Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Twenty-year-old Channet, better known this month as the Korean BBQ Restaurant Santa, takes a stroll through Hun Sen Park greeting a mix of delighted (Photo: The Phnom Penh Post)


Anonymous said...

Another Christmas, and almost another year. Another year closer to AH SAMDECH PLEUR HUN SEN's death. Hopefully, that thmil will get lots of cigarettes as presents for Christmas.

"Smoke some more AH SEN! More! More! You know you looooooooove it, you stupid chain smoking embarrassment to proud Cambodian history! Hope you will die from lung cancer soon!"

Anyway, merry Christmas everyone!

Anonymous said...

Shut the fuck up, Ah Donut Maker!

Anonymous said...

4:03 PM

I'm not one, but the Cambodian doughnut makers here in the United States bank a lot of money. Enough money to buy huge houses, buy luxury cars, pay for their kids' university tuition, and travel back and forth to Cambodia and bring American dollars that AH PLEUR like you (4:03PM) and your lok thmil hun sen loves so much.

Anonymous said...

Noël - Voeux de crises pour les têtes couronnées et élues

Le roi belge a appelé mercredi à la formation rapide d'un gouvernement dans son message de Noël. Barack Obama et la reine Elizabeth II évoquaient, eux, la crise économique.

Anonymous said...

shut the fuck up 4:03PM motherfucker Kon Me Some Phang Ah Pret Communist Ho Chi Minh sperms/ If u live like a frogs in the well just shtting ur mother 's pussy up....o k? .

Anonymous said...

Of course they make a lot of money, 4:17, but that is because they sell poison to poor people in the neighborhood. This is no difference from what drug dealers are doing to make a lot of money. Get the picture?

Anonymous said...

Sometimes when i meet old friends,It reminds me how quickly time passes. and it makes me wonder if we've utilized our time properly or Not.
I just want to say Merry Christmas!!!

Anonymous said...

4:03 PM, 6:32 PM and Viet trollers Ph.D from Hanoi,

On this day of Xmas, Jesus Christ may forgive you but history may not be at all that kind because of your acts of jack of all trades con-artist attempting to discredit KI-Media and its readers here on KI-Media.

Oppressed Khmer people in Cambodia and Khmer people around the world will in the end succeed in getting rid of the Viet controlled government of Viet puppet Hun Sen and his cronies.


Anonymous said...

Hey, guy. It's a Happy Holiday. Why you still argue with each other!! Could you possibly stop for a couple day to celebrate?
If you don't want Khmer people to celebrate a christmas in Cambodia, it's fine, it's your opinion. I don't care. But what I mostly care about is could you find a positive options to stop them?
The Negative leads only to the worse thing ever.
Coz of ours freedom expression, negative comments that made HUN XEN's government shut off the KI web. Now what?? That's all the best you can do,huh?
Furthermore, where can you post your comments?

* Post your positive ideas, Not the negative, emotional comments. *

Happy Holidays
Happy Merry Chirstmas
to all of you
Wish you good luck,
Wish you have more positive comments to help Khmer find a way out of the darkness,

Anonymous said...

12:26 AM,
"Merry Christmas" is the right way to say it, not "Happy Merry Xmas".

Ph.D #5 from Hanoi

Anonymous said...

6:32 PM,

Come on buddy, give me a break! You seem to become more untouched by reality the more you post your stupid non-sense. Hopefully this Xmas your gift under the tree is a 2-liter bottle of reality. Merry Xmas!

Anonymous said...

6:32 PM,

The more you post comments on KI-Media, the more it makes yourself sound like a deluded and complete idiot. Do you ever take the time to read and follow up on the unintelligent comments that you seem to conjure up?

For one thing, I truly believe you spend most of your time online (esp. on KI-Media) pretending every other day to be the roles of either a Khmer Surin, a CPP member, Cambodian-American despiser, Western society hater, etc. etc. etc. in order to start online conflicts and make others pay attention to the comments that you post because you have this sorry state of needing attention.

You feel as if you are important, but you're not. Please do us a favor and get out of your parent's basement, find a job, and become a productive person. Once you earn enough money, enroll yourself at a university and get educated. While doing that, find yourself some help because you seem to have some sort of psychological complex.

Anonymous said...

Oh zip it, Ah Fake (5:40 & 5:21)!

Anonymous said...

6:00 AM,

I'm 3:08 PM, 5:21 AM, and 5:40 AM. One person. How am I fake? Seriously dude, I'm giving you some advice. You need help. I'd give your lok thmil Hun Sen advice too. I'd tell him to purge his CPP of idiot followers like you, then I'd advise him to jump off his helicopter while he is flying in the air.


Anonymous said...

Don't hold you breath, fool (6:37). I don't take advice from any Nazi donut maker, alright?

Anonymous said...

Wrong, 7:06 AM! You got to be an idiot or a nutcase not to know how many of those so-called HUN SEN's advisors are from the country of Hanoi Ph.D cracks me up every time! ROFL!

Anonymous said...

No surprise, that shows how much typical lowlife donut maker knows about reality.

Anonymous said...

I don't get the comment at 6:32 pm.

No, I do not get the picture. What the hell did you implied? Can you elaborate?

Anonymous said...

Well, diabetic is one of the top killing diseases. Isn't that so? And the cause of it is from consuming excessive sweet. Isn't that right? if so, all you have to do is put 2 and 2 together, and voila: the picture!