Saturday, October 25, 2008

Sacrava's Political Cartoon: Vietnamophonie

Cartoon by Sacrava (on the web at


Anonymous said...

Does anyone know that this current king speaks vietnamese ? Inquirer wants to know.

Anonymous said...

He doesn't speak that language ,but he is supporting Vietnam and let Viet use him so what is the conclusion of this king attitude or valor mean?

Anonymous said...

His Father help Vietcong before Hun Sen,All Pro-Vietnamese!Our leader on Hanoi Blvd!

Anonymous said...

1:16 AM

Majority of the CPP politician are not just pro-yuon they are yuon.

Like Sok Anh, Ho Lung Duc, Ho Nam Hor, ...

So remember their name, so they can have a close shave.

Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha.

Sacrava you score again.

Keep up the good job.

Anonymous said...

Cpp HUn sen regime is Youn disguise as khmer, most of them speak vietnamese fluently.b/cuz they're former vietnamese cambodians citizen were deported back to viet nam in 1970.

Anonymous said...

This carton is just a piece of shit. It does nonthing but destoying Cambodia. If you are not Cambodia, Mr. drawer, just keep yourself away from this country. I warn you again, if you want to call my country, you must call correctly (Cambodia), not anything else. However, if you happened to have Khmer blood in your body, please use your talent to help the country. In case you have good intention to Cambodia when you draw your carton, you must not only think to the meaning that you want to express, but you must think to the side effect of your carton.

Anonymous said...

Cartooning Art is not made from the sugar.....but it's a reflected mirroir of the society.

Your Scambodia are runnig by those Pig-H-D group.

Pls wait and see the new holocaust will coming soon to Scambodia.
Where are you bring your blood-money to, Vietnam ,China ?
The recession of Sunamy will hit very hard to your Scamboia.

Lord Buddha said :
" Evrything is Impermanence "