into Cambodian territory.
He added that incursions have been at many place along the some 800- kilometer border with Thailand.
Cambodia and Thailand were to discuss full troop withdrawals from a disputed border point last month, but the Thai side requested a postponement due to internal tension in Thailand.
Cambodia made an appeal to the U.N. Security Council on July 22 to meet urgently on Cambodia's military standoff with Thailand, but it withdrew its appeal two days later after Thailand had agreed to hold immediate talks on the issue.
The border dispute and military standoff stems from incidents almost two months ago when Cambodia detained three Thai ultranationalist activists who the authorities allege illegally crossed into Cambodia near the World Heritage-listed Preah Vihear Temple.
Since then, Thailand and Cambodia have been building up their forces near the temple and tensions have escalated.
On Aug. 16, several hundred troops from both sides who had been deployed to the area since July 15 were drawn back from immediate confrontation, but they remain close by.
But the military standoff has spread to at least three more points along the border.
The dispute appears difficult to resolve because the two sides use different maps of the border areas.
How many Khmer people beleive that Hun Sen will bring this dispute to int'l court? How many percent that Hun Sen talked or say and act along as his speech? How many percent that Hun Sen kill his own people rather than his real ennemie? Can you trust his lips?
Bring this issues to the ICJ again until the verdict is over turn in favor of the Thai? Get a fucking grip Ah Kvack! Enough is enough!
I am totally support this initial 100%.
HUN SEN should have done this in the beginning.
There is no way that we can solve this issue with the Thai diplomatically.
We have to go to the UN.
Khmer Phnom Penh,
Smadech Hun Sen is practicing good common sense by using "utmost restraint" and great patience to avoid the loss of life and great casualty. He also has yielded to the Siam's resquest to resolve the dispute bilaterally so as to learn more of the Siamese shamelesness in their dispute and point of view. But now that after all these attempts to get the dispute resolved peacefully seem to get nowhere the Khmer PM has made the right decision to transfer this historical and stale quarrel to the International court of Justice. This is I agree a step to the right direction. We should not waste any more time and effort to try to search for understanding from the Siamese thief. Let the Court of Law deal with the criminals so that we may rest our case. Keep in mind, a long line of historical facts tell us that what the Siam is today used to be our territory called Khmer Empire. We must not lose any more of our property to this robber whose origine was without a land in S.E.A. Until we are strong enough, presently we lay low and remain calm. May the God bless the Khmer and may we be on God's side. The evil ones must perish. Death to the wicked.
Yes You right 6:35am! If you wait for Cambodia to be stronger than Thailand then wait untill Hun sen dies first!
Without Samdech Hun Sen as Prime Minister of Cambodia you may never get to see this country grows steadily economically and with recognizable stability. So, let's give our gratitude to Samdech, alright? By the way stop barking anonimously. Go to Phnom Penh and shout on any street all the words you have written here, will ya? The only thing I have problem with Samdech is the lingering corruption in that society and the lawlessness, the judicial system and the filthiness in the land. Other than that I give this man a praise for the country is growing and still safe to visit. Your comment reflect your poor personality and knowledgeability. Let's be reasonable, alright areak prey?
Dear All, Please be fair and do not try to be blind in all situation. No body gonna be perfect event you. Try to ask yourself that to manage and control a country is not just simply like riding a cow. look to yourself if you manage even ur ownself well. I think Samdech Hun Sen has made some milestone progress and it is recognite by most international guys. You got to know that sometime most opposition tend to be blind and dull to something they want than just the reason to care. Time will solve all your programs and the progress of cambodia.
7:46 AM act for the example
Put your name first
Are you chicken?
Readers here won't kill you.
If any of readers here dare
to shout out loud on the street of PP,
they risk to get kill.
That's CPP way... You know it..
Nobody is allow to say something
against the government.
In fact, before the Traite of Paris,
how the economy of Cambodia look like?
See without the real Funcinpec,
what the face of people look like?
So many cambodians carry tears in their eyes.
Everywhere we go, we see land grabbing.
What an ashame when we heard about the economic growth.
Economic growth = land grabbing.
Now coming to our topic.
Siam and us.
Just before the election's day, a
spokeman of Council of the minister,
has saided Cambodia is cancelling
the Friday's meeting at UN.
It's an urgent's matter, when
Cambodian have ask this meeting.
Then the reason for this cancellation,
the same spokeman have to told to RFA
that Cambodia is negociating with Siam.
Is it a lie? I think so. The reason is
simple, they don't want to cancel the election.
Because this Siam is a big concern for
everyone of us. And everybody is following the Preah Vihear Temple.
And they forget how many viets come
and vote for the CPP.
Am I wrong???
Khmer Canadian
It's late but action now. We know Ah Siem history and behavior clearly we must complaint to UN and ICJ in Siem invasion of our sovereignty territory. We can't wait! Act now! The world is really support us!
Best of success and luck come true to Cambodia!
Mena, OI staff
Either you're stupid or just plain ignorant! I have a better idea. How about you copy my above post 1:25 and shout on the street of Phnom Penh? See if you can survive another day. Don't insult my intelligence by encouraging me to shout an explicit words to your foul mouth uneducated PM. Funny how you mention most of the turmoil that this current PM failed the Khmer people and yet you still Praise for him? I take it your family is not affected by all this,...... or are you some what one of his crony?
7:46 and 9:09 AH CHAI! How much Hun sen paid your head to be here! Now craw your flea ass back to smell the bun rani's armpit I command you AH CHAI!
It won't be much longer before trator Hun sen signs away the temple and lands to the Thai.
Hu Sen has shown repeatetedly he has no gut, no intention of defending and protecting Khmer lands. he was not educated enough to learn to love wh at is Khmer, but power and money.
Who signed the 1979, 82, 85, 2005 treaties giving more lands to his yuon master ?
Now he's got another master - the thai.
Too bad Khmer keep voting for a low life uneducated, murderous traitor leaders.
Hey all writers here, be productive! I appreciate those who are rational and look down on those who are barking nonsense. I reckon that those who talk bad about about PM are those who are the worst--let's see the time we had first elections: FUNCINPEC won mainly because they said they could do a reform--FOR SURE: they reformed themselves from poor and servants in foreign countries to rich and playboys in Cambodia. They were/are just the worst when they got/get to high positions in the country--DON'T YOU KNOW THAT????
The writer at 1:47PM
You have no intelligence in your brain cells otherwise you'd have been a reasonable person with the use of logic.
Of course Hun Sen has many dark sides and I'm not contesting to that. And I'm not ignorant to the facts of what is going on in Cambodia. But I must admit that I only know what the news reports. All classified information from the inner rings cannot be made available to any ordinary citizens.
I look & listen. When I see/hear true things positive I'd say it's positive and likewise the negative.
Even if I take the time to praise Hun Sen of his good deeds in building Cambodia that doesn't mean I agree with him on other things like nepotism, striving corruption, the filthiness in the countryside, the cities, towns and suburbs that his subordinates in all levels cannot fulfill their duty.
But you, who ever you're, you prove yourself to be means and dumb. It all reflects from your choice of words. You have no intelligence otherwise you'd show rationality in your comments. Get lost, my friend, and don't bother to respond senselessly. Be rational and fair minded in order to prove your intelligence. Have a nice day and thank you.
Hun Sen building Cambodia into what thus far? I don't know where you get your news source from, but maybe you need to visit the country at first hand and see it for yourself. You of all people should know that news media is not alway reporting the truth.
11:17 PM
Most overseas Khmer who talk shit about Cambodia have never been there since they fleed. I know a few people in real life like that. Secondarily, if you've been to Cambodia now, you've gotten to be a lying delusional sack of crap if you were to say that Cambodia is no better than any other time since 1975.
These individuals who opt to say all the negative things about Cambodia and its present leaders evidently are truly dumb and naive of the facts that the Khmer society has since the 80's improved greatly in many fields such as education system that there are perhaps tens of thousands of young Khmer intellectuals, the students of universities, being sent abroad to further their knowledge and skills. Communication, new roads, new bridges have been and are being built in the country, banking system, etc.
It is unfortunate that these dumb individuals have access to computer and privilege to write their foul language in a Khmer website. I would personally urge them to be wise and rational in all their future correspondence since they have knowledge to use computer and can write fair English. They need not expose their naked shame any further. Have a smiley nice day.
You must very stupid to compared today to that of a Khmer Rouge era. FYI, I was their during the Khmer Rouge era and I've been back far too many time.... not to mention most recent in '07. How about you? Do you know what Khmer Rouge is? Cambodia should've been way better then today if your PM is looking out for his people instead of the benefit of his family. Do not misinterpret my post by saying I talk smack about my country who I love dearly. I only dispice Hun Sen because of his unethical misconduct, land grabbing and human right violations.... Just to name a few.
If you should ever make it to Cambodia one day; I encourage you to take a little indepth view of the country side and see what the farmer use to cultivate their rice field with. Cambodia is moving in the right direction huh? This man suppose to lead the country, not stall it. Because of Hun Sen... Cambodia is still in agrarian stage.
Last, if you're comfortable with using an ox cart as your only means of transportation, then so be it.
transportation then so be it. Otherwise, peek out your double payne window and observe what today is all about.
Hun Sen is no nationalist or patriot, those those Hun Sen lovers you should know by now. he loves the Yuon more than his Khmer people.
Soon more lands will be ceded to the Thai because defendingandproetecting it is too hard for his undeveloped pea brain who had only basic education
"The premier (AH HUN XEN) said Cambodia has used "utmost restraint" in the face of "daring aggression" by Thai troops into Cambodian territory."
These statements make me laugh! It seems that AH HUN XEN have no idea of Cambodian history in dealing with Thailand for him to practice such "utmost restraint".
May I remind AH HUN XEN that when Cambodia got her independence from France in 1953 and the Thai moved their troop into Cambodia right away to occupy over Khmer Phrea Vihear temple until King Sihanouk bring the Thai to international court and won the court decision!
All the border conflict is a repeating Cambodian history and why AH HUN XEN chooses to act without decisiveness to bring the conflict to a quick end? The fact is AH HUN XEN is a blind man and a very uneducated one too!
I have no hope in AH HUN XEN ability to solve any issue facing Cambodia today! AH HUN XEN will always be AH HUN XEN the dictator which is to take ownership of Cambodia and Cambodian people!
Cambodia will continue to be victimized by his ignorance of Cambodian history and his inability to understand the magnitude of the many of the serious problems that are facing Cambodia today!
AH HUN XEN was handpicked by the Vietcong to rule over Cambodia which is the by product of the Vietcong invasion of Cambodia and to this day Cambodia continue to be effected by the Vietcong legacy in Cambodia!
My dog is more obedient than thai/dog. When I told him to stop going to the neighbor property, he stopped. He's pekingees. What breed is thai/dog?
I admired your intel concerning Sroak Khmer.
Hun Sen, a true blind man with no conscience and care for the world. A foot step of Saddam Hussein.
Regarding to the question above, I do believed Hun Sen He'll bring this to international court of justice and We'll win big times.
jeyyoo Hun Sen Jey Yoo Khmer para jey ah ka pik.
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