Sunday, October 05, 2008

Thai military chief confident Thai-Cambodian border dispute can be resolved

Thailand`s newly-appointed military commander Gen. Songkitti Jaggabatara said Friday he is confident that the ongoing Thailand-border dispute could be resolved amicably.


Gen. Songkitti, who has assumed his new post as supreme commander on Wednesday, said ther dispute between the two neighbours is being solved at the bilateral committee level and there should not be any problem if all perform their defined duties.

To date there has been no violence along the border, he said.

The two countries, both members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), remain engaged in a dispute over at least three ancient temples. The disputes stem from poor demarcation as Cambodia uses a colonial-era French map to demarcate the border, which Thailand says favours Cambodia. Thailand relies on a map drawn up later with American technical assistance.

Meanwhile, Lt-Gen. Kanit Sapitak, Thai First Army Region commander responsible for security affairs in the country's central region, told journalists that the differences between the two countries does not pose any problem between the militaryt, civil servants and residents living near the border.

Currently, Cambodian nationals still cross into Thailand illegally to seek jobs, according to Gen. Kanit, adding that a new economic zone has been set up inside Cambodia aimed at encouraging Thai and and other foreign investors to invest in that country which could improve employment there.

Gen. Kanit will soon visit the Cambodian border at Aranyaprathet district to follow-up 4th Thai-Khmer general border committee meeting which ended recently with the parties agreeing to beautify scenery and improve the environment at the border.


Anonymous said...

Look at it fucking face you think it will be nice to you all? I have been in New camp,Idang camp ah mother fucking Thai treat our khmer worse than their dogs,now wake up do not let Thai tolerate us ,if we are patient like Mr.PM advise ,what ah Sen knows? Ah Sen can't even read khmer,he only read the violent languages to innocent Cambodian,now time for ah Sen to be tough with ah Thai killer. If it is not ah Sen is the farmer grown uneducated worthless and impeach this mother fucker(hun sen)

Anonymous said...

in khao i dang camp ,khmer people at least about 3000 and more were dead by robbery ,raped,shooting ,killing,around the camp fance.

Anonymous said...

And when did you ever treat the Thai nicely, stupid (2:09)?

Anonymous said...

2:09 AM , Absolute agree , these fucking dogs SIAMES are no HUMAN .. I been in KHAO I DANG camp too , I seen everything AH SIAMES DID TO OUR KHMER PEOPLES .. 3:32 AM E BAR FUCKING SIAMES , all your fucking SIAMES will be go to HELL..HELL..HELL..HELL.. DIE ASIAMES DIE ..

Anonymous said...

OH my god Just look at and SOB ASIAM Gen FACE , He must be a fucking killer ..

Anonymous said...

Down to ah Thai disguise nation,your hand stained with Cambodian and Thai Malay on the south your Thai mother fucker think what you treated us like Dong REk cliff,Nong Chan,Nong Samith,Khao Idang,Site II it unforgeable Brothers and Sisters don't believe A WORD from the cowards Thai this Thai compare to mango mangoes ways better(Top sweet butt sour) To Thai mother fuckers if you all know Sleng(very bitter )that mother fuckers Thai will kill you,so what are you waiting for kill them when they get at our site .
Kill Thai=Kill fish

Anonymous said...

The thailand wants to declare us the military war.

We all the Khmers, we are now going to declare the economic war to thais.

Do not buy any more products made in thailand!

Anonymous said...

yeah his face doesnt show any hint for negotiation.

Anonymous said...

God why does Hor nam hong face look so like a dog ass? and is Sok ann a pig?

Anonymous said...

This is the long time strategy/attitude of the fucking Thai since their ancestors time.

One hand shaking with the other stealing.

Get out of my country, you fucking Thai including those encroaching the boder, those working in private sector and the government.

Anonymous said...

I would say shoot and kill these animals who provoke all trouble yet act innocently. Kill these stupid siamese and behead them.

Anonymous said...

The thai would intrude even a Khmer website like this one. Pai pai.. thai.. Pai pai back to your stupid origin, you damned animals.

Anonymous said...

Pai Pai Pai kor den!
Yor douk ta lai tapai kham doork.

Ah Siem mouk ngo-ab!

Anonymous said...

Kitty you really have a scary face.

Anonymous said...

Don't listen to people who lives in roach infested government housing.

Anonymous said...

1:35PM And you living in the street?
Ah bum hey hey !

Anonymous said...

Hey, the street is a lot cleaner than you roach infested government housing. Why do you think the Homeless preferred the street?