Monday, December 29, 2008

2008 YEAR IN REVIEW: Cambodian community in Long Beach, California

Excerpt from The Long Beach Press Telegram (California, USA)

Cambodian community

In 2008, Long Beach was introduced to a 9-year-old Cambodian girl from an impoverished village with no electricity or running water. Davik Teng, who suffered from a quarter-sized hole in her heart known as a ventricular septal defect, was discovered by local nonprofit Hearts Without Boundaries.

The fledgling group brought Davik to the United States for life-altering surgery that was performed by Childrens Hospital Los Angeles, which donated staff and facilities.

A second Cambodian, Soksamnang Vy, was recently brought over for the same procedure and is recovering in Las Vegas.

In other Long Beach-related Cambodian news, the United Cambodian Community nearly went out of business after it learned that payroll taxes had not been paid by previous leaders. The group was able to hastily raise enough money to keep its doors open and is on a repayment plan.

Wat Vipasanaram, a Buddhist temple in Central Long Beach, was in court most of the year after an election for a new board of directors was disallowed and is now being legally challenged.

And a nonprofit founded by Cambodian-American professor Leakhena Nou at Cal State Long Beach began gathering testimonials from Cambodian genocide survivors that could be used in the ongoing Khmer Rouge war crimes tribunal in Cambodia.

The group plans to travel nationally to gather testimonials and staging symposiums. Its first event in Long Beach earned national recognition and a second event was held in December in Lowell, Mass.


Anonymous said...

You'll see the guys with pink speedo from Phuket next. Thailand are a mess. If the world watch this, please do not mention it's Asia. Please just say it Land of the Crying Gay Baby. LOL

Anonymous said...

A good one 10:07 AM... lol!

Anonymous said...

God bless the sweet organization!!

Anonymous said...

Long Beach community leaders are the puppet of Hun Sen.

We need not bring the two little girl and boy into the long beach community mess. Both of them are innosence and need help. If you want to bring news about these two unfortunate children, please subject your headline under 'Heart without Border' or something like that.

Again, Long Beach community Leaders are self picked within their own comrades and advance it interest to kiss Hun Sen's ass.

Had this happend for the Vietnmanese community, the community office would had been burn down to the ground already. But this is khmer, and khmer people do not get involve much about those leaders in Long Beach.

These khmer leaders in Long Beach pretend to speaker for all khmer in Long Beach but the truth is the are not representing anyone of us here.

They are simply don't help khmer here, they are help to collect their pay check from the state.

Anonymous said...

Dr.Nou of Cal. State should know more about the real cause of the negocide in Cmabodia before she jump to the Viet games.