Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Unable to take his fortune to his grave, Hok Lundy resorts to begging for rice to eat from the netherworld

Dreams of a grandmother living at a village where Hok Lundy’s helicopter crashed

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Translation from Khmer by Socheata

67-year-old Grandma Neth Samouth, who lives in the village where the above incident took place, said that two days after the helicopter crash, she had a dream about General Hok Lundy and the other 3 passengers came to beg rice from her. In her dream, the old lady stressed that General Hok Lundy shouted and begged her to give him some rice everyday at the crash site. After her strange dream, Grandma Samuth put some rice near the fence in front of the crash site. Two days later, she had another dream in which she saw the ghost of Hok Lundy coming to thank her. Up until now, the old lady had put rice 4 times for Hok Lundy already. Grandma Neth Samuth lives with her 66-year-old husband, Grandpa Luos Sean, and she said that her family is very pious, she does not want anything in life. Because she had this dream, she had no choice but to put some rice for the general’s ghost to accumulate good deed. She also said that she did not know Hok Lundy, she only saw him once in a while on TV, but she never met him in person. She said that she will make 7 rice offerings for the dead general.


Anonymous said...

Now it is the time for Hok Lundy to became Pret in the hell. When you were on earth you had power, money, girls and everything but now you are the begger in the hell for the rice. Next time is the turn of Hun Sen to beg for rice like Hok Lundy. Hok Lundy is preparing the place for Hun Sen in the hell now.

Anonymous said...

The ghosts he killed ganged on him that he has nothing to eat and had no choice but to beg the human to give him food.

This is a good start for him to prepare places for all his living comrads. All the CPP top officials.

Anonymous said...

Roum RITH tres émouvant ce recit que l'on croit ou non la preuve c'est que cette brave dame a le sang KHMER Elle n'a aucune RANCUNE vers ce général qui a le sang VIET . il faut méditer il faut mediter ce KMENG WATH qui a à présent vendu son âme et son corps au VIETNAMIEN Ce n'st pas un souhait ni une menace mais que tous ces LOK EKODAM se souviennent que ce pays Khmer EST MYSTIQUE Que les forces du bien protègent CES PEUPLES KHMERS qui sont respectueux du bien et du mal

Anonymous said...

God damned! Meeh Jkout (Socheata) loves to live in grandma's dream.

Anonymous said...

Please everyone right there not use dirty languages with each other. We have a good culture na. For me, if it were the true dream, those who have done things wrong should turn around to do the right things. Also, you have to have good deeds in this world, being a buddhist. Those who make the poor drop their tears stop doing so since you will get nothing with you when you leave this world, but your honor. So please stop killing Khmers, stop developing places where the poor drop their tears. I wish that those involved would understand and live your life happily either in this worlk or the next.

Anonymous said...

អាហ៊ីង អាហុក និង អាហោ
អាហ៊ីង (ប៊ុនហ៊ាង) មេចោរប្លន់ដីរាស្រ្ត
អាហ៊ុន មេឆ្កែយួនកញ្ជះ, អាត្រូវរន្ទះបាញ់ដូចគ្នា!

មិនយូរ មិនឆាប់ គង់វិនាស
លិចទូក រន្ទះ ឡានបុកគ្នា
ព្រលឹងវិលវល់ តាមចងពៀរ
នេះជាកម្មពៀរ អាក្បត់ជាតិ

អាពាលហេង ពៅ នៅដេកគុក
ចំណែកអាហុក ងាប់តៃហោង
អាហ៊ុន, អាហ៊ីង, អាហោ ជាមេខ្លោង
នឹងងាប់តៃហោង ឆ្នាំក្រោយហ៎ង... សាធុ... សាធុ... សាធុ...

Anonymous said...

Il est temps de s'arreter d'unsulter l'ame de HOK LUNDY . Laisser la ou il est mieux vaut montere la grandeur de l'âme KHMER . Poser vous cette question a quoi cela d'insulter son âme qui est impropre pour nore peuple Khmer . Mieux vaut garder la purete de l'ame Khmer si vous insulter c'est comme si vous vous battez avec un chien qui a attrapé le SIDA et sa maladie peut contaminer l'AME PURE ET DIGNE DE NOTRE RACE KHMER

Anonymous said...

Why ah Taiyhoung Hok Landy not go for his wife for rice he must know that his wife hatting him like hell!

Anonymous said...

You born naked, and you will die naked.
hamona hamoot

Anonymous said...

See? when you did bad things, no one give you any respect when you are death. You cannot brings anything back with you when you die but at least some respects from people. But this guy does not earn anything, instead we wish him to go deeper in hell. He deserve it! go to hell