Monday, January 05, 2009

07 January celebration controversies

Khieu Kanharith (Photo: DR, Cambodge Soir Hebdo)

04 Jan 2009

By Ung Chansophea and Alain Ney
Cambodge Soir Hebdo
Click here to read the article in French
Translated from French by Luc Sâr

Demands have been made in favor for the commemoration of 1991 Paris Peace Accords on Cambodia. The presence of CPP logos during the 07 January celebration will certainly raise criticisms from other political parties.

“It will be a ceremony to everybody’s memory,” Khieu Kanharith, government spokesman, indicated during a press conference about the 30th anniversary of the end of the Khmer Rouge regime.

While some are criticizing the choice of this date which marks the beginning of the Vietnamese intervention in Cambodia’s internal affairs, Khieu Kanharith retorted: “Some people said that 07 January should not be celebrated, but rather 23 October 1991, the date of the signing of the Paris Accords… but one must remember that if there were no 07 January 1979, there wouldn’t be 23 October 1991 either.”

Trying to cut short another controversy, Khieu Kanharith indicated that two logos will be seen during the ceremony: the 07 January banner and the CPP logo. To those who ask about the presence of the ruling CPP party logo, Khieu Kanharith replied that it is Hun Sen’s party who paid the bill for this anniversary which amounts to “several million riels,” and that the government did not pay for it. Nevertheless, he reassured that “07 January doesn’t belong exclusively to the CPP, but to all the Khmer people.” Khieu Kanharith did not indicate if other political parties have asked to contribute financially to be able to display logo at the Olympic Stadium.

Close to 40,000 people will participate in the festivities organized inside the Olympic Stadium in Phnom Penh. NGO and embassies representatives, as well as other party political parties are invited.


Anonymous said...

The celebration was a Hanoi directive. Actually, without 23 October 1991, there would not be even a debate on this. Remember, the salvation could have gone longer than ten years from 1979, perhaps until eternity!

To be truly free an liberated, Cambodia needs to shake off this perpetual reminder monkey from its back. There ain't no free lunch. If it wasn't the fall of the USSR, all Khmers would have been speaking Viet already; not that they are now out of the woods. The grip is still here in the form of current government and their political and military apparatus.

Anonymous said...

Khmer rouge sympathizer and Khmer republican hate the 7 January

Anonymous said...

We must clearly analyze the 7 January 1979 event.

1. Until 1977, all Khmer people who fled Cambodia to Vietnam were handed over to the KR by the Vietnameses and Killed by the KR.
2. After 1977, the KR and the Viets fought each other because of political and territorial disputs.
3. The KR invaded many Vietnamese provinces and killed systematical- ly Vietnamese and Khmer Krom living in Vietnam.
4. Hun Sen, Chea Sim, Heng Samrin, Pen Sovan,and other KR dissidents escaped to Vietnam to save their skin....
5. Vietnam Created the So called Kampuchea United Front Army on 22 December 1978.
6. Two weeks later, on 7 January 1979, the So-called Kampuchea United Front Army with the support of Vietnamese troops " liberated" Cambodian people from the KR regime.
7. In fact it was the Vietnamese troops, and Not Heng Samrin and Hun Sen troops, who overthrew the KR regime.
8. The Viets interviened in Cambodia, not for Humanitarian Reason, but for their own interests.(There 's no Morale in Politic).
9. After 7 January 1979 Cambodia became a Colonie of Vietnam: Installation of a Cambodian government controlled by Vietnam, Flow of Vietnamese people to Cambodia, Mobilization of Cambodian people countrywide to work as labor slaves from 1982 to 1989 in the border areas (K5 Strategic Plan..)
10. We must not grateful to the 7 January. We must destrouy the Monument 7 january 1979, which symbolize Colonization of Cambodia by Vietnam.

Anonymous said...

To 7:00 AM, you forgot the non-communist group. There is no "sympathy" from this commenter to the former KR and/or the quasi Viet colonization of Cambodia. There are better options.

Anonymous said...

January 7 is a day were Khmer people is free from the Khmer Rouge.

Thanks to Vietnam and PM Hun Sen our liberator.

Anonymous said...

All khmer outside and inside if didn't has 1/7/1979 it will didn't has khmer around the world.

Anonymous said...

just only opposition party said 1/7/1979 din't saved khmer life.

Anonymous said...

"ថ្ងៃ ៧ មករា ១៩៧៩ ជាថ្ងៃបរាជ័យ នៃរបបប៉ុល ពល និងជាថ្ងៃដែលកូនខ្មែរចេញពី របបកុំមុយនិស្ត ផ្តាច់ការមួយ (ប៉ុល ពត) ចូលទៅ របបកុំមុយនិស្តផ្តាច់ការ (យួនកាន់កាប់) មួយទៀត។ កូនខ្មែររស់ទ្រាំទ្រវេទនា ជាពិសេសក្រោមការកាន់កាប់ របស់យួនរហូតដល់ឆ្នាំ ១៩៩១ (សន្ធិសញ្ញាក្រុងប៉ារីស) ទើបបានស្គាល់ពន្លឺសេរីភាពខ្លះៗ។ ប៉ុន្តែ ថ្ងៃដែលកូនខ្មែរពិតជាបានស្គាល់សេរីភាពដំបូង គឺ ថ្ងៃ ២៣ ដល់ ២៥ ឧសភា ១៩៩៣ (ថ្ងៃបោះឆ្នោត រើសតំណាងរាស្រ្តលើកដំបូង ទូទាំងប្រទេសខ្មែរ រៀបចំឡើងដោយអង្គការ UNTAC តំណាងអង្គការសហប្រជាជាតិ) ហើយរាជាណាចក្រទី ២ ក៏បានចាប់បដិសន្ធិឡើង នៅឆ្នាំ ១៩៩៣ ដែរ" នោះជាឃ្លាដែល កូនខ្មែរគ្រប់ជំនាន់ ត្រូវតែចងចាំជានិច្ច គ្មានភ្លេចមួយវិនាទី ព្រោះថ្ងៃ ៧ មករា ១៩៧៩ ជានិមិត្តរូប នៃលំហូរពួកយួន ចូលតាំងទី នៅប្រទេសខ្មែរ ក្នុងគោលដៅលេប យកប្រទេសខ្មែរ ដោយសន្តិវិធី ក្នុងអនាគតមិនយូរ, ក៏ជាថ្ងៃរំលឹកឡើងវិញ អំពើក្បត់ជាតិ របស់អាសំដាចម៍ក្បត់ជាតិ អគ្គមហាសេវាដៃចោរហ៊ុន សែនខូចសរសៃប្រសាទ (បើតាមសំដីរបស់ប៉ែន សុវណ្ណ, អតីតចៅហ្វាយរបស់ហ៊ុន សែន) កាត់ដីអោយយួន នៅឆ្នាំ ១៩៨០, ១៩៨៥, ១៩៩០, ២០០៥។ ឆ្នាំថ្មី ២០០៩, ជូនពរអាសំដាចម៍ហ៊ុន សែនងាប់តៃហោង ដោយរន្ទះបាញ់ដូចអាយួនហុក ឡងឌី ទៅហោង!!!

Anonymous said...

To 7:49AM

The Khmer people had been escaping the communist egalitarian hell since 1975 and before that!

Speak for yourself mother fucker!

Anonymous said...

listen to Keo sarath MP3

Anonymous said...

ពួកនគរបាល/អាវុធហត្ថ/ទាហាន ដែលដឹងថា នោះជាគ្រាប់បែកឆ្នៃ ពិតជាពួកអ្នកបង្កៃដាក់គ្រាប់បែក ព្រោះរាស្រ្តធម្មតាណា ទៅដឹង ឬ ស្គាល់ថា កំប៉ុងបាញ់មូសនោះ ជាគ្រាប់បែកឆ្នៃ ទោះជាន់ពីលើវាទៀត ក៏ដោយ។

អាក្បួនបង្កើតហេតុ ដើម្បីទាញផលនោះ, កូនខ្មែរគ្រប់រូបបានស្គាល់ក្រយៅណាស់ គ្មានបំភាន់កូនខ្មែរ បានទៀតទេ!!

អារឿងប្លន់ផ្សេងៗ កន្លងមក និង អារឿងប្លន់ ៤ ហាងមាស ថ្មីៗនេះ នៅក្រុងភ្នំពេញ, ក្រោយពីហុក ឡងឌីងាប់តៃហោង, មិនដែលរកឃើញ មុខចោរប្លន់សោះ ធ្វើអោយម្ចាស់ហាងមាសហិនហោចទ្រព្យ ប៉ះពាល់អារម្មណ៍ រស់ដោយភ័យខ្លាច ដល់សព្វថ្ងៃ។

រីឯកំប៉ុងបាញ់មូស គ្មានអ្នកណាស្គាល់ចាប់អារម្មណ៍ ថាជាគ្រាប់បែកឆ្នៃ បែរជាបំបោងពត៌មាន បង្កើតភាពភ័យខ្លាច ដល់មហាជនខ្មែរ ពេលមុនចូលឆ្នាំសកល ២០០៩ ទៅវិញ។

សូមកុំអោយមាន ក្បួនបែបហ្នឹងទៀត ៖ បង្កើតខ្លួនឯងបញ្ហា ដោយលួចលាក់ ហើយបង្ក្រាបបញ្ហា ដោយចេញមុខ ដើម្បីបង្អួតស្នាដៃ !?!! គួរអោយខ្ពើមណាស់ អំពើថោកទាប បែបអគតិ ចឹង!!!

មិនខុសពីក្បួនយួន ដែលបង្កើតរបបប៉ុល ពត រួចដណ្តើមអំណាចពីរបបប៉ុល ពត ដើម្បីបំភាន់ភ្នែកកូនខ្មែរ រួចបញ្ចូនពួកយួន អោយនៅតាមចិត្ត ពេញប្រទេសខ្មែរ ព្រមទាំងមានសន្ធិសញ្ញា (ចំលែកកណាស់) អោយ នគរបាលខ្មែរការពារសុវត្ថភាព ពួកយួនទាំងនោះទៀត !!! !!! កូនខ្មែរ​ទាំងអស់ ព្រមទាំងអស់លោក នគរបាល/អាវុធហត្ថ/ទាហាន ត្រូវតែវិភាគឡើងវិញ!!!


វាគ្រាន់តែជា ល្បិចបង្កើតព្រឹត្តិការ ដើម្បីគំរាមមហាជនខ្មែរ មុនពេលថ្ងៃធ្វើ ៧ មករា តែប៉ុណ្ណោះ ព្រោះ ខៀវ កញ្ញារិទ្ធិ, រដ្ឋមន្ត្រីក្រសួងពត៌មាន បានថ្លែងថា បានរកឃើញមុខសញ្ញា ដែលជាមុខសញ្ញាប្រឆាំង ៧ មករា ប៉ុន្តែពួកចោរប្លន់ ពួកឃាដករសំលាប់លោកជា វិជ្ជា, ពួកឃាដករសំលាប់លោកឃឹម សំបូរ និង កូនប្រុស របស់គាត់ រដ្ឋភិបាល នៅតែរកមិនឃើញមុខសញ្ញា។
សូមតែម៉្យាង រដ្ឋាភិបាលកុំមុយនិស្តផ្តាច់ការហ៊ុន សែន កុំចោទចាប់ មនុស្សគ្មានកំហុស ដូចដែលធ្លាប់បានធ្វើ លើ ឃាដករសិប្បនិម្មិត ប៊ន សំណាង និង សុខ សំអឿន នោះ!!!

Anonymous said...

We must clearly analyze the 7 January 1979 event.

1. Until 1977, no Khmer people who fled Cambodia to Vietnam.
2. After 1977, the KR and the youns fought each other because of political and territorial disputs.
3. The youns invaded many Cambodia provinces and killed systematical- ly Cambodians and Khmer Krom living in Vietnam and along the Cambodia-vietnam border.
4. Hun Sen, Chea Sim, Heng Samrin, Pen Sovan,and other KR dissidents catched by Vietnamese in order to fight back Cambodia....
5. Vietnam fought again and dominated Cambodia provinces along the borders on 22 December 1978.
6. Two weeks later, on 7 January 1979, Youns (vietmese) occuped Phnom Penh, Cambodia capital from the KR regime.
7. In fact it was the Vietnamese troops, and Not Heng Samrin and Hun Sen troops, who overthrew the KR regime.
8. The youns occuped Cambodia until 23 october 1991 (Paris agreement).(There 's no Morale in Politic).
9. After 7 January 1979 Cambodia became a Colonie of Vietnam: Installation of a Cambodian government controlled by Vietnam, Flow of Vietnamese people to Cambodia, Mobilization of Cambodian people countrywide to work as labor slaves from 1982 to 1989 in the border areas (K5 Strategic Plan..)
10. We must not grateful to the 7 January. We must destrouy the Monument 7 january 1979, which symbolize Colonization of Cambodia by Vietnam.

Anonymous said...

Nonsense, Ah Jkout (9:44), what's important is Khmer is FREE after JAN 7. That's all that's count. No one care about the rest.

Anonymous said...

Free, really?

Anonymous said...

when will Cambodia stop begging???

Anonymous said...

Cambodia thanks Vietnam,

In March 18,1970 Cambodia was plunged into war. Then Sihanouk apeal to the Cambodian people to participate in the said war against the American Imperialists, Lon Nolist and it clique, called to join the struggle movement to liberate the Cambodia.

The great vitocty of April 17, 1975 the movement of Sihanoukist and Pol Potist were lead a movement to liberate Cambodia, then Sihanoukist and Pol Potist turn their policy into GENOCIDE.

One day there he comes, Another patriotic Movements together with the full support from the voluntary forces of our second Father, Mother, Brother and Sister of Vietnam, Cambodia was saved from Sihanoukist
and Pol Potist the GENOCIDAL REGIME on January 7, 1979.

Without January 7, 1979 there is no more Cambodia today. So, Cambodian never forget the full support from the voluntary forces of our second Father, Mother, Brother and Sister of Vietnam.

Thank you Vietnam!
Thank you God Angle Hun Sen!
Thank you the greatest Victory of January 7, 1979.

CPP Political Headquarter
Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Khmer Young said...

Open Letter: My Concern of 7 January Celebration

Ladies and Gentlemen, Cambodian Compatriots:

My name's Khmer Young, a younger generation of Cambodia, I would like to express my heartbreaking and sadness to the continual mechanism to make Khmer divided under the controversial day of 7 January.

I am also one of the victim of the Khmer Rouge regime. Many relatives of mine were also starved, tortured and died during that period. Surely, it is not easy to forget this darkness in the history page of Cambodia. But to be a real young Khmer generation, I hold no revenge or hatred towards those mismanaging regime. I am surely realized that this extreme regime has been passed and will never come back again.

All Cambodians of both elders and youngers can see the same sight that Khmers should stop hatred among our own Khmer race, including the wilderness of the Khmer Rouge. This attitude perfectly reflects the heart of all Cambodians to forgive in order to gain the larger benefit and the brighter future. And as most Cambodian population are Buddhist, they has already learned to forgive in the way of clearing their path for the constructive past, intellectual present and brilliant successful future.

In the recent year, Cambodian people of both elders and youngers have been silent about the 7 January day. This quietness doesn't mean that they agree or appreciate this day. Their silence means that all Cambodian people have moved forwards to welcome new period of globalization and capitalism particularly to see the brighter future rather than being lived in the trap of a divisive strategy of foreigner.

However, the CPP as a so-called information minister has deliberately spoken through the media to rationale the 7 January as well as to use the strategy of "dividing and conquering" to make 7 January day become more attractive and to make fear among Cambodian people.

As I am one of the younger generation of Cambodian people, I am not going to debate the advantage or disadvantage of 7 January day because doing so I am just one among those who are falling in the trap of Vietnam. Vietnam has been so smart in making troubling in our society in order to benefit from it. More debate about this controversial day, more division surely happens in Khmer society. And who will benefit from this? The CPP or other parties, or Cambodian people?

To stand strongly in celebrating this day by some few CPP's members are really inspiring. Of course, there are many CPP's prominent members and common supporters don't see any significant necessary to celebrate this day for the benefit of Cambodia or particularly for the benefiting of CPP party to win the vote during election period. CPP with huge budget and human resource can easily win other party rather than using this controversial day. They surely see this day is out of date, and when the Khmer Rouge has been disappeared, this 7 January day is appearing clearly as the day of foreigner intervention and occupation in Cambodia.

Dear all Cambodian compatriots, our don ta (ancestors) have been instructing us to unite and trust each other especially our same race, so any activity that leads to controversial and division among our compatriots, that activity must be condemned and named it as "treason or traitor".

Again, this letter humbly appeals to all Khmers to see the right thing in order to lead the navy of Cambodia in the right track to appreciate our next civilized advancement.

The recognition or celebration of the 7 January day will surely exacerbate our nation, it will not bring any better for Cambodia under the current change of the world.

With King Regards,

Your Very Truly,

Khmer Young

Anonymous said...

The people who think this day as a LIBERATION are:

1. The myopic Khmer
2. The Yuon disguised as Khmer
3. The Yuon government disguised as Khmer

If this shit day is so important why don't the government teach students in depth about why Khmer Kill Khmer or are they afriad Khmer might find out the truth.

Note: 7 January is not Khmer history its Yuon history.

Anonymous said...

Don't listen to Ah tomato pickers. They love to be slave.

Jan 7 is FREEDOM day for all Khmer people.

Anonymous said...

Remember! 7 January 1979 is NOT the day Vietnamese invader, But, as The liberator of Cambodian from Sihanouk-Pol Pol Genocidal Regime.

A Student of Hun Sen College, Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

Wrong 1:26 PM,
Dead wrong!

Yuon has been Khmer enemy for centuries. Yuon never stops nor has Yuon quit killing Khmer. There is a saying - A good Yuon is a dead Yuon!

Yuon plays many roles among which a killer and a pretender to save and ultimately conquer.
You 1:26 PM and the rest of your clique CPP can deny all you want but the fact remains that Cambodia will be Yuon as commonly westernized with the word - Vietnamization.

Knowingly or unknowingly and under the nose of that dumb ass one-eye gangster HUN SEN, Yuon kills Khmer every day from P. Penh all the way to the country side - just like that babarian HUN SEN said - if "you dare talking about the border or YUON, you are talking about "coffin"!

Currently the buz word is - Whoever dares poking his nose around to find out, will be dead!

Tell that dumb ass one-eye gangster Hun Sen of yours to let loose of Khmer people if he so daring...and see what Cambodia will become!

We Khmer opt to live free, or die!
If you 1:26 PM are already YUON slave, it's your choice but don't drag all of us Khmer to be one.

Anonymous said...

Happy Freedom day (Jan 7) to all!

Thanks to Vietnam!

Thanks to PM Hun Sen!

Anonymous said...

How is it possible that the Viet are willing to give the Khmer in Cambodia a freedom on (Jan 7) but not to the million and million of Khmer in Vietnam?

If anybody welcome the (Jan 7) is only the Viet in Cambodia and their puppet and rightly so because the Viet in Cambodia enjoy more freedom than the Khmer in Vietnam!

Anonymous said...

Is there any Khmer in Vietnam?

What about Khmer in Thailand and Laos?

Anonymous said...

To 5:53

Did Thailand or Laos invaded and occupied Cambodia for 10 years and injected million of their people into Cambodia?

If no shut the fuck up mother fucker!

Anonymous said...

If I were AH HUN SEN and I would be grateful of the January 7 because without this day and I wouldn't be in power until now!

AH HUN SEN enjoy the good life that money can buy! Couldn't ask for more!

Anonymous said...

They will, if your steal their land and kill their people, stupid (7:21).

Anonymous said...

Why don't you ask the Khmer Rouge mother fucker!

Anonymous said...

This guy Mr.khieu kanharith, he's really don't know what ta fuck he's talking about? don't cambodia have anyone else to do the job beside this oldfuckface..? fucking oldface people working on the same fucking idea..shit!! that's why there's no progress....fucker!!

Anonymous said...

Like i use to say, those tomatoes people are still alot better than your whore mother fucking with Viet slave in the street(SVY PAK), you got that..Ah Pleur undersea begger!! stop begging for help from outside...cheapshit begger!! and stop begging to come here...fool!