Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Hun Sen refuses to join his powerful ally, Hok Lundy

Hun Sen cancels trip to inaugurate hydro-power dam in Kampot

PHNOM PENH, Nov. 18 (Xinhua) -- Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen has canceled his trip to coastal province of Kampot to inaugurate a hydro-power dam due to fear of rainy weather, dam developer confirmed with Xinhua here on Tuesday.

During the trip scheduled on Tuesday, the premier planned to attend the groundbreaking ceremony of the Kamchay Dam, which is developed by the SinoHydro Corporation, said Zhao Jinhui, resident director of the corporation.

The ceremony will be postponed, but the exact date is not decided yet, he added.

While explaining the change, Hun Sen expressed concerns about safety in the wake of the helicopter crash that killed National Police Commissioner Hok Lundy and three others on Nov. 9, according to the reports of English-language newspaper the Phnom Penh Post on Tuesday.

It is believed that the chopper crashed due to heavy rain, it added.

"I will not take any risk because of the accident that happened to our four patriots flying at night and in heavy rain. We regret their loss," the paper quoted him as saying.

According to the schedule, the premier should have taken his helicopter to Kampot on Tuesday morning. A mild rain started at midnight and lasted till Tuesday morning.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Water Management and Meteorology has issued a notice warning that heavy rain and electrical storms are expected to pound the southern coast in the next few days.


Anonymous said...

Hhhaaahhaaa strong man after all succumbs to his own fear. This means his time is near. No where to run Mr. Hun. Your fear of death reflects your bad deeds. Your comrade Hok won't leave you alone in peace he'll follow you and bring you to join him when there is opportunity. Even your truck load of body guards can't do a thing.

Ah Hun when will you join me (Hok)? I miss you my friend.

My suggestion to Mr. Hun is just relax, don't feel so tense about it……when it comes you won't notice it.

Anonymous said...

NO matter what Sen you will joint your buddy one way or the other ... can't refuse to your BARB PAR GARM ... BLOOD FOR BLOOD ... A MILLION LIFE and PISETH PEAKLIKA are WAITING TO WELLCOME YOU IN HELL SEN ..

Anonymous said...

When he ready to go a trip to Kos Kong would be nice. So, that way his scattered flesh won't be wasted like chief Hok's. The shacks will love to taste the criminal flesh. Wish you a rough journey to hell one day.

Anonymous said...

អាហ៊ីង អាហុក និង អាហោ
អាហ៊ីង (ប៊ុនហ៊ាង) មេចោរប្លន់ដីរាស្រ្ត
អាហ៊ុន មេឆ្កែយួនកញ្ជះ, អាត្រូវរន្ទះបាញ់ដូចគ្នា!

មិនយូរ មិនឆាប់ គង់វិនាស
លិចទូក រន្ទះ ឡានបុកគ្នា
ព្រលឹងវិលវល់ តាមចងពៀរ
នេះជាកម្មពៀរ អាក្បត់ជាតិ

អាពាលហេង ពៅ នៅដេកគុក
ចំណែកអាហុក ងាប់តៃហោង
អាហ៊ុន, អាហ៊ីង, អាហោ ជាមេខ្លោង
នឹងងាប់តៃហោង ឆ្នាំក្រោយហ៎ង... សាធុ... សាធុ... សាធុ...

Anonymous said...

អាក្បត់ជាតិហ៊ុន សែន, ខ្ញុំកញ្ជះយួន, ខ្លាចគេលួចបាញ់ខ្លួនវាងាប់។ វាខ្លាចងាប់ ប៉ុន្តែហេតុមេច បានវាសំលាប់យ៉ាងឃោរឃៅ រាប់មិនអស់ ជីវិតខ្មែរ យ៉ាងដូច្នោះ?

Anonymous said...

Nak êng trov bondasa reas khmer heuy min cham bach rot kech khluon té!

Anonymous said...

People have insulted the Royal Government of Cambodia as well as cursing on the Leaders. There is no way to run and no place hide ah runteass banh kandal tngai trong!

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen is a criminal against humanity in Cambodia. He is a public enemy of humanity.

Anonymous said...

Wrong, everyone loves PM Hun Sen in Cambodia. What they hated most is Ah Scam Rainxy and his cronies (Ah Pleu-Oversea).

Anonymous said...

reponse à 2:37 Vous critiquez les oversea en fait c'est vous . Vous rendez AVEUGLE à tous ces gens et vous savez le borgne est ROI au pays des aveugles ces peuples Khmers . Vous ressemblez à un grenouille pour vous l'univers c'est le circonférence du puit . Je parie que vous n'oserez m^me pas faire un dix exposant infinie des betises dans des pays civilisés Pour moi honnetement Mr 2:37 vous etes un ASORIKAI VIVANT

Anonymous said...

You are fucking Siem you never known about your mother life saving by situation government ah? Why pol pot let you alive? You never known about khmer people were suffering during pol pot took Cambodia over. Now you just blaming to situation government.I believed you are Siem or France relative.

Anonymous said...


Sama Samputho!