Thursday, December 18, 2008

Pen sovann denies he will join CPP

Thursday, 18 December 2008
The Phnom Penh Post

Human Rights Party President Pen Sovann rejected a report saying that he plans to join the Cambodian People's Party and reaffirmed on Tuesday that he did not tell a journalist he would do such a thing. He said he has never thought of reuniting with the CPP because he was jailed in Vietnam by Prime Minister Hun Sen for opposing Vietnam's activities in Cambodia.


Anonymous said...

Pour Mr PEN SOVANN je sais qui vous etes et j'ai entendu parler de vous Au moins vous savez faire la distinction entre l'affaire du pays et l'affaire familiale Malgré le lavage de cerveau vous etes lucide et vous avez assisté au mal qu'ilfigent les vietnamiens aux peuples khmers On m'a raconté vos patriotismes sutout les gens du nord du cambodge Kratie stung treng ect

Anonymous said...

I has honestly respected Mr. Pen Sovann for his bravery against Vietnamization during the 80's.

However, after so long in prison in Yuon and cruel torture by Yuon, he is not a normal man anymore.

He should be retired!

Anonymous said...

Please be friendly and have respects to Mr. Pen Sowann.

Anonymous said...

Good on you Mr. Pen Sovann!

Anonymous said...

One of a few former Eastern KRs, Pen Sovann, who has knew the secret of Youn's invasion Srok Khmer the late 70's.

Anonymous said...

If said no,please respect his feeling and good for him. Anymore youn or vietnam isn't getting any healthier.

Anonymous said...

please mr pen sovann , you must work with kem sokha and sam rainsy for the khmer nation ...

Anonymous said...

mr. pen sovan was one of the khmer statesmen, too. god bless him and his family.

Anonymous said...

Yes,he is a politician with no trick but trait.He is a last victim of the vietnamization of Cambodia.He campaigned hard with HRP in the last election.He should win at Kg Speu but cpp campaign very hard against Pen Savann to block his chance.At this time he is kind of old man and disabled.He is absolutly broken.If someone have a sympathy with him please donate sone money to him through HRP Cambodia.I am very appreciated very much on behalf of him.

Anonymous said...

If PEN SOVANN had been jailed by Vietnamese in Vietnam and the same thing with SIHANOUK was in house of arrest, there would be no PEN SOVANN and SIHANOUK could open their mouths to tell the world how cruelt the Vietnamese and KHMER ROUGE were and I strongly believe it was a politics and again if they were both in jails there would be none of SIHANOUK and PEN SOVANN alive.
One of The Survivor Of The Killing Fields

Anonymous said...

He is one of the true brave Khmer heroes who have wanted to free Cambodia from Yuon in the 80s but his plan failed due to disloyalty group in the party. He wants to revise his reputation and leadership for Cambodia again. That is not too late if people give him a chance. But I see this is going to be hard for him to do since the CPP influential has deep rooted in the general public nowadays. Anyway, we wish you fortune and achievement in your course toward harmony and guide Cambodia in the future as long as you live.

Anonymous said...

This guy should have been elected to replaced Ah yorngyoun! i'm also honestly repected this guy for what he've done for the got my vote sir!

Anonymous said...

my view is that Mr. Pen Sovann should re-join the CPP and take the premiership from ah Sen.....he still has support in the CPP....that's why ah sen refused to let him join in the first place because ah Sen afraids of him. It would be much better if Pen Sovann can take ah Sen's place. Pen Sovann has support.....youn and ah sen will do anything to stop him from getting to the top job.....i want to see him up there......

Anonymous said...

agree, 5:32 is right! i think they did trying not to let him joint the party...some fishy going on!!

Anonymous said...

Dear Khmers,

Another Statesman after Pen Sovann was CHAN SY, a former Prime Minister who also opposed the Vietnamization.

CHAN SY took the office as Prime Minister of Cambodia after Pen Sovann was jailed.

In 1984 or 1985?? CHAN SY died while stopping over in Hanoi en route to Eastern European countries for a official tour.

Yuons said he died of liver complaints, BUT in fact he was killed by Yuons. CHAN SY was against Vietnam in many aspects, BUT the last one before he was assassinated was the A-5 Mission in Which Yuond wanted to massacre Khmers by sending Khmers to walk on minefields at the borders.

We should pay respect to CHAN SY.

Anonymous said...

yes,i agree with you too

Anonymous said...

Mr PEN SOVANN you are my heros 1979 I herd on the radio only you and HENG SAMRIN that free CAMBODIA from

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen'day will comes soon like hoklondyoun.
Long live Mr.PEN SOVANH.You are one of the most respect person for the people of Cambodia.We all will remember what you have done for our country.hun senជាជនក្បតជាតិ​លកទឺកដី។

Anonymous said...

Lok PEN SOVANN Lok TA SOTEAVONG ET KOMHEAIK AKHI m'ont dit que vous etes vraiement un vraie patriote vous vous souvenez de Lok Ta phout CHHAY

Anonymous said...

he looks retard as fuck!

Anonymous said...

Your father/grandparent look even worse than that, ah Yuon chleuy and ah chkout 5:20PM.