Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Doughnuts and Barbecue

Talaya Sin and and Ben Hamamoto. (Photo: Ling Ma)

How one Asian American Studies major is taking back the mom-and-pop doughnut shop, one Cambodian barbecue cookout at a time.

December 24, 2008
By Ling Ma
East Bay Express (California, USA)

When Talaya Sin met with the landlord of Allstar Donuts to negotiate taking over the lease of the small, troubled doughnut shop on University Avenue in Berkeley, she didn't expect she'd be running the business within twenty minutes. At the end of the meeting, the landlord turned to the previous owner working behind the counter and said, "OK, you can go home now." A shocked Sin started learning the cash register on the spot.

The decision to run a doughnut shop was more complex than this brief business meeting might suggest. Growing up as part of a Cambodian immigrant family in West Oakland, Sin had certainly seen other family members making a living in the business. But laboring in the family business wasn't necessarily anything that Sin had intended for herself. After all, the childhood transplant to the United States had double-majored in Asian American Studies and Psychobiology at UC Davis, later followed by a stint working as post-production translator at Farallon Films. There, she worked with filmmaker Steven Okazaki on The Conscience of Nhem En, a documentary short about Cambodia after the Khmer Rouge that's now short-listed for an Oscar nomination.

So when Sin found herself with a doughnut shop of her own, it was perhaps no surprise that she set out to reimagine the kind of shops that she grew up with. Her efforts to earn a living by embracing one culinary feature of American culture while trying to retain and celebrate some of the traditions of her native Cambodia epitomize in many ways the challenges facing first- and second-generation US immigrants.

"The thing I want to do differently is actually let it be known that we are Cambodians," Sin said. "There's nothing in a Cambodian doughnut shop that says they're Cambodian," she noted, explaining that many immigrant owners, who often sell cigarettes and lottery tickets alongside the Bavarian Creams, don't want to ruin the homey, all-American image of the mom-and-pop doughnut shop. "They feel like then, Americans might question their doughnuts." Yet, anyone with knowledge of the recent history of American doughnut-making knows better than that. "We sort of saved the doughnut-making art," Sin said.

One of the lesser-known facts about the humble doughnut business is that the majority of California doughnut shops are run by Cambodian immigrants, many of whom fled their homeland's political upheavals during the late 1970s and '80s. Sin's brother-in-law, who started the now-closed Lee's Donuts in 1985, was among the first wave of immigrants who perpetuated the trend, helping other immigrants like himself open their own Lee's Donuts.

In Buddha Is Hiding, a study of Cambodian immigrants in California, UC Berkeley professor Aihwa Ong traced the proliferation of Cambodian-owned doughnut shops to immigrants such as Ted Ngoy, who started as a trainee at a Winchell's doughnut shop, and by the mid-1980s had developed his own doughnut shop franchise by training hundreds of fellow Cambodian immigrants eager for jobs. Those trainees, in turn, created their own franchises.

In addition to the convenience of working at a job that required little understanding of English, Ong pointed out that doughnut shops were easy to run because family members often worked for free, thus keeping overhead low. People like Ngoy, she wrote, "become the capitalists who seed new business units that are partially based on exploiting the unpaid labor of relatives and minority friends." This helps explain how Cambodians ended up running a majority of doughnut shops in the state. Ong sees a similar pattern in the flourishing of Vietnamese-run nail salons.

Shortly after taking over Allstar, Sin started running Cambodian barbecue cookouts in the patio dining space. "It's one of my favorite things to eat," she says of the lemongrass-marinated beef skewers and chicken wings that Allstar offers on weekends. Sin may have left Cambodia when she was just a kid, but there are still things she misses about living there. While Cambodian barbecue is available year-round in her homeland, Sin only finds it available during New Year's in Stockton. "I thought, why not have a place where you can serve that year-round?"

Pretty soon, a banner was hung outside Allstar that advertised "Cambodian BBQ" — much to her family's dismay. "They didn't think the taste would be appealing to Americans," Sin says. Sin's boyfriend Ben Hamamoto, a columnist at the Japanese-American newspaper Nichi Bei Times, helps man the grill at the outdoor patio while Sin makes the marinades herself.

The weekend cookouts have generated positive buzz with locals. Commentators on the foodie web site Chowhound have followed the Cambodian menu, which Sin plans to expand beyond just barbecue. One commentator raved of the chicken wings, "The result is the best of home-style cooking. Bold, garlicky, clean flavors and still juicy."

And the fact that there is no culinary connection between Cambodian cuisine and doughnuts didn't stop Sin from tricking out her fried dough rings with Southeast Asian flavors like mango jelly, or experimenting with new varieties, such as one based on sangkaya, a pumpkin flan dessert popular in her homeland.

There are other plans in the works. Sin is looking to upgrade to a gourmet coffee vendor, and once she catches her breath, she'll change the outside sign to reflect her shop's new name: Yellow Brick Donuts. She's also working on improving the doughnut base by making it from scratch.

Landlord Kenneth Le, who leases out doughnut shops to many Cambodian families, says that out of all the business owners he's worked with Sin is certainly the youngest. She's also somewhat of an anomaly. The unglamorous work of selling doughnuts, filled as it is with long, unpopular hours, doesn't usually stay in the family, as younger and second-generation Cambodian Americans tend to look elsewhere for opportunities. The storefronts are then either closed down or sold, something Le said is now happening with many Cambodian-run doughnut shops.

"She really wants to work way harder to start her business," Le said of Sin. "The second generation, they don't want to do that."

In a sense, Sin is retracing the steps of her predecessors by taking on a job in a distinctly American industry. But while she is busting her chops to run a doughnut shop, she's doing it on her own terms: using an all-American icon as a means to celebrate the traditions of her homeland. That's a strategy that Sin's former teacher Richard Kim, an assistant professor of Asian American Studies at UC Davis, says just might be a savvy business decision. "With the East Bay area, there's the fetishization of ethnic foods," he notes. "She's playing to a certain market as well. Her clientele might include actual Cambodians, but I'm sure most of it is a non-Cambodian clientele as well. So it's a way of exposing them to Cambodian cuisine."

Sin herself sees a relation between her new line of work and the Asian American Studies classes she took in college. "I'm doing what I've been reading about, in terms of all the Asian immigrants who did doughnut shops, and who slaved and bent over backward," she said.

And as for her family? Well, they work for her now.


Anonymous said...

Making donut is the only thing that Ah Pleu-oversea know how to do, and they try to deceive us that they can run a country, hahaha, LOL, hahaha....

Anonymous said...

12:44, what can you do beside criticizing other? Not much ha.

Anonymous said...

At least ah Phleu lives his life the right way without sucking blood from the poor such as Ah Sen and his thugs like post 12:44 who is very Phleu and sucks mee youn prostitute the other day. That is why he is brainwashed.

Anonymous said...

12:44 PM

You are just a POS SOB.
kiss my Benjamin's ass and die.
you are worthless than a penny.

Anonymous said...

Shut the fuck up Ah slave (1:24)! Khmer people don't listen to a lowlife like you. You got that?

Anonymous said...

1;24PM you got it mate.hahhahhaha 1:32pm your mouth stinker than the bad egg please accept your true color mister minority in your own land and yiek cong wanna be 1:24 you gave so much on homeless head 1:32PM to me the hight prize for that cheapo half penny that is all no more and no less because they call nothing compare to U and me 1:32 U are nothing see it?

Anonymous said...

The Cambodian got their donut store.
The Vietnamese got their nail salon.
The Indian got their motel.

America is the land of opportunity and all immigrants must start somewhere and for those who want it so bad and they will get it!

For Ah pleur 12:44PM, he doesn't know what the fuck he is talking about and I wouldn't be surprised if the mother fucker has a family member working in the donut business too!

Talking about donut make my mouth water already...I love donut!

Anonymous said...

The Korean got their liquor stores.

Anonymous said...

1:32 PM

You sound like you were born from a whore with thousand dicks. betcha one of your father forgot to put number on??.hahaha

Anonymous said...

Some comments seem immoral, it should be removed from the site by Ki-media team. To be human being, "Courtesy" should be taken into consideration...

Anonymous said...

Hey, shut the fuck up if you got nothing to add, alright?

Anonymous said...

Shit, drug dealer and prostitute make a lot more money than stupid donut maker. Who in their right mind would wanted them (losers) run the country?

Anonymous said...

Donut shop job come out from the clean business and making with clean money , dislike the others blood sucker from the poor sell country out for money with the thick face ,slave of poor nation=Vietnam ,careless a bout value of human being .The man with no face you deserve to be wipe out by Thai and youn ,because you are very intelligence with your own mind and you dignity it worthless or compare to homeless dog in the country side.

Anonymous said...

Where did 12:44 get the idea that overseas Khmer with donut or other business in the US want to run the country? Maybe they are happy in the US making honest money and away from Ah toilet-mouth 12:44!

Anonymous said...

Best wishes to you, my doughnut Khmer people. Way to go. Have own business and be your own boss. Congratulations.

Anonymous said...

Yeah and don't forget your own business cleaning Yuon's arse since you are well educated in that area.

Anonymous said...

I love donuts. Need a helping hand please call me right away. I promise I'll work hard for you.

Anonymous said...

1244 PM prefers to make money by selling his ass than earn it with real work. The mentality of local khmer like him is to leech and parasite other people money. Local prefers government job with prestige and salary of 50usd/month but allowing them to make big corruption. No wonder why all the shops and business in phnom penh are hold by chinese, vietnamese and koreans. With such lazy mentality as 1244pm, khmer locals will go no where...

Anonymous said...

Look at the thieves in the picture, I bet they charged poor people more than 1 usd for a lousy cup of coffee or stinky peace of donut.

All they know is rob, rob, rob; take the money and run, but don't worry. They will soon to face justice like the rest of them soon.

Anonymous said...

9:31am I do not know the level of your stupidities ,but in Cambodian language called you ah crazy pig or dog because of your craziness un able to cure but if you are really really need your sickness to be cured,there need home made surgery to be done your craziness generate from your parent and also your government and now is you if you not attending malt practice surgery you will death(Tai hong) like Hok lundi you see it?

Anonymous said...

To think that stupid donut maker is king of the hill is like thinking cyclo driver is king of the Khmer Empire, hahaha, LOL, hahaha, Ah Pleu-oversea is surely retarded!!!

Anonymous said...

To be honest with you psychopath 1:28PM I give my respect to cyclo driver than your blood sucker from poor khmer because your kind of the worms the world wide they disgust if i do not make any mistake before you come to live in the third world they need to use a ton pesticide to spray and wash on your dumb face or scan you with blue ray make sure you are normal before u can meet us , so have a good dream ah lob undersea or mister frog in the well.

Anonymous said...

1:28 PM

you are still a POS SOB,whore svay pak with thousand dicks.
betcha your lost father forgot to put number one on??..thats why you always hated oversea people.

Anonymous said...

Enough bragging about shit, Ah lowlifes (2:02&2:32). No on cares about your nonsenses.

Anonymous said...

you're still a scum 2:49PM.
go eat yuon shit and die POS SOB.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe that Ah Lowlife (Donut maker) is trying to deceive us that they are leader of a country, hahaha, LOL, hahaha .... ROFLMAO ...

Anonymous said...

2:32 Thank for your comment,i believe our low live will be recognize by more than hundred countries we have the right to choose hundred countries included Cambodia but not6:41 Pm who wait million days to wait the DNA from the youn father because the whore mother didn't not know which is which, Go ahead you can have all you wanted the suck power that you get from oppress the poor ,injustice systems,corrupt country and state of human trafficking,mafia and Vietnam 's SLAVE. Get the live scum frog in the pond.

Anonymous said...

The donut business is a decent, honest occupation that builds character through hard work and perseverence. Therefore, an owner of a donut shop is more qualified to run Cambodia than people who are lazy and used to cheating and stealing. People who cheat and steal are the real lowlifes of the world. In Cambodia there are so many thieves, many of them in high places. If you are an overseas Khmers have relatives in Cambodia, you'll find out that they will not hesitate to scheme and cheat from you. Many people in Cambodia have no sense of ethics and integrity whatsoever. That's why there are people who put down donut shop owners. No decent country in the world look down at hard work. That is just wrong. Unfortunately, in Cambodia wrong is right and right is wrong.

Anonymous said...

So as clyclo driver and other form of lowlife occupation, but people doesn't brag about it, fool(3:13)!

Anonymous said...

No any kind of the jobs are low or hight that up to the people that give the value of it,in the modern world they all way respect the working class people except ah psychopath son of the whore from svai paak district born from a thousand dicks still can't even find it father nothing to do beside shit talking about people actually this kind of low live have never have a dream to see modern world so cause it self frustrate and go down and down.
Dear over sea friend this crazy dog try to get us ,we are all not that kind of stupid dog so ignore it it doesn't worth your time to write to this mother fucker and son of the bitch ,I believe this son of the bitch doesn't have one
go and get the live.
No job is cheap except your self now you are look so cheap.

Anonymous said...

Well then, why do you constantly barking about jobs in Cambodia, asshole (9:30)?