Thursday, December 18, 2008

Golden parachute for the losing royals?

Prince Ranariddh speaks to supporters and reporters after his return from two years of self imposed exile in September. (Photo by: Heng Chivoan)

Political princes gone royal

Thursday, 18 December 2008
Written by Brendan Brady and Neth Pheaktra
The Phnom Penh Post

Following their demise at the polls, members of the royal family have been called to the palace for service that observers say could restore their image

AFTER a year in which the ruling Cambodian People's Party dramatically consolidated its control over the Kingdom, the once politically powerful royals find themselves treading water, eager for firm ground. But where?

"The royals have to rebuild their image," said political veteran Prince Sisowath Thomico, a former high-ranking Funcinpec official who founded the royalist Sangkum Jatiniyum Front Party in 2006 and still regularly comments on national issues.

Thomico was one of 26 members of the royal family who were recently appointed to, or promoted within, the King's advisory council, in a wholesale move that could clear the way for their complete removal from politics. The Constitution prohibits officials from holding a post in the royal council and government at the same time.

"We have not yet shown the benefits of our experience that we have to offer outside politics. But it's a matter of will," he said, arguing that an exit from politics offered the Cambodian monarchy a chance to serve his nation in a new, apolitical way more suited to a constitutional monarchy.

"There are many ways to be involved in the life of the country. It's now for the royals to find out how they can best serve the country," he said, adding that the exit of royals from politics would "only be a great loss if we can't use our skills for the country's benefit".

He identified humanitarian work as an ideal cause for royals to take on, given their ability to mobilise interest and resources.

While he said he "will go on writing papers and stating my opinions on the major issues affecting the country", he insisted he has not missed the grind of daily politicking nor the factionalism or back-door deal-making that he says makes politics in the Kingdom as much a messy game as a social service.

A pragmatic move

For Thun Saray, director of the local rights group Adhoc and a regular commentator on social and political affairs, the withdrawal of royals from politics came not from philosophical choice on their part, but simply because they recognised their hand.

"They're on their way to losing all the support they used to have. They've seen they cannot continue in politics. If they still had success in politics, they would not have left the scene yet," he said.

But for Thun Saray, their political failures have ramifications beyond the results of the polls.

"If they involve themselves (in politics) and are not successful, it can seriously affect the status of the monarchy, and it could end up being finished, as happened in Nepal and other countries," he said, adding that when the monarchy stays out of politics, it is more likely to win respect.

A political prince gone royal

The most political of all of Cambodia's princes, Norodom Ranariddh, whose career has been in free fall for nearly a decade, was promoted to King Norodom Sihamoni's most senior adviser - a position, his supporters note with pride, that officially carries a rank equal to that of prime minister.

The move may come at a good time for the Prince, who only recently returned from two years in self-imposed exile in Malaysia after fleeing the country to avoid a jail sentence for embezzlement.

"He has to have a neutral position if he's going to help the people and help himself," said opposition parliamentarian Yim Sovann. "In politics, his popularity has gone down a lot."

"In the past, he has said one thing and done another. He has betrayed people. But he's been around a while and has experience, and is aware of what is wrong and right, even if he sometimes acted wrongly," Yim Sovann said. "This is his last chance to do something for the country. Now is the time for him to try to improve his image."

And perhaps the Prince is taking the hint. While he remains tight-lipped on his boss's plans, Chea Banboribo, the Prince's personal spokesman, said Ranarriddh intended to focus on "social causes" and "higher ideals" - though he would not specify which ones or how he would pursue them.

But for some royals, such as Sisowath Chakrya, a self-described artist, the recent promotion from a low-level royal advisory role to one of the top spots was a welcomed "upgrade" but bore little impact on his vocational aspirations.

"Since infancy, I've been an artist. I'm not really a politician," said Chakrya, who had served as an adviser to Prince Ranariddh during his presidency but has not counted among the more politically minded royals.

The royal's pledge to pursue social gains for the population while steering clear of power struggles may not necessarity signal the demise of the political prince, however.

The separation between the monarchy and government in Cambodia has always been blurred. Norodom Sihanouk, the figure credited with achieving the country's independence from France, was adept at crossing between the two arenas, depending on what the situation dictated.

And while they've been dethroned in politics as of late, it would be unthinkable for the royals to leave politics altogether, said Prince Sisowath Sirirath, since they've always been "deeply involved in the country's state of affairs", and in times of trouble the population has looked to them "to lead the struggle".


Anonymous said...

He is a crazy one. He got rubbish Ph.D from France.

He is a NATO ( No action, talk only)

Anonymous said...

Mr. NumAhCor, he doesn't know that he is shitting on the royal. most of those fucking royal famalies are big loser like Mr. AhCor

Anonymous said...

Just waste of the time to see this guy face...

Anonymous said...

The freaking Royalists face saving shelter or are they just plain SUCKER?

What the royalists are now doing are low even lower than the lowest. They all throw themselves to the mercy of the Viet slave Hun Sen and his cronies.

Well done you freaking Royalist - you are truly the slave of the Viet slave!

Anonymous said...

It is good for all the GOOD ROYALS to stay away from politics as a constitutional monarch country.

I would not care much for Ranariddh, Thomico and a few others because they are all useless anyway. In fact these small group should go back to where they've applied for their passport. It is just a waste of country money if they are here in Cambodia.

They should take their relative, Chakrya's approach as a good example.

If they are incapable then do not pretend that they are great!

Anonymous said...

Hahaha haov samdach krom prêt norouk tha Mr Num Ah Koor=(sex) 4:28 PM

Anonymous said...

Britney Spears said :

I love khmers Angkor not Angka!

Anonymous said...

Il a le même parcour que son père Samdach Ta on lui a file un beau JOUJOU il a tout cassé et idem pour son fils . Je ne suis pas étonné c'est VICERALEMENT GENETIQUE Comme son papa samdach TA on a installe une femme de sang Viet et lui idem TOtous les deux ont cassé le joujou juste pour un plaisir enfin de 5 à 6 minutes C'est cela la famille NORODAM , moins bien que les Sisowath

Anonymous said...

Me like da man, Naridth, 'cause he is good for nothing like SihanoukVarman!

Anonymous said...

all the royal family are the true dog especially the dog sihanouk ,rannaridh and a chkè thomico ..

Anonymous said...

This is the lowest Era of the Khmer Royalty of all time in the Khmer history. Who would have thought that the Pogoda's Boy from Kompomg Charm province can tell them to drop down to their knees like what we have seen today. When it comes to the comfortale life-style, they would do anything these Chkout and low self-esteem people. Now, they have no class and dignity and no body else to blaim for except themselves.

Anonymous said...

Crazy mad dog prince advice the stupid king? Is this king smart the priorities is Cambodia NOT FAMILIES FAVOR

Anonymous said...

". . . was promoted to King Norodom Sihamoni's most senior adviser - a position, his supporters note with pride, that officially carries a rank equal to that of prime minister."

I really hate this language and mind. Why does this rank matter? From the language, they care more about the rank than to fight for the cause to improve Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

thankful to posted this picture that reveal what he try to say I do help cambodia also,

Anonymous said...

i think it is a wake up call for the royal members to act like royalty, in order to regain their royal respect and dignity from the country. otherwise, don't expect any royal etiquette if they don't act like one. thank you.

Anonymous said...

C'est la plus basse ère de la redevance de Khmer de toute l'heure dans l'histoire de Khmer. Qui aurait pensé que le garçon du Pagoda de la province de " Kompomg Cham " peut leur dire de se laisser tomber vers le bas à leurs genoux comme ce que nous avons vu aujourd'hui. Quand elle vient au style de vie de comfortale, ils feraient n'importe quoi ces "Chkout Luong" et basses personnes d'amour-propre. Maintenant, ils ont aucune classe et dignité et aucun corps autrement à blâmer de excepté eux-mêmes.

Kméng Wat Tort Kméng Vang.
Pagoda boy kicks Palace boy!

Anonymous said...

i think the moral of the story here is that people should not look down on other people due to status, class, etc... because people, situation, and even things can change and it will comes around and bite you back on the ass for what you planted. thus, goes the old saying: what goes around comes around? go figure! please be smarter and cleverer, and definitely wake up and smell the fresh coffee!

Anonymous said...

i think any person with this kind of status and dignity should make his/her people proud of them all, instead of the other way around. please, it's time to think hard and reform while things are still reversible before it can become irreversible. thank you and may god bless our khmer royal members forever.

Anonymous said...

people look for good example in a leader, and especially the royal leadership example. thank you and god bless cambodia.

Anonymous said...

i don't know, but if i were bornt as a royal person, i would try hard to retain my royal dignity and earning respect from my people, unlike some individual. god bless cambodia royal family.

Anonymous said...

This PRETNOROUK is another TANNAHAKRASS! cambodia now is free enter, Viet will send all them girl straight to the palace for this punkass! just, like father like son! why cambodia has this kind of royal family..?? i can't believe our country is destroying by these people: Samdach Krom Pret Norouk, Samdach Hun Hanoi, Samdach Norouk Sihenhorch oss Teouk dei!!!!


Anonymous said...

I think Sihamony have to be caustious with Rannarith very near to him. As soon as Sihanouk die, Sihamony will die too. Ouk Phalla will kill Sihamony by poison him so that Rannarith can be a King and Ouk Phall be a Queen. I bet this scenario for 100%

Anonymous said...

Norodum phalla? no way!

Anonymous said...

ឧិ!រណ្ណរិទ្ធ មុខធំគូតស្វិត ចំតិតស្រែកក្អេង
ពេញចិត្តធ្វើមិត្ត ជាមួយអ្នកលេង​បំភ្លេចពាក្យថ្លែង
បំភ្លេចរឿងចាស់ រឿងសែនអាម៉ាស រឿងរដ្ឋប្រហារ រត់ប្រាសតែខ្លួន ចោលមិត្តត្រៀបត្រា គេស្លាប់រង្គាល​ដោយព្រោះរឿងខ្លួន។

Anonymous said...

Look at his mouth in that picture, he was saying "I do help...." which means in khmer "Knjom Juoy...Kandab"

You can tell the reverse pronunciation.

Anonymous said...

What an ugly face he is? prince my ass! fagg-prince! good talking, no actions..this is why cambodia shrinks everyday!

Anonymous said...

He has chickenAss'mouth!

Anonymous said...

Being a loser once, twice and more and more. If Royalist is so low than dog or dog is better why most khmer still pay respect to them. Why shouldn't they have been assasinated?