Saturday, September 13, 2008

Thai, Cambodian army standoff at another dispute temple ruin

SURIN, Sept 13 (TNA) -- Fully-armed Thai and Cambodian soldiers are again in confrontation -- this time at a different temple ruin on another mountain in Surin province -- but still marking the ill-defined border between the neighbouring countries.

A combined Thai Army force of local para-military rangers and regular troops from the Suranaree Task Force were dispatched to another ancient ruin, this time the Tawai temple sitting atop the Phnom Dong Rak mountain range in Thailand's northeastern province of Surin along the Cambodian border.

The Thai military force was dispatched following reports that some 150 armed Khmer troops led by Col. Neak Pung, commander of the Cambodian army's Task Force 42 assigned to defend the mountain, had several days ago tried to enter the ancient temple, which is claimed by both countries.

The Tawai ruins is located about 12 kilometres east of Ta Muen Thom, another ruin contested by both countries which sparked tension in early August.

Before the situation turns worse, Maj-Gen. Kanok Netrakawesana, chief of the Suranaree Task Force, opted to negotiate with the Khmer troops.

Both sides later agreed to withdraw their men from the Tawai temple compound but are still maintaining positions at the border.

The Tawai temple is attracting attention as the third disputed area between the two countries, after Thailand and Cambodia had engaged in disputes over the better-known Preah Vihear and the Ta Muen Thom ruins, which lies either in Thailand's Surin province or in Cambodia's northern Uddor Meanchey province.


Anonymous said...

Thai will keep on claiming land. They have no shame. I wish all Khmer descendant such as Khmer Surin, Buriram rise up and break away from Thai, then we would not worry about the violation of Khmer sovereignty. It has been long enough our brothers and sisters were forced to separate. We are the same blood as true Khmer, and we must be united as one.

Anonymous said...

I agree, all Khmer Surin, Buriram and other Khmer should get up and protect our land, its time for all Khmer to united and destroy this monter Thai, like the old time in Angkor kingdom. To all Khmer whose living in Thailand, must awake and peacefuly and secretly send your signatures or any kind of request to the world, the UN to tell how bad is Thai. AND to all Khmer Surin army which the Thai government sent you to fight with your own Khmer blood must turn around and shoot the real THAI at the back. Khmer Surin must, must know why Thai send you all to the front line, why? Cos Thai don't like Khmer blood.

This is Thai time to cry.
Khmer in Bangkok

Anonymous said...

How about our EASTERN BORDERS wallowing by Viet invaders ???

Seeing that Thais took this opportunity to grab khmer lands too.

Anonymous said...

When the Viet Minh swallows Cambodia, Ah Sen remains silent.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Is Tawai Temple and Ta Krabey temple the same?

Anonymous said...

It is true that the Thai leaders want to kill all Khmer Surin that is why they choose them to be in the front line!

This is call for peaceful collaboration between the Khmer and the Khmer Surin!

Anonymous said...

My dog is more obedient than thai/dog. When I told him to stop going to the neighbor property, he stopped. He's pekingees. What breed is thai/dog?