Monday, November 10, 2008

Top of the foodchain brought down to earth by inclement weather: What goes up must crash down

Top cop, 3 others killed in air crash

Sunday, 09 November 2008

Written by Kay Kimsong
The Phnom Penh Post

National Police Chief Hok Lundy was killed Sunday when the helicopter he was riding in crashed in Svay Rieng province’s Romdoul district, government spokesman Khieu Kanharith told the Post.

Hok Lundy is dead.… I can’t tell exactly what happened yet. We are investigating,” he said.

Three other people also died in the accident, including high-ranking RCAF General Sok Saem and two pilots, Interior Ministry spokesman Khieu Sopheak said. He added that bad weather was thought to be the cause of the crash.

The helicopter took off around 7:20pm from Phnom Penh but lost radio contact about 15 minutes later, Khieu Sopheak said.

A close ally to Prime Minister Hun Sen, Hok Lundy, 58, rose to power in the chaotic mid-1990s to become one of Cambodia’s most imposing authority figures, taking over as head of National Police in 1994.

He had repeatedly been accused by various rights groups of brutal tactics, including murder, and was denied a visa to visit the United States in 2006 because of his alleged ties to human trafficking.

Hok Lundy was later awarded a medal by the US Federal Bureau of Investigation for his efforts in fighting terrorism, and he travelled to Washington last year for anti-terror talks with the FBI.


Anonymous said...

Dead at last!

Anonymous said...

May the Chief rest in peace.

He has been a great Khmer's hero. In particular, he has been well known to keep Ah Pleu-Oversea from destroying the the Khmer's culture and heritage.

Anonymous said...

Ah Youn agent vietb cong better go to hell.......hahahahahahah

Anonymous said...

Don'r you come back from hell ah cho maray. next time, come get your danlong Hun Sen with you. For this reason, I know many CPP top henchmen are scared of getting on any areoplanes.

Stay tehre in hell, ah khietakor.

Heng Pov, you must be smiling by now. He died before you, eh ?

Anonymous said...

To 6.45 am,

Hero of what? He must have been feeding you and your family with the coutry wealth all these years for you to regard him as a hero.

Anonymous said...

6:45 am,

You're only fooling yourself.
So sad, your parent didn't raised you up better then you are now.

very sad fool

Anonymous said...

May the Chief rest in evil.

He is a secret youn (vietnamese) agent in Cambodia.

He has been murderer. In particular, he has been well known in murder of khmer politicians to allow youns to install in khmer territory.

Anonymous said...

I guess ah Dung was not satisfied of the job of ah Ho Lung Doc.

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Heng Soy,

You meant to say "inclement weather", not "unclement weather" right?

Anonymous said...

6:45 AM
You're right. He's great. He's a Khmer Hero. And also a damn fucking drug & human trafficking...

6:45 AM, you are next.
Beware man, 7 days more Ur Dick-Hero will come to get you.

May U both rest in hell!!!

From: Ah Pleu-Overwater

Anonymous said...

6:45 AM

I want to offer all my sympathy to Hok Landy' wife. I have my razor ready to slash that bitch so she can join her bastard.

Anonymous said...

make sure your englit is better than heng soy. apthetic for nitpicking petty stuff. little thing bothers little brain.

Anonymous said...

What I can say is THANKS, GOD! GOD STARTS TO PUNISH THE KILLERS. This is the only way to avoid bloodshed!

Anonymous said...

I want to hear again from the guy who posted some where earlier blaming Western culture for polluting Cambodia and allegedly caused that "high official's" wife to violently attack DJ Ano. I guess this time he blame Western made helicopter for bringing down his hero?

Anonymous said...

You deserve this violent death. DOG! People have wished this event since a long time. Now their dream has come true.

Shame for Hok's Family and friends.

Yo, yo, yo......

Anonymous said...

6:45 AM sounded like ah "Penh Panha".

Ah HOC if you're really dead, may you be rotten in HELL!!!

As for ah 6:45 AM, you'll be soon rotten in HELL too! That's a promise from Khmer people to you!

Anonymous said...

it wasn't the was taken down by a laser guided SAM. The weather was part of the perfect where is safe for killers not even in their territories....our agents are everywhere embedded in the forest and cities all over Cambodia for opportunity like this one.

Anonymous said...

It's not the weather! It's a gift or an invitation from the Yomareach.

It's also a gift to Hok Lundy family and in laws

Anonymous said...

What is this meant for Cambodia?

Justice for:
1. Those girls that he sold.
2. Victims in the 1997 coup.
3. The journalists gunned down on the streets.
4. Stealing from the poor to gamble.

Lost for:
1. The Casino at Svay Rieng - one of their high rollers is gone.
2. His wife and kids - now worry about the uncertainties that lies ahead.
3. The drug traffickers - no strong support.
4. Hanoi - will have to find another bulldog.
5. Mr Hun Sen - maybe happy, or worry at the same time.

Who will be happy and benefit?
All Khmer people.

Anonymous said...

My heartfelt condolences to the families of deceased National Police Commissioner Four Star Police General Hok Lundy, RCAF General So Saem and the two pilots.

LAO Mong Hay, Hong Kong

Anonymous said...

Anybody has a photo of his corpse, I just want to see the expression on his face.

Anonymous said...

Hay 6.45AM
Choy Deuk Euy, Ong Hok Lundu must have crewed your mother and sister and fed your family with a little dog meat that why he was you hero.

Khmeroversea and Khmer KnongSrok

Anonymous said...

Whatever it is, it's just great news. Hope he's rotten in hell and never get to reincarnate in any forms of life.

Anonymous said...

I commented on an article about Khim Sambo's death. The article have a picture of the perpetrator Hok Lundy on it.

My comment was 'Sooner or later his time will come.' I didn't think it was this soon.

Hok, I don't know you personally buddy. If the accusations about your wrongdoing is true, may God have mercy on your soul. This time you can't escape justice.

Anonymous said...

things keep surprise me nowaday.....the obama's vitory....and now Hok Lundy's gone too soon.......what's and who's next?

Anonymous said...

My sincere damnation to ah Hok's bitch and his cursed family, too bad that she wasn't not with him.

Anonymous said...

8:09AM the expression on his face is - oh shit I should have waited for the rain to die down before I go to the casino.

Anonymous said...

Lao Mong Hay maybe yuon descendant living in Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

May you rest in peace, and
May Khmer be prosperous from now on!
A Student in IL

Anonymous said...

Phaen dai la-ar bae chea min chong ruos, Than norok ot phlov bae chea chong tov vinh. Bab kam, bab kam ah nis preah min bros te. Ah ngob tai haong, ah tai sak krom kruo sar ahaeng ning ngob tai haong douch khnae teing oss.

Anh si peuk sabbay penh ti krong Phnom Penh.

Anonymous said...

Mr Lao Mong Hay is just trying to stay on the good side of the morale....he wants to be on the high side of ethic.....he forgets about the guy's victims....

I can play this too, but I choose not to.....the man has too much blood on his hand and not deserve such sympathy from the Khmer people. Lao Mong Hay wants to be that lone voice of sorrowness for some purpose.....

Anonymous said...

Yo, Yo, Yo! Let sing and dance!
Every body sing every body dance, all night long....all night long all night long...come on yo!

The EVIL ACTS 4 golden star, the powerful, the cruel police official, the corrupt and the most HATRED man in Cambodia has the HELL!

It a pity he was not able to bring with him all his WEALTH. Many of his CLOSE FRIENDS wil join him!

Let sing and dance!
Every body sing
every body dance, all night long....
all night long ....
all night long...come on yo!

Anonymous said...

Yes !!!!!!!!!!!! this is my happiest day ever. Finally, no one could kill A Lok God open his eyes..... I am waiting for A SEN'S turn.....

God please helps to change Cambodia....

Anonymous said...

Lok Hay,

I feel sorry for the two pilots but not the two generals. You are too much into human rights, murderers' right, animals rigts, hells rights, that it it blunts your judgment.

Hun sen and his clan will not send you condolences when he killed you.

Anonymous said...

Disingenuousness...but politically correct.

Anonymous said...

BIH (Burn In Hell)

Anonymous said...

. Gog Bless You! Hok Lundy.
. May You Rest in Peace
. What does it mean?
. Cambodia is blessed a bit from Youn Hanoi Agent, sent to colonize and Vietnamize our people
. This criminal with blood-stained has been eliminated by the faith of God
. Youn Hanoi is now looking for other alternatives to pick a new agent
. Hun Sen may fee releived or nervsous at the same time
. It is time to celebrate a small party to see Hok Lundy is now gone

My Cambodia Have a Bright Future !!!

Anonymous said...

Lauk Lao Mong Hay is representing a small hand full of khmer people with low morale. He says what he needs to say to save his a little meaningless job in Srok Khmer. Rememer Ah Youn is fully aware of that and it won't be long they will try to recruit Lauk Lao Mong Hay to be their agent.

Anonymous said...

Piseth pulika aun somlanh !
Saum vinhean khan aun anhchoeunh tov kan sokaktephoup chos.May your soul rest in peace.Your killer is dead.

Anonymous said...

While your faggot ass weeping.... I am laughing my ass off.
Finally, karma caught up with that fat faggot of yours. I suggest you hop on a helicopter to PP for his funeral. I shall treasure this days forever! Muah! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

Khmer now Ahmeric

Anonymous said...

Ah Héng chuob KUK, Ah Hok mott chheung, Ah Hun phnèk sleung Anakut khlei!


Anonymous said...

Lok Mong hai

The most politically correct statement for you is to shut up during this time. Not to send conmdolences to the killer.

Anonymous said...

While the average Khmer can't afford a liter of gasoline for their cars... this faggot is able to fly himself home in a helicopter on a daily basis. Folks, that's how wealthy he is.
I regret that he didn't invite HunSen for the ride. Damn him!
Oh well, that's one less scum bags to harm my people. Back to praying..........

Khmer now Ahmeric

Anonymous said...

For decades, millions of men, women and young in Cambodia have been trapped in oppression and
hopelessness. And these conditions left a generation disillusioned, and made Cambodia a breeding ground .

At the height of hypocrisy and irresponsibility, the Royal Government of Cambodia tolerates the presence of and protects the criminals who plan new actions against our people. While maneuvering to hidden the murderers responsible for monstrous crimes, such as the notorious Ah Hok Lundy.

Today the notorious Ah Hok Lundy dead in crashed and millions of Cambodian Celebrating the spite of these acts of aggression and the criminal Ah Hok Lundy Dead.

We whishing the notorious Ah Hok Lundy go to 7 levels of hell. May his sin of these evil acts of aggression and the criminal activities goes to hell with this notorious.

Khmer Victims by him.

Anonymous said...

I see this incident as a chance to reunite Khmers. If all Khmers show their love to Hun Sen than the VNs do, we would be able to bring Hun Sen back to the Khmer families. Otherwise, there will be more Hok Lundi who will come and destroy Khmers. Hun Sen visits VN is welcomed with red carpet, but when he visits the west, he is welcomed by Khmers with Demonstration. Ask ourself, if you were him, which one would you have chosen?

Anonymous said...

Stay there ah cho marai ok longdy. don't you dare to wake up ever again.

Anonymous said...

Our prayers has been answered my friend.
This should serves as a warning to the current notorious fuck head that justice for the victims will prevailed one way or another.
I hope that the faces of all his victims flash in front of him just before he crash and slowly burnt to death.
Burn in hell you SOB!!!!!!!!!!

Khmer now Ahmeric

Anonymous said...

Ask yourself this, if Hun Sen took good care of his people (Khmer) like a PM should, we wouldn't have this conversations. It's very ignorant of you to put the blames on the people. I think you loose touch with reality concerning the isssues in Cambodia. People don't run the country........ the PM does.

Anonymous said...

Why you all people (who post comment) want somebody death. so you happy with it right?????

Anonymous said...

he's bad guy, that's why?

Anonymous said...

Damn right! If you know all the bad deeds that this man did, you'll probably be celebrating with us right now.

Khmer now Ahmeric

Anonymous said...

Yak ngo-ab, manussa teah dai ho!

Anonymous said...

Lao Mong Hay, next time, don't fool yourself. Can we be human with inhuman people? If someone will rape, gangbang, torture and do whatsoever with your wife or your daughter, and after he die in an accident, you will send flower on his grave? Stop kidding me... Human right and morale have their limits, ok?
Anyway, that HLD has well profited from his life to do anything a vicous human mind can do. He must has enjoyed so much. Everybody has to die one day...

Anonymous said...

Loa Mont Hay,

Did you have to be so blunt or you are just a terrible political blunder?
It is only fair for your own benefits to offer your condolences to the families of this kind of police chief, but it is a tasteless statement for Cambodian victims who have been hurt or killed by him. Do you know the answer?

Anonymous said...

Dr Lao Mong Hay is a descent human being, leave him alone.

We have no right to judge Hok Lundy, only God does...

Anonymous said...

God does not exist. HLD with reincarnate first in a fly to live one week, then a mosquito to live 2 days, then a dog, to live one year, before being eaten by the viets in phnom penh, then other 4 animals before reincarnate in human again...Hoping that he will be only one of these poor worker carrying stones everyday for building construction and speculation here..
WE, human, are only parasites on this earth. Only the high spirits who don't have any material mindset and who can control their feeling above the human needs and desire can achieve the goal to the karma. Then their spirit can be the one to merge with the universe, knowing the final peace. end of the travel. But for HLD or you or me, we are just human with fucking needs, eating needs and high or low ambitous human needs.
That is our destiny of (sophisticated) parasite on this earth.

Anonymous said...

Lao mong Hay,
Your condolences served only a slap to the face of Hok Lundy's victim as well as the rest of us in this blog. I've read alot of your posted comment through out this forum. I do understand that everyone's entitle to their opinion, but I feel that your post is tasteless base on this subject and this subject alone. I've lost all my respect for you.... concerning this subject matter. Good luck to you! I hope you understand!

Khmer now Ahmeric

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much, fellow commentators, for your comments on my condolences to the families of the deceased persons.
Let's not forget the Buddha's teaching that we cannot overcome hatred by hatred, only by love.
Let's also distinguish between the deceased persons and their families. We may not like the deceased persons, but do we need to extend our hatred to their families as well?
The Khmer Rouge extended their hattred for their enemies to their families in 1975 and killed all of them (enemies and their families alike).

LAO Mong Hay, Hong Kong

Anonymous said...

Bah, the wife of HLD is certainly happy that he die. Maybe it is her who asked her son (the owner of Sokha Helicopter Ltd) to sabotage the helico, because of the affair of HLD with DJ Ano?
Of course, let's not hate the wife of HLD. She has to be respected, because to kidnap and razor blade cut a beauty celebrity from the face to the vagina, she has the guts! Of course, if someone do that to my wife, i will thanks him/her and offer my ass to be sodomized.
Now the wife can get a young gigolo dick and the children can profit of the millions assembled illegally (human traffic, drugs, extorsion, etc.) to buy more Land Rover and more Lexus.
Oh yes, they must be very sad on this moment...

Anonymous said...

You ars incorrect! After the reincarnation to 4 animals.... last, he will reincarnate to Hun Sen's feces. Hun Sen will agonized in pain for 28 days and nights in an attempt to push it out. The only way that Hun Sen can push this feces out is by allowing his rectum to explode into pieces. Once out, the Youn dog will eat it. Thus, this give the meaning of life cycle.
Per God

Anonymous said...

All you animals in here. Karma will haunt those who wish harm upon another person. None of you have shown a slight hint of what being a human is. I live overseas and I don't wish death upon anybody in Cambodia, unlike you, sick people. I can't imagine the suffering their family are going through right now. There are a lot of sick people in here. It's scary how you can celebrate over loss of human life. Very scary. This forum brings out the worst kind of beings. I might have nightmares knowing that people are this cruel and demonic.

Anonymous said...


I'd take my hat off before you, if we ever met in person.

LAO Mong Hay, Hong Kong

Anonymous said...

13:38 PM:
You live oversea, then stay oversea.
Lao Mong Hay, he lives in hong kong also.
Stay in your ideals dreams.
People here are celebrating the death of a devil, so ?
You don't know how much people has suffered from this type of devil. We are not sick.
The drugs traffikers, human traffikers, the murderers and the torturers are the sick people. Can you blame anyone here who just celebrate one among the worst evil in cambodia who die?
If both of you are so good, come here to speak about your ideals of human right and development of Cambodia to Hun Sen and people around him. Let's see if you will keep your ideals.

Anonymous said...


If u say so, u righteous one!

Dr Lao Mong Hay: Your comment about the Khmer rouge above, by the sounds of some Khmer people in here, I think they are the Khmer Rouge!

Anonymous said...


Thanks for your advice. Fortunately, I have only one nationality, Khmer, and only one country, Cambodia. And I enjoy living in Cambodia.
When young, we were led to rejoice at the death of South-Vietnamese President Ngo Din Diem, at the death of Thai Prime Minister Sarith Thanarath, and at the death of US President Kennedy. We were also led to rejoyce at the death of Dap Chuon killed in a coup plot, at the death of Preap In, Chau Bory and other "traitors", all the latter people killed by firing squads, tied to posts at Trapeang Kroloeung, Kompong Speu province.

LAO Mong Hay, Hong Kong

Anonymous said...

12:38: For sure, it very sad for the wife of Hok Lundy. She kidnapped, tortured and razor blade shave one famous TV star few weeks ago (from the face to the vagina). Hok Lundy forced the star to fuck him.
Hok Lundy killed himself by hand (strangulation) HO Sok, his counterpart of FUNCINPEC in 1997.
He was the one who organized assassination against policical oponents and other movie/karaoke stars. He is involved in human traffic business (buying and selling women for prostitution), money extorsion from banks, private companies and casinos...
Ahhhh very pity for Hok Lundy and his wife. They deserve our respects...
12:38, you will make me happy if you can clean the shit in your eyes and stop thinking that we live in a Barbie world, ok? (by the way, take away that teddy bear that you are holding and also this thumb finger from your mouth... For your good, I have to tell you something that maybe your parents have hiding you for years: Santa Claus does not exist.. sorry for that.

Dr LAO Mong Hay, as Michael Jackson says: heel the world, make it a better place, for you and for me and so on...Sorry but, we don't live in Fantasyworld where everybody is nice and gentle...
You certainly embrassed the communism idealism. Unfortunately, there is no idealism. There is only human animal instinct.
The same instinct that make everybody happy about the death of a non-human being.

Anonymous said...

I concur with 12.38pm. Show some respect to family members of the deceased who could be reading these aweful comments. It doesnt matter how bad he was, he is now deceased so let him rest in peace.

Anonymous said...

People are happy to learn the death of the top cop.

But for me I don't want to make a judgement too early. Uncertainty still lies ahead. I will only range him after the result of new commender.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps, you don't understand the effect of harms and grieves that he (Hok Lundy) does. Do us a favor, research his profile before you commenting on this. Exlpain to his victims and their families why he choose to extort, intimidate, torture, kill, rape and sodomize just to name a few that he'd inflicted during his tenures as a police chief.
Most of his victims are dead, his family is still breathing...who do you morn? If any; all condolences should be directly goes toward his victims and their family.
The cause of his death is painless compared to his victims and the survivors.

1:28 LMFAO! You are too funny! My applauds to you.

Anonymous said...

Dr hai, 12.38, did you send condolences to the family of Pol Pot when he died ? Hok Lond Dy is not different from Polt Pot.

You are too much into your own world. Why can't you just forget one derichan soul ? yes, i can feel for their his children but not his wife. yes, I feel for the two pilots, maybe the another general, as well, but no no no.. to ah killer Hoc londy ? Go ask many victims of of his , will ya ?

Sometimes, the attemp to be seen as a good boy will not work in khmer society.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes it is better to turn the tongues seven times inside the mouth before speaking (or turn the hand seven time around the keyboard before typing):

General Hok Lundy (1950 – November 9, 2008), also transliterated as Hok Lundi and Hoc Lundy, was the National Police Commissioner of Cambodia since 1994, and the former governor of Svay Rieng Province. He was linked to Hun Sen, the current Prime Minister, whom he met in Vietnam in 1979: during the 1997 military coup, he commanded troops loyal to Hun Sen; as well, his daughter, Hok Chindavy, is married to one of Hun Sen’s sons, Hun Manit.

[edit] Biography
In the aftermath of the 1997 coup, Funcinpec officials accused Hok Lundy of ordering the attempted murder of Prime Minister Norodom Ranariddh; that same day, Hok Lundy accused Funcinpec of plotting the assassination of Hun Sen, vice-Prime Minister Sar Kheng, and himself. [1]

In February 2006, Hok Lundy was denied a visa to visit the United States due to suspicion of involvement in drug trafficking and human trafficking [1]. In March 2006, he was awarded a medal by the FBI for his efforts in fighting terrorism, and in 2007, he was granted a visa so that he could attend counterterrorism talks.[2]

Heng Pov, a former police chief in Phnom Penh, has accused Hok Lundy of involvement in over 70 deaths, including those of several high-profile Cambodian figures [3]; in return, Hok Lundy accused Heng Pov of involvement in several other murders, including that of a judge.

Human Rights Watch describes Hok Lundy as "represent(ing) the absolute worst that Cambodia has to offer", and says that "aside from his boss, Prime Minister Hun Sen, there is hardly anyone in Cambodia who has shown more contempt for the rule of law than Hok Lundy"[4]

Hok Lundy was killed on November 9, 2008, in a helicopter crash in heavy rain, along with General Sok Sa Em, the pilot and co-pilot.[5]

[edit] References
^ indianexpress

Anonymous said...

i am still afraid that there will be someone getting killed by the next one who takes ah lang di's position.

Anonymous said...

Ah chhkae 12.38 PM ah kbal yuon, ah kanh cheas yuon, ah khmae kraham, pel ke niyeay pi ampeu akrok bos puok ahaeng, ahaeng kdav krohay nas, ah choy mray, reas khmae slab chroen nas daoy sa snaday ah yuon hok lundy nis, ahaeng mean chheu chab te, boe ah chhkae yuon nis slab mech ko ahaeng chheu chab mles, ah khuor yuon. Monus slab daoy akyuttithor chroen nas, taing pi samay sakdephoum, min trem tae preap in, cha bory te, meakthura ning neak do tey teat chroen nas.
Slab ah yuon hok lundy muoy haet ey trov ruom moronak tuk chea muoy ah kanh cheas yuon dael samlab reas khmae do santhik san thoab nus.

Anonymous said...

មី ប៊ុន រ៉ានីកំពុងយំបោកខ្លួនស្តាយហុក ឡងឌី ងាប់តៃហោង
ព្រោះហុក ឡងឌី ជាសហាយ របស់មី ប៊ុន រ៉ានី (ប្រពន្ធហ៊ុន សែន) ជាង ១០ឆ្នាំមកហើយ!!

Anonymous said...

I too, would like to request a moment of silence for Hok and only Hok...............
Awww man! My middle finger stock out! Let's try again!

1. Hok in hell
2. Pov in jail
3. ......... this place is reserved for Sen.

I haven't slept good for a long time until I heard this tragic news...........
Jay yo! Jay yo!

Anonymous said...

Ánh Hóc Lûng Ðí Cành Bác Tráng Cào Lóng Nhác Nhán Dành Víet Nâm

Anonymous said...

Let's be civilized, short and sweet about this - May you animal Hok Lundy (or whatever your real name is) be rotten in hell!