September 17, 2008
The Nation
"As host, Thailand will accept valid criticism. After all, we live in an open society with a free press. We should be sporting if Hun Sen made his comments in good faith. But it would be better if Hun Sen paid more attention to domestic development in his country and makes sure that the overall standard of living of the Cambodian people is improved. Certainly, Thailand is imperfect. Our democracy is in a mess and it is there for the world to see. But we do not pretend to be better than any other country."Cambodian PM makes unwarranted comments on Thai ability to chair regional summit meetings
Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen knows how to hit where it hurts the most when it comes to his western neighbour. Unwittingly, he suggested that Thailand should give up the current Asean chair to either Singapore or Vietnam. Singapore was the previous chair and Vietnam will take over in 2010. Hun Sen said the Thai political situation is uncertain, therefore the country is not fit to host a series of Asean meetings. His comment is somewhat vicious and can be compared with those of former Malaysian prime minister Mahathir Mohamad, who said Burma should be kicked out of Asean.
Hun Sen was probably thinking of a similar situation involving Burma. In 2005, during the Asean ministerial meeting in Vientiane, the Burmese delegation proposed giving up its upcoming chairmanship because the country was not ready for the responsibility due to the domestic situation. Certainly, nobody should blame Hun Sen for thinking aloud that the current situation in Thailand is anything but normal. But he should know that the ongoing political certainty will in no way affect the host's ability to chair the grouping. Over the weekend, the lifting of the emergency returned some sense of normalcy to the country. Tourists are returning to Thailand.
Southeast Asia's longest-serving prime minister wants to embarrass Thailand further, following the border dispute over the Preah Vihear Temple. The countries almost went to war when their troops confronted each other, but tension eased after a series of talks. Bilateral dialogue and negotiations will continue and the two countries should be able to eventually settle their long-standing differences without resorting to force.
Somehow, Hun Sen believes that the political situation in Thailand should be further exploited because it will boost his own popularity at home ahead of the implementation of the Asean Charter. Hun Sen has perhaps forgotten the bad old days when Cambodia was not allowed to join Burma and Laos as new members of Asean. He fumed and vowed not to join the grouping. Of course, he changed his mind.
It was Hun Sen and the leader of his rival political party, represented by foreign minister Ung Huot, who requested Asean assistance a decade ago. Without Asean's help then, who knows what would have happened in Cambodia. A new election was held in mid-1998 and when the situation in Cambodia returned to normal, the country was admitted to Asean a year later. No Asean members belittled Cambodia when it was at its nadir; there was only a genuine desire to help.
Thailand has affirmed time and again that it is ready and well-prepared to discharge its Asean responsibility. As a founding member of Asean, Thailand takes special pride in its role of chair this time. It is the second time that Thailand will host the Asean summit, and the current Asean secretary-general is Dr Surin Pitsuwan, a former foreign minister.
At the Asean senior officials' meeting earlier this month, the permanent secretary for foreign affairs reiterated Thailand's readiness to chair and host the Asean summits. The meeting expressed confidence in the host, and senior officials proceeded to jointly prepare topics for discussion during the upcoming summit. In fact, they all appreciated Thailand's determination to be a good host. If the Cambodian delegates shared the same sentiment as Hun Sen, they indeed concealed their feelings well. That would be a new standard in Asean as far as hypocrisy is concerned.
As host, Thailand will accept valid criticism. After all, we live in an open society with a free press. We should be sporting if Hun Sen made his comments in good faith. But it would be better if Hun Sen paid more attention to domestic development in his country and makes sure that the overall standard of living of the Cambodian people is improved. Certainly, Thailand is imperfect. Our democracy is in a mess and it is there for the world to see. But we do not pretend to be better than any other country.
thailand a fucking coutry of fucking baster, gay, prostitute, drug addict all of these fucking no good thai!!holly god punishing and put the thai to hell, burn to to the ground mother fucker
that's not what i often heard. people in thailand often talked down on cambodia, thinking they are better than cambodia. it is so hypercritical for the thai media to say something like this unashamely. so, when cambodia strikes back, the thai always have excuses about this or that on cambodia's comments. hey, after, cambodia can say whatever we please, it is called the freedom of expression in cambodia.
The ASEAN was created by Thailand because of the rise of China. So stop fucking around. Cambodia can quit now and it won't change a thing to our economy.
Let me rephrase this: Thailand has affirmed time and again that it is ready and well-prepared to relinquish its Asean responsibility by illegally trampeling the sorveingty of its neighbor country to the East.
Come on Thailand needs ASEAN for its own survival. They are scare that one day the American is not there to protect them.
Thailand needs to wear a thick mask during the summit. Its ass is up in the face!!!
yeah i believe you, thailand is so concern and caring about cambodian living in poverty.....yeah....yeah...yeah....you r f33ken good neigbour
After all, we (Thai) live in an open society with a free press.
- Say that to AH Sondhi Limthongkul, media-mogul and leader of the minority right-wing middle class called the PAD for overthrowing an elected democratic government of Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej which was voted into office by the majority of the rural poor Thai population!
But we (Thai) do not pretend to be better than any other country."
- Is that so? Why the Thai leaders send their army to occupy and violate Cambodian sovereignty? What is the point the Thai leaders want to prove? Do the Thai leaders want to prove that they are better and stronger militarily over Cambodia? What happen to the peaceful diplomacy through bilateral talk?
Bilateral dialogue and negotiations will continue and the two countries should be able to eventually settle their long-standing differences without resorting to force.
- Let face it! The Thai use bilateral talk to buy time and to prolong their occupation over Cambodia! When the Thai army invaded Khmer Phrea Vihear temple and Cambodian leaders were forced to accept the bilateral talk to end the conflict and at the end the Thai military still occupy Khmer Phrea Vihear temple! Next, the Thai military occupied Ta Mon Temple and once again Cambodia was forced to accept the bilateral talk to end the conflict and at the end the Thai military still occupy Ta Mon Temple! Now the Thai spread the conflict to other parts of Cambodia and they are now occupying Ta Krabey Temple and once again Cambodia was force to accept bilateral talk to end the border conflict and at the end the Thai military still occupy Ta Krabey temple! There is a pattern failure in pursuing peace through bilateral talk! So what is the option for Cambodia now? Does Cambodia has any other mean or choice beside using bilateral talk in pursuing peace in dealing with the Thai naked aggression? I believe Cambodia does have a choice by taking the matter with the UNSC and what about the 1991 Paris Agreement signed by the Thai leaders regarding Cambodian sovereignty?
Without Asean’s help then, who knows what would have happened in Cambodia.
- The ASEAN is the American creation in trying to stop the communist during the cold war! The issue for the ASEAN to help Cambodia is a self serving interest especially for the Thai leader! Since Thailand is bordering Cambodia and during the cold war the Thai were a major trader partner with the Khmer Rouge therefore the Thai have much more economic interest in Cambodia than the rest of the ASEAN members! And not only that the Thai leaders didn’t want Vietnam to create the Federation of Indochina country bordering Thailand which could threaten peace and stability for Thailand! That explain why the Thai leaders chose to support the Khmer Rouge through out the 1980 in fight the Vietnamese occupation of Cambodia!
- By the way, without the ASEAN help for Cambodia and the Thailand wouldn’t get a slice of economic pie from Cambodia! Cambodia can always join the Indochina block!
No Asean members belittled Cambodia when it was at its nadir; there was only a genuine desire to help.
- Oh please! How long does it take for the ASEAN members to decide in what to do with the Vietnamese occupation of Cambodia in the 1980? In fact it took the ASEAN 10 years in deciding what to do regarding the Vietnamese occupation of Cambodia! Now tell me is this a genuine desire to help Cambodia?
In fact, they all appreciated Thailand's determination to be a good host.
- This is a self serving statement! In fact Cambodia never sees Thailand in position to be the host for the ASEAN members because Cambodia is already a victim of Thailand naked aggression!
Great comment from Cambodia PM Hun Sen! I support!!! I think Thailand must resolve his own problem before accepting to chair Asean. Asean is not only the Thailand image but image for all nation in Asean. We are in a family!!! Cambodia is poor country but we have morale, solidarity as we do with our soldier at Preah vihear, Tamoan. Thailand should recognize the reality, dont do know anything. We are in 21 siecle, 1 country can not violate the international law, should respect. If no the international comminuty will condanm you! You image is not good in the world if you continue to violate the agreement, the law, especilly the Hague Verdict 1962. The fact that Unesco recognize Preah Vihear temple as World heritage, meaning International community you condanm for second time. And if you continue to violate the law, you will loss for 3rt time at UN council of Security.
Free press in Thailand? Should verify about the meaning of this word. You use your colunm for insult other nation is wrong!!!!
Great comment! Thailand must recognize the reality! Dont do everything for your proper interest: Egoist.
ASEAN (Association of South-East Asian Nations) and SEATO (South-East Asian Treaty Organization) have always been the trouble. In 1970's SEATO existence was to cause Regional Political Bloc with the help of the Western nations.The Indochinese countries were at wars.
Afterwards, It was the ASEAN, trouble-making body, which wants a Regional Politcal Grouping.
ASEAN has been seen not very useful as some members start to exploit the ASEAN Bloc. It cannot solve any issues within the Bloc,such as those in Burma, in Cambodia, and the recent border disputes (Camboda-Thai).
It is no use having the ASEAN. The ASEAN should be dissolved.
free press in thailand? can i say? your king is stupid? your king is fucking gay? possible? god damn fucking thailand free press!
Speaking of the kings' homosexuality, I see no difference between the two.
Oh! I think Ah Sen is also gay. This guy will fuck anythng that move. Yes, you heard me. This guy (Hun Sen) anything that move will turn the guy on.
Ah Siam fuck you all. And fuck ah leaders nowadays. Ah Siams learned from you fuck corrupted system too well.
Who is better? One is saving the country's face and another one is saving his party's popularity.
So pathetic.... What are you goonna do about it pro-cpp?
Very well said, but get your F*cking troop out of Cambodian's territory and stop bickering about the Temple of Preash Vihear. It's over and it's not yours!
To 2:33 am -- Your remark tells who you are and what you eat.
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