By Chiep Mony, VOA Khmer
Original report from Phnom Penh
18 November 2008
Security forces, including police and military, continued forced evictions in Kampot province for a second day Tuesday, following the injuries of at least three villagers Monday.
The authorities destroyed an estimated 230 small homes in Ta Ken commune, Chhouk district, in two days of operations to oust residents from a national park, officials said.
Soldiers and police on Monday beat seven people, striking them with rifle butts and sending three to the Kampong Speu provincial hospital, villagers said.
Touch Sambath, a doctor at the hospital, confirmed the arrival of three patients Monday night, one of them seriously hurt with strikes to his eyebrow and head. All three patients remained in the hospital Tuesday, he said.
"The villagers attacked the armed forces first" with axes and machetes, said Kampot Governor Nam Set. None of the armed forces were injured, he said.
A land dispute between the villagers in the commune and provincial environment officials has continued since September, with authorities claiming that 306 families are occupying protected land.
Villagers say many of them have lived on the land since 2000, and they suspect the land is now being re-distributed to a private company for residential development.
The authorities destroyed an estimated 230 small homes in Ta Ken commune, Chhouk district, in two days of operations to oust residents from a national park, officials said.
Soldiers and police on Monday beat seven people, striking them with rifle butts and sending three to the Kampong Speu provincial hospital, villagers said.
Touch Sambath, a doctor at the hospital, confirmed the arrival of three patients Monday night, one of them seriously hurt with strikes to his eyebrow and head. All three patients remained in the hospital Tuesday, he said.
"The villagers attacked the armed forces first" with axes and machetes, said Kampot Governor Nam Set. None of the armed forces were injured, he said.
A land dispute between the villagers in the commune and provincial environment officials has continued since September, with authorities claiming that 306 families are occupying protected land.
Villagers say many of them have lived on the land since 2000, and they suspect the land is now being re-distributed to a private company for residential development.
It's a tragic news from our motherland again. It is a heartache and very disturbing actions by the government. When does it ends...at what point in time that our government treats the people with decency and respect. I am urging the government of Cambodia to change the barbaric practices and be more civilized to the people.
The poor villagers need to be treated to respect and humanitarian assistance to assist them in relocating.
God bless the people of Cambodia (good people).
As long as International community and influenced countries still support and maintain viet and Khmer rouge rule over Cambodia, Cambodia will remain like this
In general we know that comment sense that duty of police, military official is to servce the people and protect the country!
Maybe it time for authority of all level to turn on the hands that bites them and the people.
This is the only solution that I see gonna really bring about any justice and true services.
never wait great act from bandit and criminals
Where is the big man of cambodia, when his people need him? Hun Sen? come on... He is all talk, no action hanoi azz kissing mofo...
He is so low, he is living and talking due to the mercy of hanoi.
To fix this problem, Ah Scam Rainxy must faces justice for a crime against Khmer people.
Eh, 7:47AM,
I have always seen your comments loaded with words like this one; is it all the words you know, right? And can you give me a few cases of Sam Raingsy's crimes which you consider worse than your evil-minded Hun Sen and his despicable cronies'ones? I think to solve the above, Hun Sen government need to be completely abolished and Hun Sen and his cronies to jail for the rest of their lives.
This is the root cause of human abuse in Cambodia nowadays. They’re the blood suckers for the innocents. Poor people are making day-by-day to earn a living and the province vampires don’t know how to exercise their power. Instead of compensate peoples’ properties; they use their authority to cruelty treat people burning houses to the ground! They are insane. It is yet another sign of Khmer killing Khmer. They don’t serve people. They kill people for their own benefits.
A cowboy of USA
That's Hun Sen regime!
Hun Sen will be taihorng just like Hok Lundi!
How about over 6 millions Viets invaders resettling throughout Cambodia ? Did you, do you have eyes to see them every where, especially inside Tonle Sap, all bunches of Khmer TRAITORS, and khmer killers, Hun Sen's cronies ???
Ah roleay roub ondor thean chorl kone propoun, ah Erng th'voeu barp ter khmer kh'nea Erng, touk dei khmer oy ah Chor yuon ???
I agreed with 8:27AM. Gov't shall compensate other areas for them to live if that area is really the national park to solve the problem rather than burning their homes but not houses. In other hand, I am wondering why gov't did not have any plan at all in his hand. If that land is the national park, they should not allow any people living on since 2000??? They know how to distroy but never think about how to protect the problem...
What? not even the super rich US can afford to give everyone land for free.
gov't must help the poors like compensate them fairly for displacement, etc...
Pourk ah roleay rolout, ah kone me chor kh'both cheat, lourk srok oy yuon, ourk ah erng min khoeunh ah Nikoum chor yuon chol penh srok te roeu ei ? Ah runteas Banh, ah Hun Sen noeung pourk chh'ker bamreou sot ter chh'ker th'voeu ka bam roeu chor yuon Hue taing os, Vea kh'mean kit sokhomalapheab reas khmer bantech te !!!
Hey... 11:34AM! Your thought is not like a human being. Gov't cannot offer free land to everyone but for the real poors.
Ah Hun will be next, and will be worst than Ah Hok. Cambodias are suffering because of this animal rules for too long.
Ah Sen why do you shortened your pathetic life?
You are not invincible.
11:51am, The government is there and it's their job to find a solution for the poor. This is one of the current Cambodian social issues. Sounds like you have no ideas.
Military and police are just getting practice so they know how to deal with the thai in a border dispute
7:45 AM
You're a Viet invader, not a Cambodian.
What a funny statement from the STUPID GOVERNOR!
Maybe all his armed forces has got axe & machete-proof skin or all villagers are blid?
Doggy governor!
She seems smilling at the camera. She is putting her hope on the photographer to help her to rebuild the house.
7:45AM is a Viet good dickhead.
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