Sunday, December 07, 2008

'Killing fields' survivor documents Cambodian genocide

Youk Chhang runs the Documentation Center of Cambodia, which has documented 20,000 mass graves.

December 5, 2008
By Jennifer Hyde
CNN Producer

PHNOM PENH, Cambodia (CNN) -- Youk Chhang knows the truth about the Cambodian genocide perhaps better than anyone in the world.

He was 13 when the Khmer Rouge came to power. Separated from his family, forced into slave labor, beaten nearly to death for stealing rice for his pregnant sister, he saw the horrors firsthand.

His mother lost a daughter and four siblings; 30 years later she still searches for them, hoping they survived.

Chhang survived by eating whatever he could find. After the fall of the Khmer Rouge, it took him months to walk home to his family. Eventually, he fled to safety in the United States.

"Food was ... more important than God," Chhang said. "I always wish to have a bowl of rice. And one good night's sleep. That's all I wanted. I would do anything for it." Watch Youk Chhang talk about what he ate, how he survived »

But the ghosts of the genocide brought Chhang back to Cambodia. And for more than a decade, he has run the Documentation Center of Cambodia.

"DC-Cam," as it is known, is the world's largest repository of information about the Cambodian genocide. It holds hundreds of thousands of documents, photos and films as well as interviews with both survivors and former Khmer Rouge members.

Chhang said he believes the Khmer Rouge kept such careful records as a measure of their success -- a trophy of sorts.

"At each time when they kill a person, they document it so that they can measure their success one step forward," Chhang said. "If they kill two, then two step forward. If they kill five, then five step forward. So to them, it's a golden file. But I mean, to us it's crime against humanity."

DC-Cam has located and mapped nearly 200 prisons and 20,000 mass graves across the country. For Chhang and DC-Cam, the work is critical to preserving memory and promoting justice. Watch as Chhang takes CNN's Christiane Amanpour into DC-Cam's secured vault »

Today in Cambodia, a tribunal is under way to try five of the surviving leaders of the Khmer Rouge -- 30 years after their alleged crimes. DC-Cam is providing much of the evidence for use in the trial, evidence that makes plain the facts of the genocide, the scope of the losses and the personal and national grief.

Chhang said he hopes the tribunal will help Cambodians move forward -- and help heal the nation he loves.

But even now, the way forward is difficult. Chhang has dedicated a lifetime of work, research, preservation and advocacy to his mother, whose bravery and sacrifice inspired him.

Even though his mother survived and they shared much of the same pain and many of the same losses, the two do not talk about what happened. Some in Cambodia are anxious to forget and forgive. Others are angry and searching for justice.

Many, like Chhang, said that only by knowing, exploring and exposing the truth will Cambodia be able to rectify its past -- and secure a healthy future.


Anonymous said...

After the 1st Killing field in Cambodia,will the Documentation Center of Cambodia launch the 2nd Killing Field,Kor Pram K5 ?
It was an evilly crime against the Humanity in Cambodia during the occupation of Yuon-Hanoi.
It estimated 200,000-800,000 Khmer people were died & injured inside this inhumanity acts.

Anonymous said...

Et les Américains ont versé durant les années 70 au Cambodge TROIS FOIS PLUS de bombes qu'ils ont versées sur le Japon pendant la Deuxième Guerre. Ce n'était que des "bonbons" offerts aux enfants cambodgiens : aucun mort, aucun crime !!!

Anonymous said...


ah pleur. Cambodia is now Yuon Hanoi's territory. ah Hung Xen and Scam Rainxy sold your land to Youn Hanoi, it is a secret between CPP, and VCP. So what is the point of another centre for ah Yuok chhkout Chhang to run for corruption?

If you are so pleurs, go get stuffed and don't post again, ah chhkout.

from anh to mer heang, ah pleur.

Anonymous said...

ah Youk Chhkout Chhang is working for Hanoi...he never going to publis the second killing field.

dont blamed on KR...blame it on the freaking Hanoi...Idiot!

Anonymous said...

all of you above have no clue what you are talking about including ah fake siem wannabe.

Anonymous said...

I want to fuck with someone in this furum.

Anonymous said...

8:22, today is your lucky day. Ah Jkout (Heng Soy) have been waiting for someone special like you for a long long time.

Anonymous said...

8.22, 8.51

Ring me on 125404 so we can carry out the Lop Lop show. ah fake siam, do ma..mey

Anonymous said...

AH Khmer srok Khmer don't know what real justice is. Otherwise, AH Khmer srok Khmer would hold a trial for Ah Kheang to pay the Khmer people $100 billion for bombing and killing one million Khmers. Ah Pol Pot is dead and his compatriots don't have money to pay their victims. AH Khmer srok Khmer would be smarter if they go after Ah Kheang for genocide against the Khmer people because at least Ah Kheang have the money to repay and help rebuild srok Khmer. But AH Khmer srok Khmer are so stupid that they know only to open their legs to Ah Kheang to make a few dollars. AH Khmer srok Khmer also know how suck each other blood and take all the money to srok Ah Kheang.

Lok Khmer Overseas (from New Zealand)

Anonymous said...

Easy for you to say, Ah Jkout-Oversea.

Anonymous said...

Stop all your ill comments and trash. You're under a sharp curse. You'll soon, very soon, be taken out of existence through a sewage and into a black hole. The more ill and trashy comments you post the closer you get to your horrible death. Still not convinced? Your ill acts will prove it to your loved ones whom you leave behind. Be warned!!

Anonymous said...

11:06 PM - I think AH Khmer srok Khmer should understand how pathetic they are. They don't love their country. That's why they can't stand each other. They just want to cheat each so that they end up with a lot of money to flee overseas. They think Ah Kheang is perfect in every way. They love the Ah Sbek Sor and want to impress only Ah Sbek Sor. They don't want to work with neighbors like the Yuons, the Siams, the Chen to security regional stability. AH Khmer srok Khmer is truly pathetic.

LOK Khmer Overseas (from New Zealand, not srok Ah Kaing)

Anonymous said...

Insane 11:46PM one strike of earth death for that lil island?

Anonymous said...

I mean earth quake

Anonymous said...

All comments so good, and good meaning. ដល់ក!

Anonymous said...

Ah pleu 1:21 AM. Heng jong yang mech Ah joi ma-rai!

LOK Khmer New Zealand

Anonymous said...

Hello lok khmer New Zealand !

Keep posting some more.Your comments really cracked me up everytime.Anyway try to resist blaming American OK ?.We were just trying to help the South Vietnam and the khmer republic from being swallowed by Communist.You knew our leader,the old fart Sihanouk always proclaimed neutrality but behind the scene, he cooperated fully with yuon.And what we ,the khmer ,got in return or pay back from yuon as Thank you was yuon keep stealing our land.Peace.

Anonymous said...

Le dalaï lama félicite Sarkozy pour sa fidélité aux principes
07.12.08 | 17h53

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Le dalaï lama a félicité dimanche le président français Nicolas Sarkozy pour sa fidélité aux principes qu'il avait manifestée, selon lui, en le rencontrant samedi en Pologne malgré la grogne de Pékin.

"Les bonnes relations, les relations amicales avec la Chine sont très, très importantes. Mais cela ne veut pas dire que l'on peut oublier les principes", a déclaré le chef spirituel des Tibétains dans un entretien avec l'AFP à Cracovie (sud), où il poursuivait sa tournée en Pologne.

M. Sarkozy, président en exercice de l'Union européenne (UE), a rencontré pour la première fois le dalaï lama à Gdansk (nord) où ils étaient tous deux invités de Lech Walesa pour les cérémonies du 25 anniversaire de son prix Nobel de la paix.

Le président français "a manifesté sa préoccupation pour le Tibet et j'apprécie le fait qu'il soit resté ferme, malgré certaines complications, car c'est la bonne voie", a déclaré le dalaï lama.

Avant la rencontre à Gdansk, M. Sarkozy avait déclaré: "En tant que président du Conseil européen, je porte des valeurs, des convictions. C'était mon devoir de le faire, je le fais bien volontiers".

La Chine, qui avait multiplié les avertissements avant cet entretien, a exprimé sa colère dimanche, en convoquant l'ambassadeur de France pour lui faire part de sa "vive protestation".

"La Chine ne devrait pas être isolée. La Chine doit avoir sa place au sein de la communauté internationale. Dans le domaine de l'économie, les Chinois veulent eux-mêmes rejoindre la communauté internationale, et le monde libre a maintenant la responsabilité morale de conduire la Chine vers le courant principal de la démocratie", a déclaré le dalaï lama à l'AFP.

"J'ai dit au président (Sarkozy) que, selon notre expérience antérieure, il y a beaucoup de mots durs avant la rencontre, mais après les choses finissent par s'arranger. En tout cas, La Chine a besoin de l'Europe et l'avenir de l'Europe ne dépend pas entièrement de la Chine", a-t-il ajouté.

Le président Sarkozy avait cherché à relativiser, lui aussi, la crise sino-française engendrée par sa rencontre avec le dalaï lama.

"Il faut gérer tout ceci avec sérénité, avec calme. Il faut le faire sur le long terme", a-t-il dit à Gdansk.

Anonymous said...

Killing fields my ass! What does Ah Khmer srok Khmer know about justice?
The tribunal is a complete scam for Ah Khmer srok Khmer to make a little money.

There is nothing that Ah Khmer srok Khmer won't do to make a little money, even it meant exploiting the victims of Pol Pot.

When I was in srok Khmer last July, my own cousin, Ah Khmer srok Khmer, had his policeman friend stop me at the traffic stop and fined me $50 for a bogus violation. I only found this out later when I returned to New Zealand.

Mi Khmer srok Khmer will not hesitate to spread their legs to Ah Konjass Sbek Sor (old white geezers) to make a few bucks or for a passport to the U.S. As for Ah Khmer srok Khmer they don't hesitate to dress up as lady boys and "jonthet kdet" for Ah Konjas Sbek Sor to make a few bucks.

LOK Khmer New Zealand

Anonymous said...

Yes, he did know much about khmer KIlling Fields, but he did not want to reveal the MAIN ACTORS (N.Sihanouk and Viet leaders) behind this khmer tragedies, including the K-5 which killed almost one million khmer people, so Vietnam had pave the way for their Vietnamisation of Cambodia very easily.

The author of Nora na Chea Kheatakors Reas Khmers ?

Anonymous said...

4:42am !

If you were granted one wish from GOD,what will you do to all ah khmer srok khmer ?

Anonymous said...

5:09 am!

I would give them each a heart and a brain.

LOK Khmer New Zealand

Anonymous said...

Oh,just quite the opposite.I thought you would give them hell.


Anonymous said...


The author of Nora na Chea Kheatakors Reas Khmers' name Hin Sithan, He's one of the KR #2 relatives, his wife is Siam living in Battambang. One of my friend in Tacoma said his wife speaks Siam at home. So, Hin Sithan loves NUMKORM SIAM and relative to KR #2.
Find that out yourself for the fact whose this author really is?
Good for self proclaim; but, bad to other.....

Anonymous said...

What's the hell you stupid guys post in this forum???

Only shittt things! You don't know how to express comments???

KI media have to make some rules or sth in order to make this forum better!

You guys are so shi***!

Anonymous said...

All the doc. Chhang Youk reads was rewritten by Hanoi. Why Hanoi allows Chhang Youk to do these kind of works? To pretend the KR was real Khmer's killing Machine. But, as Far as we understood, those were yuon spies and Grunk of Sihanouk internal revolt againt [Pôn Pôt]. Why Hanoi not let Chhang Youk open the centre in 1979 or 80? why wait until 2000+?
Think, people...think about that.

Anonymous said...

6:45 AM,

You're a damned brain, and did not read or do research of the thruth by listening to the ex-Khmer Rouge living in Tacoma on welfare.

The Kr leader #2 is the first cousin of Mr.Sourn Kaset, and a second of Marshal. Sak Sut Sakorn.

My wife is a very far relative of the KR's leader #2 . Her Grand mother and Nuon Chea grand mother are cousins.

If you do not know anything or make a research don't just said stupidly something nlike that.

Author of Norna Chea Kheatakors Reas Khmers ?

Anonymous said...

The absence of the foul language-ill comments poster(s) will mean that some thing "bad" has happened to that person. We'll see how much longer the ill comments continue to emerge. Counting the days.

Anonymous said...

12:08, oh so you are smart? How is your comment any better? Just one line and want to get credit.

Know what: go get stuffed. I don't care if our comments satisfy ur butt, all I want to point out to those dumb cunts that they are dumb.

ah pleur.

Anonymous said...

I can see the conflict between "Ah Khmer Srok Khmer and Lok Khmer Overseas" Ah khmer Srok Khmer stay on Hun Sen side, and Lok Khmer Overseas pick the Sam Rainsy side every where. So, I just read and :-)
that's all.

Anonymous said...

Moreb thruth for 6:45 AM,

The info which you just got from your friend living in Tacoma had been mentioned in my book. You did not have a chance to read it.

I did know the LADY who did pass this info to your Tacoma's friend. She did kill her husband indirectly during Ah Pot regime. She did not keep her mouth shut by saying to all her team work (senachon Neary): if KR not won this war her husband would be a ONE or TWO STAR. The chief of Kang Neary did report this to Khum, and Khum to Region chief Moul Sambath.
Her husband was arrested and killed, because of her stinking mouth. Since she came to U.S she tried to show her anger of her hatred for the KR by SPITTING BLOOD on everybody related to KR's leader Nuon Chea, mainly me.

But tell you friend in Tacoma: How about her daughter-in-law named Neang Keth ? She is the REAL NIECE of Nuon Chea. Did your friend knew that ? They got married in 1993 in Battambang in Khum Watkor.

So who closed to Nuon Chea, I am or She is ?

Nuon Chea and Agronome Suon Kaseth
are cousins. Their mothers are bloodn sisters.

Nuon Chea and Mareshal Sak Suth Sakhorn are second cousins. Their grand mothers are blood sisters. But both of them are COUSIN to my wife's grand mother.

So from your view, Sak Suth Sakhorn was also a KHMER ROUGE ???
And the same way you did try to PAINT me in RED.

If you did know only a part of the story it doesn't mean that you know the whole thruth at all.

The author of Norna Chea Kheatakors Reas Khmers ?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You can go thru nncktkor reas Khmers until you die, but the international's attention right now is on the stupid heads 5 monkeys. So you can just forget it and let them go to hell. That is the price to pay for being dumb at the top. They can just reverse everything with one order, but no the monkyes had decided to sacrify us just for the sake of their game and let hell broke loose during those four years. People didn't have anything to eat. So to them. People got seperated from their loved one. So to them. People got taken away to get slaughtered. So to them. People got sick and don't have any doctor to see or medicine to take. So to them. People can communicated with anyone outside. So to them. People worked in the rice field during rain or storm and got hit by lighting. So to them. Those assholes were in their palace with plenty of everything. They didn't want to hear or know anything about it. We can just went to hell. How about their turn this time? Fair enough?

Anonymous said...

yes, the a..hole themself ruled Cambodia between 1975-1979. They know we were suffering enough during the war before that, but instead of provide a true helping hand, they rubbed us with salt and let us dry under the sun to die. Those mF were sick! sick! and sick!. They didn't know whata hell they were doing. Please court tell them and do what you want with those psycos.

Anonymous said...

See just in this forum.

Khmers hated so much each others...

I remembered in the khmer's rouge regime,
it's not Pol Pot who killed us.
It's khmer chief village or commune who had
killed khmer's countryside.

Are we still hating each others like that???
If yes, let's Hanoi ruled the country.
If not, let's begin new era...

Khmer Canadian

Anonymous said...

people who say that the document center and the atrocity museum is not important is so short-sighted and need to be educated about the importance of such institution. not only will this kind of center attract tourists and good for the tourism business, it acts as educational and reminder for both cambodia and the rest of the world who are studying genocide, conflict resolution, etc...

Anonymous said...

The author of Norna Chea Kheatakors Reas Khmers? 2:47 PM,

Yes, the Lady also said your wife is Siam blood, is that truth? and she said your wife scrares Snow?
"Mee nung vier khlaj Snow nas".
look, we know who you are and your whole relatives, whom is relate to.
Your book "Norna Chea Kheatakors Reas Khmers ?" has been ban by Ministers of Education, Information, and Interior.
She also said when you become a teacher at Lycee Battambang were helped by her family tree, otherwise, you won't got that job.

Khmer Phnom Penh.

Anonymous said...

12:59a.m or Khmer Canadian

Yes, they were the small little guys that did the dirty job, but ah big guys who had the whole world of power in Cambodia to themselves just sat and played with their dicks. They could have came out and stoped it, but they didn't. They couldn't careless. Not just that, they closed the border and cut our communication from the rest of the world. So that we all can be in their mercy. Who can come out and hear us cry or scream for help? They were on substances and we were being abused to the fullest and to the wildest of their dream. Therefore those little guys can do what ever they want and whenever they please. Even if it meant taking your or my family to be shut death in the middle of day light. You know it. Hundreds and thousands of people who have survived their crimes know it. So stop being dump and pretend that there isn't anything wrong with it. Those psycos deserve to be told by court and be punished by law. So that the next top dogs will be more careful and won't do what they did. They must go.

Anonymous said...

NO MORE!!!!!

We might not have dopes or stuff and stuff, but There are plently of the big M or maryjuanas on the country side. You're stupid, if you don't know this.

Anonymous said...

to 4:05 AM,

You're really a Viet puppet.

And that lady who did give your friend this false info she had her mother running an BROTHEL in Battambang. And that stinky mouth lady who did kill her own husband, is living on welfare and SSI money, including your friend too.

And one more thruth, that lady got her husband as a Sak Pram by using her body to a Sek Sam Iet.

It's wrong, you may not been born yet, insolent child.

I did go throug the University of Pedagogy and passed my exam to be a teacher,not like As Viet puppet Regime of today with more and more dollars to buy fake DIPLOMAS such as Mi Bun Ranny, Ah Kh'vang..,.ect.